Gallettini taċ-ċikkulata, riċetta ta 'ħelu eċċellenti għal snack

How good are the Cookies taċ-ċikkulata? If you are looking for recipes for simple homemade cookies, you should definitely try them: one leads to another. Excellent for a snack with afternoon tea or to be dipped in milk during the morning breakfast, chocolate biscuits are also a perfect “calming” for the evening before going to bed: sugar and chocolate help you sleep. Unlike those with chocolate chips, they are not prepared with shortcrust pastry, but with a simple, tasty recipe with few ingredients. Furthermore, the goodness of these sweets is given by the skur ċikkulata melted instead of cocoa powder. Here is the quick and easy recipe for soft and delicious chocolate biscuits.

Ingredjenti għal 15 nies

  • 00 dqiq: 250 g
  • zokkor: 70 g
  • ċikkulata skura: 90 g
  • salt: 1 pinch
  • bajd: 2
  • seed oil: 50 ml
  • baking powder: 1 sachet
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 10
  • Tisjir: minuti 15
  • Totali: minuti 25
  • Kaloriji: 460 Kcal / 100 g



To prepare the chocolate biscuits, start by putting the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl.


Make a hollow in the mixture with the flour and break the eggs in the center and pour in the oil. Start mixing with the help of a wooden spoon.


Separately, melt the chocolate in a double boiler.


Add the melted dark chocolate to the mixture and mix well, first with a spoon and then with your hands, in order to mix the ingredients until they are completely amalgamated.


Once a smooth and homogeneous dough is obtained, form a loaf.


We are ready to form chocolate biscuits: take small portions of dough about the size of a walnut. Squeeze them lightly with your hands and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, spaced apart.
Bake the biscuits at 180 ° C for 15 minutes in a preheated static oven and, once ready, let them cool on a wire rack before serving.


  • Żewġ skutelli
  • A saucepan (for melting chocolate in a double boiler)
  • Mgħarfa tal-injam
  • A silicone kitchen spatula
  • Karta li ma tagħmilx griż
  • Xtilliera tal-wajer

Għajnuniet u tricks

  • Jekk inti tixtieq aromatize your dough and make it as fragrant as possible, add the grated zest of an orange or a lemon, or add the vanilla beans. For the most gluttonous chocolate lovers, dark or milk chocolate drops or flakes can be added to the dough to make everything even more delicious. You’ll get some mouth-watering homemade cookies – kids will love them.
  • To make chocolate biscuits with a ‘kkrekkjata‘in prominence (also called crinkles or ikkrekkja), you can roll the balls of dough first in the white granulated sugar and then in the icing sugar. During cooking, the cookies will tend to swell slightly and crack on the surface. In this way, a visual contrast will be formed between the dark chocolate and the white of the sugar with a particular and, indeed, ‘cracked’ effect.
  • These tasty chocolate chip cookies have been prepared mingħajr butir for a more ‘light’ yield. But if you prefer to prepare dark chocolate biscuits with shortcrust pastry, you will have to replace the oil with butter in equal measure and let the dough rest in the refrigerator for at least 40 minutes before making the balls.


Store the chocolate biscuits inside a tin box or other airtight container and consume them fi żmien 10 ijiem massimu. We do not recommend freezing.

Ingredjenti għal 15 nies

  • 00 dqiq: 250 g
  • zokkor: 70 g
  • ċikkulata skura: 90 g
  • salt: 1 pinch
  • bajd: 2
  • seed oil: 50 ml
  • baking powder: 1 sachet
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 10
  • Tisjir: minuti 15
  • Totali: minuti 25
  • Kaloriji: 460 Kcal / 100 g
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Philip Owell

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