Polenta moħmija, platt għani tax-xitwa

Polenta is one of the traditional dishes of Northern Italy, typical of the winter period. Baked polenta is one of the variants of the classic polenta consumed with cheese fondues, or paired with meat main courses. This version was born as a recovery of leftover polenta. And in fact, when not all the polenta is consumed, leaving it in the fridge in a container it will take on a compact shape, allowing us to prepare other dishes. In fact, we can cut it into thin slices and fry it in hot oil, to have crunchy polenta chips. We can grill it, or pass it in the oven accompanying it with cheeses. The procedure is simple, and thanks to the instant polenta packages we are able to shorten cooking times. Polenta is in fact prepared by combining corn flour with water, the proportions of which depend on the grain of the flour. A coarse-grained raw flour, ideal for making polenta, generally absorbs more water.

Ingredjenti għal 10 nies

  • 00 dqiq: 500 g
  • sunflower oil: 50 ml
  • ħalib: 250 ml
  • ħmira tal-birra friska: 15 g
  • zokkor granulat: 65 g
  • nutella: to taste
  • Preparazzjoni: sigħat 3
  • Tisjir: minuti 18
  • Totali: XNUMx sigħat, 3 minuti
  • Kaloriji: 410 kcal / 100 g



Prepare the polenta following the instructions on the package, remembering to salt it. You can also decide to use some leftover polenta the day before. Once cooked, spread it on the bottom of a pan suitable for cooking in the oven.


Meanwhile, put a drizzle of oil with the garlic clove in a pan. Add the mushrooms and cook them, finally adding salt. Add the chopped parsley and remove the garlic.


Pour the mushrooms on the polenta, complete with the béchamel and grated cheese and bake at 200 ° C in grill mode for 10-15 minutes.
Servi jaħraq.

Ingredjenti għal 10 nies

  • 00 dqiq: 500 g
  • sunflower oil: 50 ml
  • ħalib: 250 ml
  • ħmira tal-birra friska: 15 g
  • zokkor granulat: 65 g
  • nutella: to taste
  • Preparazzjoni: sigħat 3
  • Tisjir: minuti 18
  • Totali: XNUMx sigħat, 3 minuti
  • Kaloriji: 410 kcal / 100 g
  • Kategorija tal-kariga:Moħmi
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Philip Owell

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