Pennette bil-vodka, il-klassika mis-snin 80

Il-pennette bil-vodka, flimkien ma’ platti oħra bħall-cocktail tal-gambli, għamlu l-istorja tal-kċina Taljana fis-snin sebgħin u tmenin. Dixx li l-oriġini tiegħu hija kkontestata bejn l-Italja u l-Istati Uniti, magħruf ukoll bħala “Pinen Russi” minħabba l-preżenza tad-distillat prodott prinċipalment f’dawk l-artijiet. Penne rigate u imsajjar għall-perfezzjoni bil krema delikata bbażata fuq il-krema, tadam u bacon, imħallta mal-vodka li tagħti lid-dixx togħma speċjali ħafna, li tippermetti li t-tadam joħroġ aromi intensi ħafna. Lest fi 30 minuta biss, pennette bil-vodka huma faċli ħafna biex jiġu ppreparati u noffrulek verżjoni verament sempliċi u foolproof, perfetta biex tagħmel krema perfetta, ħoxna u fit-togħma. Is-sigriet jinsab fihuża pejst tat-tadamli l-aċidità tiegħu se titnaqqas bil-ħlewwa tal-krema tat-tisjir: nassigurakom li r-riżultat se jħallik tassew sodisfatt.

Ingredjenti għal 4 nies

  • Bacon: 250g
  • Krema friska: 300 ml
  • Basla: 1
  • Vodka: 150ml
  • Żejt taż-żebbuġa extra verġni: 2 tbsp
  • Pejst tat-tadam: 10 g
  • Melħ li t-togħma
  • Penne rigate: 350 g
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 15
  • Tisjir: minuti 15
  • Totali: minuti 30
  • Kaloriji: 317 kcal/porzjon



Fill a large pot with enough cold water. Bring it to a medium flame and wait for it to boil. As soon as it comes to a boil, add the salt and pour the pasta, giving it a stir. Cook the pasta according to the cooking time indicated on the package.


In the meantime, peel and clean a golden onion. Cut it in half, then into slices and then chop it finely.


Pour the two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil into a large, non-stick frying pan and turn the heat on to low. As soon as the oil has heated up enough, add the chopped onion and let it simmer for 2 minutes.


Cut the bacon into cubes, if you bought it whole. Alternatively, you can also buy ready-made diced bacon. As soon as the onion has softened, add the bacon to the pan, brown it for 2-3 minutes over medium heat and then let everything evaporate by pouring in the vodka.


When the alcohol has completely evaporated you can add the tomato paste and mix well so that it joins the bacon.


Add a pinch of salt and pour the cream into the pan. Mix with a spatula or wooden spoon until creamy.


At this point the pasta will be cooked. Drain it and pour it directly into the pan, sautéing it for 1 minute so that it mixes perfectly with the cream. Serve immediately, piping hot.

Pariri u pariri

You can use any bacon you prefer, smoked or sweet. Some also use speck cut into strips.

You can use golden, white or red onions. If you prefer, you can also use shallots for a more subtle flavour.

Don’t let the cream cook too muchotherwise it will be clotted. Instead, it must remain smooth and dense.

Blow up the pasta with the cream għal minuta and no more, to prevent it from continuing too much cooking and resulting soft.

You can chop a sprig of parsley very finely and add a little as a final decoration to the dish.

Use a smooth vodka, good quality. You can also use chilli vodka if you like, thus obtaining a spicy taste.


Pennette with vodka they must be consumed immediately. They cannot be refrigerated or frozen.


Pennette with vodka were particularly famous in the 1980s both in Italy and in America, where they were served at buffets, parties and evenings in clubs. At the time, the use of cooking cream in first courses was particularly appreciated, but vodka as an ingredient was not so widespread. For this reason the The origins of pennette alla vodka are very uncertain and disputed: it is said that the dish was invented by a Bolognese chef who is particularly fond of vodka al Dante restaurantbut some sources declare that instead the invention is to be attributed to a student of Columbia University, James Doty. Others refer to the recipe book “Il-Buffun” published by the actor Ugo Tognazzi on the occasion of the film The Big Binge, where the protagonist eats a plate of penne with tomato sauce and very spicy vodka, which replaced the chilli pepper. Finally, a fourth version gives the paternity of the dish to a Neapolitan cook, Luigi Franzesechef at the Orsini restaurant in New York.

Ingredjenti għal 4 nies

  • Bacon: 250g
  • Krema friska: 300 ml
  • Basla: 1
  • Vodka: 150ml
  • Żejt taż-żebbuġa extra verġni: 2 tbsp
  • Pejst tat-tadam: 10 g
  • Melħ li t-togħma
  • Penne rigate: 350 g
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 15
  • Tisjir: minuti 15
  • Totali: minuti 30
  • Kaloriji: 317 kcal/porzjon
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Philip Owell

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