Roll tal-patata mimli, riċetta għat-tieni platt għani u fit-togħma

il Roll tal-patata is a captivating rustic, stuffed dish, where the ingredients blend together to create a delight with a racy heart. Potatoes can be cooked with or without peel, whole or in pieces, with or without seasonings; cooking is always necessary to break down starches. If you want an easy and tasty but above all healthy side dish, try the recipe for Ċipep tal-patata, a valid alternative to the classic french fries. The potato roll is made starting from a base of Patata mgħollija, in this regard, try to take a look at our recipe to create many others, from appetizers to unique dishes. This stuffed roll refers to the potato cake typical of Trentino cuisine which consists of grating raw potatoes with the addition of salt and flour to give consistency and is usually accompanied by cold cuts and cheeses, beans, or vegetables and sometimes sweetened with jams. or jams. You just have to try them all!

Ingredjenti għal 10 nies

  • White-fleshed potatoes: 800 g
  • Bajd: 1
  • Butir: 50 g
  • Parmesan maħkuk: 50 g
  • Melħ: għat-togħma
  • White pepper: to taste
  • Noċemuskata: għat-togħma
  • Frozen spinach: 4 cubes
  • Perżut imsajjar: 100 g
  • Smoked provolone: ​​100 g
  • Frak tal-ħobż
  • Small potato (optional)
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 45
  • Tisjir: minuti 30
  • Totali: 1 siegħa, 15 minuta
  • Kaloriji: 300 Kcal / porzjon



Clean the potatoes, cut them into cubes and pour them into a pan with cold water. Bring the water to a boil and let them cook for about 20 minutes, or until soft. Once cooked, drain and mash with a potato masher.


Add the butter, salt, pepper, nutmeg, Parmesan cheese and egg to the hot potatoes and mix everything together.


Once the dough is homogeneous and blended, pour it on a sheet of parchment paper. Now roll it out with the help of a rolling pin to give it a rectangular shape; for a better result you can cover the dough obtained with another sheet of paper and press lightly on it with a rolling pin.


At this point, distribute the previously defrosted and well-squeezed spinach from their liquid on the surface of the dough as soon as it is rolled out, leaving the edges empty to prevent the ingredients from escaping.


Now spread the cooked ham into slices that are not too thick.


Finally add the slices of smoked provola.


Once all the ingredients of the filling have been arranged, roll up the roll starting from the long side; to do this you can help yourself with parchment paper.


Now pay attention to seal the two ends well to prevent the cooking ingredients from escaping.


Sprinkle the entire surface with breadcrumbs.


Place the Roll in a loaf pan and, if you prefer, add some thinly sliced ​​potato slices.


Arrange the slices of potato just cut with a mandolin on the top of the roll created and sprinkle everything with a drizzle of oil.


Seal with the paper in which it is coated and bake at 200 ° C, in a preheated oven, for about 30 minutes; the last 5 minutes uncover the surface and switch the oven to a grill mode in order to brown the surface. Once cooked, take the roll out of the oven and, to avoid breaking it, let it cool for at least 20 minutes before cutting it.


  • Tqaxxar il-patata
  • Mandolina
  • Borma
  • Masher tal-patata
  • Skutella kbira
  • Karta li ma tagħmilx griż
  • rolling pin
  • Taġen tal-ħobża

Għajnuniet u tricks

  • The secret for a perfect result of the Potato Rotolo is the realization of the potato base: it must be dry, compact and very cold.
  • Remember to always mash the potatoes when they are still hot to prevent them from becoming sticky.
  • For the creation of the filling you can indulge yourself: go from cured meats and cheeses or, why not, also try with stewed or grilled vegetables, creating delicious variations!
  • To prevent the potato roll from opening during cooking, grease it with a drizzle of oil and cook it in well-sealed parchment paper.
  • You can increase the serving size of the potatoes as much as you like to increase the number of servings.
  • White-fleshed potatoes were used in the recipe because, having a floury pulp, which pulps during cooking, they are suitable for mashing, for example, in mashed potatoes, croquettes or gnocchi. But since there are so many varieties, you can have fun using other types: new potatoes, yellow-fleshed potatoes, or red-skinned and yellow-fleshed potatoes (ideal baked in foil and in the oven).


The potato roll can be stored in the refrigerator either raw, already wrapped and sealed għal 2/3 ijiem, or freeze it. It can be stored cooked by keeping it at room temperature for a maximum of 1 day or in the fridge għal 2/3 ijiemthen heat it for a few seconds in the microwave or oven before consuming it.


Native to the Andes, the potato was domesticated in the Lake Titicaca region and became one of the main foods of the Incas, who developed a large number of varieties to adapt it to the different environments of the regions they inhabited. The first Ewropej to know the potato were the Spanish conquistadors of Peru. The potato was considered a low quality food to be destined for the self-consumption of farmers and lower social strata, as well as for animals, while the best quality crops were destined for sale. But at the beginning ofseklu dsatax it was realized that the potato could also be used for refined preparations, as evidenced by its appearance in the recipe books of that period.

Ingredjenti għal 10 nies

  • White-fleshed potatoes: 800 g
  • Bajd: 1
  • Butir: 50 g
  • Parmesan maħkuk: 50 g
  • Melħ: għat-togħma
  • White pepper: to taste
  • Noċemuskata: għat-togħma
  • Frozen spinach: 4 cubes
  • Perżut imsajjar: 100 g
  • Smoked provolone: ​​100 g
  • Frak tal-ħobż
  • Small potato (optional)
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 45
  • Tisjir: minuti 30
  • Totali: 1 siegħa, 15 minuta
  • Kaloriji: 300 Kcal / porzjon
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Philip Owell

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