We put the Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G through our rigorous SBMARK Display test suite to measure its performance across six criteria. In the results of this test, we will analyze how it performed in a series of tests and in several common use cases.

Ħarsa ġenerali

Speċifikazzjonijiet ewlenin tal-wiri:

  • 6.67-il pulzier AMOLED (~ 90.2% proporzjon tal-iskrin għall-ġisem)
  • Dimensjonijiet: 161.4 x 74.2 x 8.9 mm (6.35 x 2.92 x 0.35 pulzieri)
  • Riżoluzzjoni: 1220 x 2712 pixels, (densità ~ 446 ppi)
  • Proporzjon ta 'l-aspett: 20: 9
  • Rata ta 'riħid: 120Hz


  • Rendiment tajjeb tal-kulur fil-biċċa l-kbira tal-kundizzjonijiet tad-dawl
  • L-interazzjonijiet tal-mess huma pjuttost bla xkiel u preċiżi fil-biċċa l-kbira tal-każijiet ta 'użu
  • Ebda teptip u aktar konvenjenti biex jintuża f'ambjenti ta 'dawl baxx


  • M'għandux luminożità meta tilgħab vidjows HDR10
  • Meta tilgħab logħob tal-kompjuter, l-allinjament ħażin tal-qafas huma viżibbli
  • Nuqqas ta 'luminożità tal-iskrin u dettall fid-dawl tax-xemx qawwi

Ix-Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G kellu prestazzjoni mħallta fit-testijiet tagħna SBMARK Display, bl-iskrin tat-telefon high-end jibqa 'fidel għall-kuluri fost livelli ta' luminożità irregolari li affettwaw l-esperjenza ġenerali tal-utent.

The Redmi Note 13 Pro+’s flicker-free screen was comfortable to use especially indoors and in low-light conditions, providing consistently good colors in most use cases. But the screen’s readability worsens outdoors, as the control of brightness levels becomes unstable in sunlight, causing some color shades to appear flat.

Watching HDR video in a dark environment suffered from the screen’s lack of brightness, and many details in the video were difficult to see. The video experience was also affected by delayed resumption of playback after scrolling forward or backward through a video.

Touch interactions when scrolling the web or viewing photos were quite smooth, and response time was very quick overall. However, when playing video games, the screen was vulnerable to many inadvertent touches and mismatched frames.

Sommarju tat-test

Dwar it-testijiet tal-wiri SBMARK: Għall-punteġġ u l-analiżi fl-ismartphones tagħna u reviżjonijiet oħra tal-wiri, l-inġiniera ta 'SBMARK iwettqu serje ta' testijiet oġġettivi u perċettivi taħt laboratorju kkontrollat ​​u kundizzjonijiet tal-ħajja reali. Jekk jogħġbok innota li aħna nevalwaw l-attributi tal-wiri billi nużaw biss il-hardware tal-wiri inkorporat tal-apparat u l-immaġni fissa (gallerija) u l-apps tal-vidjo tiegħu b'settings default. (Għal informazzjoni fil-fond dwar kif nevalwaw l-ismartphones u displays oħra, ara l-artikoli tagħna “Kif SBMARK Tests Display Quality” u “Ħarsa aktar mill-qrib lejn SBMARK Display Tests.”

The following section brings together key elements of our comprehensive testing and analysis performed in SBMARK laboratories. Detailed performance evaluations in the form of reports are available upon request. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-leġġibbiltà tal-wiri

Readability evaluates the ease and comfort with which users can read fixed content (photos and web) on the display in various real-life conditions. SBMARK uses its display stand to recreate ambient light conditions ranging from total darkness to bright sunlight. In addition to laboratory tests, perceptual analysis is also carried out in real-life environments.

Leġibbiltà f'ambjent ta 'ġewwa (1000 lux).

Mix-xellug għal-lemin: Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G, Samsung Galaxy A54 5G, Google Pixel 7a, Honor 90

(Ritratt għal skopijiet illustrattivi biss)

Leġibbiltà f'ambjent xemxi (>90,000 lux).

