Cheesecake tal-lumi mingħajr ħami, faċli u frisk

Hemm cheesecake tal-lumi mingħajr ħami huwa kejk tassew faċli biex jitħejja iżda li, minkejja s-sempliċità tiegħu, għandu togħma straordinarja, friska u delikata. Nibdew billi nagħmlu bażi ta’ gallettini mfarrka bil-butir imdewweb, imbagħad inħallu fil-friġġ il-ħin meħtieġ biex tikkumpatta. Fir-riċetta tagħna, għall-mili, nużaw irkotta friska tal-ħalib tal-baqra, ġobon kremu li jista’ jinfirex, zokkor, meraq tal-lumi organiku u krema friska b’aġent tal-ġelu. Il-partikolarità ta 'dan cheesecake tinsab fit-togħma tal-lumi li imur perfettament mal-kremuż tal-ġobon, flimkien ma’ silġ delizzjuż ibbażat fuq ilma, zokkor u turmeric, ħwawar li jagħti kulur oranġjo lill-wiċċ tal-kejk. Il-preparazzjoni hija mgħaġġla ħafna u l-kejk irid jistrieħ għal ftit sigħat qabel ma jiġi servut. Iċ-cheesecake tal-lumi mingħajr ħami huwa ideali biex tipprepara għal min ma jridx jixgħel il-forn, perfetta għal dining formali jew każwali matul is-sena. U jekk tħobb iċ-cheesecake mingħajr ħami, ipprova wkoll il-berry cheesecake tagħna!

Ingredjenti għal 6 people (20 cm tray)

  • Gallettini niexfa: 250 g
  • Butir: 120 g
  • Cow ricotta: 250 g
  • Spreadable fresh cheese: 400 g
  • Lumi: 4
  • Zokkor trab: 150 g
  • Krema friska likwida: 130 ml
  • Ġelatina tal-folja: 12 g
  • Zokkor granulat: 80 g
  • Ilma: 50ml
  • Mint: to taste
  • Preparazzjoni: 1 siegħa
  • Tisjir:
  • Totali: 1 siegħa
  • Kaloriji: 312 kcal/porzjon



To prepare the lemon cheesecake, start from the base: pour the biscuits into a blender and start the mixer every few seconds until all the biscuits are reduced to crumbs.


Put the butter in a cup or bowl suitable for the microwave, then let it melt for 40 seconds at maximum power.


Pour the butter into the mixer, together with the biscuits, and start it for 10 seconds. You will have to obtain a moist mixture.


Line a 20 cm diameter pan with parchment paper and pour the biscuit and butter mixture into it.


Press the mixture with the bottom of a glass in order to compact the mixture well and thus form the base of the cake, leveling it evenly. Place the cake in the fridge to harden for about 30 minutes.


In the meantime you can prepare the cream. Start by soaking the gelatin in cold water. He will have to stay about 10 minutes.


With a juicer you will have to obtain 80 ml of lemon juice. You will need about 2 or 2 and 1/2 of them. Filter it with a fine-mesh strainer to retain the pulp and seeds.


In a bowl, pour the ricotta and the spreadable cheese, then mix everything with a whisk


Grate the zest of a lemon with a small-hole grater, making sure it is not treated.


Add the grated zest to the cream cheese, mixing with a spatula.


Also add the icing sugar and mix everything with the electric mixer at low speed.


Also add the filtered lemon juice and continue to mix everything well.


Pour the cream into a saucepan and bring to a medium-low heat. When the cream is close to boiling, turn off the heat and move the saucepan to a cold spot on the stove. Squeeze the gelatin and add it to the hot cream.


Stir rapidly with a whisk until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Leave to cool, then pour the cream and gelatin a little at a time into the cheese mixture, stirring to mix well.


Retrieve the biscuit base from the fridge and pour in all the cream.


Level the surface with a spatula or the back of a spoon, then place the cake in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.


After the rest hours, start preparing the glaze: pour water, sugar and 60 ml of filtered lemon juice into a saucepan.


Also add the cornstarch and mix using a hand whisk.


Place on the fire and bring to a boil, setting the flame to medium-high. Add the turmeric, stirring with a whisk and when the mixture comes to a boil, turn off the heat and move the saucepan.


Let the glaze cool by pouring it into a small bowl. When it is sufficiently warm, retrieve the cheesecake from the refrigerator and pour the icing over it, covering the entire surface. Place back in the fridge for 3 hours.


Prepare the syrup with water and granulated sugar, pouring them into a saucepan. Bring to the boil and let them come to a boil, then turn off the flame.


Cut lemon slices about ½ centimeter thick. Put them in a small bowl and pour the water and sugar syrup over the lemon slices and leave them to infuse until it’s time to decorate the dessert.


Once the cooling time has elapsed, unmold the dessert from the pan and decorate with the lemon slices, together with the mint leaves.

Pariri u pariri

For an even better result, prepare the lemon cheesecake a day in advance. This way it will achieve the right texture.

Use fresh, quality ingredients. Make sure you buy organic and unprocessed lemonsin order to use the peel, and try to use fresh juice and not the one purchased in bottles.

Before starting to prepare the recipe, keep all the ingredients at room temperature. In this way they will mix better and you will not risk the formation of lumps.

You can use dry biscuits type Saiwa Gold or choose the variety diġestiva. In both cases you will obtain a compact and perfect base for this preparation.

You can also decorate the surface with fresh basil leaves or with white chocolate flakes: both flavors combine perfectly with that of lemon.

This cheesecake can be made with completely vegan ingredients using vegetable buttervegetable cream, ricotta and soy cheese (alternatively, soy yogurt). Do not use gelatin (also known as “fish glue”) because it may contain animal derivatives. Always check the label and prefer agar agar.


The lemon cheesecake can be stored in the refrigerator, inside a container for cakes, for 2-3 jiem għall-akbar.

It can be frozen for a maximum of 1 month, preferably already portioned in hermetically sealed containers.

Ingredjenti għal 6 people (20 cm pan)

  • Gallettini niexfa: 250 g
  • Butir: 120 g
  • Cow ricotta: 250 g
  • Spreadable fresh cheese: 400 g
  • Lumi: 4
  • Zokkor trab: 150 g
  • Krema friska likwida: 130 ml
  • Ġelatina tal-folja: 12 g
  • Zokkor granulat: 80 g
  • Ilma: 50ml
  • Mint: to taste
  • Preparazzjoni: 1 siegħa
  • Tisjir:
  • Totali: 1 siegħa
  • Kaloriji: 312 kcal/porzjon
  • Kategorija tal-kariga:Ġobon
  • Awtur tal-posta:
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Philip Owell

Blogger professjonali, hawn biex iġiblek kontenut ġdid u interessanti kull darba li żżur il-blog tagħna.