Mix-xellug għal-lemin: Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G, Samsung Galaxy A54 5G, Google Pixel 7a, Honor 90

(Ritratt għal skopijiet illustrattivi biss)

Kejl tal-uniformità tal-luminanza

This graph shows display uniformity with a gray pattern at 20%. The more visible the green color, the more uniform the display will be.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-kulur tal-wiri

The color attribute evaluates the device’s ability to accurately reproduce colors. The measurements taken concern fidelity, white point color and gamut coverage. We perform color evaluations for different lighting conditions to see how well the device can handle color in its surroundings. Colors are measured using a spectrophotometer in a controlled lighting environment. The perceptual analysis of the color rendering takes place compared to the reference model displayed on a calibrated professional monitor.

Punt abjad taħt illuminant D65 f'1000 lux

Rendiment tal-kulur fuq ġewwa (1000 lux)

Lejn l-arloġġ minn fuq ix-xellug: Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G, Samsung Galaxy A54 5G, Google Pixel 7a, Honor 90

(Ritratt għal skopijiet illustrattivi biss)

Riżultat tal-kulur fid-dawl tax-xemx (>90,000 lux)

Lejn l-arloġġ minn fuq ix-xellug: Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G, Samsung Galaxy A54 5G, Google Pixel 7a, Honor 90

(Ritratt għal skopijiet illustrattivi biss)

Kejl tal-fedeltà tal-kulur

Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G, fedeltà tal-kulur f'1000 lux fl-ispazju tal-kulur sRGB

Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G, fedeltà tal-kulur f'1000 lux fl-ispazju tal-kulur Display-P3

Each arrow represents the color difference between a target color model (arrow base) and its actual measurement (arrow tip). The longer the arrow, the more visible the color difference. If the arrow remains inside the circle the color difference will only be visible to expert eyes.

Imġieba tal-kulur fil-kantuniera

This graph shows the color shift when the screen is tilted. Each point represents a measurement at a particular angle. The dots inside the inner circle show no color change in the corner; those between the inner and outer circles have changes that only trained experts will see; but those that fall outside the outer circle are noted.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-Vidjo Display

Our video attribute evaluates each device’s Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) and High Dynamic Range (HDR10) video handling in indoor and low-light conditions. We measure the tone mapping, color gamut, brightness and contrast of the display. We perform perceptual analysis Cons our professional reference monitor (Sony BVM-HX310) to ensure rendering meets artistic intent.

Rendiment tal-vidjo f'ambjent ta' dawl baxx (0 lux).

Lejn l-arloġġ minn fuq ix-xellug: Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G, Samsung Galaxy A54 5G, Google Pixel 7a, Honor 90

(Ritratt għal skopijiet illustrattivi biss)

Lejn l-arloġġ minn fuq ix-xellug: Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G, Samsung Galaxy A54 5G, Google Pixel 7a, Honor 90

(Ritratt għal skopijiet illustrattivi biss)

Gamut kopertura għall-kontenut tal-vidjo

Primary colors are measured in both HDR10 and SDR. The extracted color gamut shows the extent of the color area that the device can reproduce. To meet artistic intent, the measured gamma must match the primary color space of each video.

Kif huwa magħmul il-Display Motion Score

The motion attribute evaluates dynamic content handling. Dropped frames, motion blur, and playback artifacts are examined using games and videos.

Waqqa' frames tal-vidjo

These long exposure photos have the number of frame irregularities in a 30 second video. Good performance shows a regular pattern (a flat gray image or a drop-down pattern).

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ Display Touch

Biex tevalwa touch, SBMARK juża robot touch u kamera b'veloċità għolja biex tilgħab u jirreġistra serje ta 'xenarji għall-evalwazzjoni tal-intoppi, l-eżattezza u l-ħin tar-rispons.

This response time test accurately evaluates the time that elapses between a single touch of the robot on the screen and the displayed action. This test is applied to activities that require high responsiveness, such as gaming.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-artifact tal-wiri

Evaluating artifacts means checking for performance, image rendering, and motion defects that can impact the end-user experience. SBMARK precisely measures device reflectance and the presence of flicker, and evaluates the impact of residual aliasing when playing video games, among other features.

Aliasing (it-tagħrif miksub)

Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G

(Ritratt għal skopijiet illustrattivi biss)

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Philip Owell

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