We put the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra through our rigorous SBMARK Audio test suite to measure its performance in both recording audio using the built-in microphones and playing audio through speakers.
F'din ir-reviżjoni, aħna ser nkissru kif wettaq f'varjetà ta 'testijiet u diversi każijiet ta' użu komuni.

Ħarsa ġenerali

L-ispeċifikazzjonijiet ewlenin tal-awdjo jinkludu:

  • Bottom side and top front
  • Ebda output awdjo jack



  • Very good performance overall
  • Deep and powerful bass
  • Stable tone and dynamic performance at all volumes


  • Il-konsistenza tal-passi tal-volum teħtieġ irfinar
  • Limited width of the sound stage, given the size of the device



  • Prestazzjoni tonali tajba b'mod ġenerali
  • Good and very natural audio zoom performance
  • Excellent performance in terms of wind noise in live videos and selfies


  • Too sensitive to wind in the memo app
  • Il-ħsejjes tripli ftit tinny bl-app recorder
  • Nuqqas ġenerali ta 'luminożità fl-apps kollha użati

With a SBMARK Audio score of 139, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra performed very well in our tests, and changed very little from the audio performance of the S23 Ultra. The built-in speakers offer good overall sound quality with a nice timbre and deep, powerful bass, making the Samsung a great option for listening to music, watching movies or playing games.

Recording results were better with the main camera, but the S24 Ultra did a decent job with the selfie camera as well. Recordings with the memo app were limited by the default memo setting. Overall, the built-in microphones performed well. The audio zoom function was able to reduce background noise and focus on the main subject. Wind noise reduction also worked effectively.

Sommarju tat-test

Dwar it-testijiet tal-awdjo SBMARK: Għall-punteġġ u l-analiżi fir-reviżjonijiet tal-awdjo tal-ismartphone tagħna, l-inġiniera SBMARK iwettqu serje ta 'testijiet oġġettivi u jagħmlu aktar minn 20 siegħa ta' evalwazzjoni perċettiv taħt kundizzjonijiet tal-laboratorju kkontrollati.
(Għal aktar dettalji dwar il-protokoll ta’ daqq tagħna, ikklikkja hawn; għal aktar dettalji dwar il-protokoll ta’ reġistrazzjoni tagħna, ikklikkja hawn.)

It-taqsima li ġejja tiġbor flimkien elementi ewlenin tal-ittestjar u l-analiżi komprensivi tagħna mwettqa fil-laboratorji SBMARK. Evalwazzjonijiet dettaljati tal-prestazzjoni fil-forma ta' rapporti huma disponibbli fuq talba. Toqgħodx lura milli tikkuntattjana.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-plejbek tal-awdjo

L-inġiniera ta’ SBMARK jittestjaw id-daqq permezz ta’ kelliema tal-ismartphone, li l-prestazzjoni tagħhom tiġi evalwata fil-laboratorji tagħna u f’kundizzjonijiet tal-ħajja reali, bl-użu ta’ apps u settings awtomatiċi.

The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra goes all-in with bass power and brings a warm and pleasant tone to the table. In our tests, treble performance could have benefited from more treble extension, but overall it came across as natural and pleasant. The midrange was fine but sounded slightly resonant especially in the low-mid/high-bass range, which tended to sound muddy. While the low-end bass extension was quite good, it could have gone further. That said, the dullness/boxiness of the upper bass will be the main issue for most users. Regarding volume dependence, the S24 Ultra, like the S23 Ultra, sounded harsh at maximum volume, but managed to maintain excellent bass performance at low volume.

The Galaxy S24 Ultra delivered good dynamic performance, with a firm attack, excellent bass accuracy, and an accurate envelope. At maximum volume, the distortion resulted in a more noticeable drop in attack clarity. The bass sounded rather compressed and also less precise. However, the punch remained excellent.

The Samsung also performed very well when it came to spatial features. The stereo soundstage seemed quite wide, allowing for nice immersion in movie, gaming, and music use cases. Given the large size of the S24 Ultra, the soundstage could have been even larger. Our testers found localizability to be pretty good too, despite occasional difficulties locating certain sound sources in the scene. Distance rendering and the feeling of depth in the rendered soundstage were very good.

The S24 Ultra delivered good volume performance. We found the maximum volume setting to be quite high, as with the Galaxy S23 series. The minimum volume was understandable and quite quiet, but the volume consistency could have been better.

Unwanted audio artifacts were overall well under control on the S24 Ultra, although our testers observed some distortion and compression at maximum volume. The built-in speakers can still be easily occluded when holding the phone, but the effects of occlusion are rather negligible.

Isma 'l-prestazzjoni tal-plejbek tal-ismartphone ittestjat f'dan il-paragun ma' xi wħud mill-kompetituri tiegħu:

Reġistrazzjonijiet ta' smartphones li jdoqqu wħud mill-binarji tal-mużika tagħna f'60 LAeq f'ambjent anekoiku bl-użu ta' 2 mikrofoni f'konfigurazzjoni AB, f'30 ċm

Here’s how the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra fares in playback use cases compared to its competitors:

Logħba ta' punteġġi ta' każi ta' użu

Il-punteġġ tat-Timbre jirrappreżenta l-kwalità li biha telefon jirriproduċi l-ħoss tul il-firxa tonali kollha li tinstema' u jqis id-dipendenza tal-bass, midrange, treble, tal-bilanċ tonali u tal-volum. Huwa l-aktar attribut importanti għar-riproduzzjoni.

Rispons tal-frekwenza tad-daqq tal-mużika

Grafika ta 'rispons tal-frekwenza ta' 1/12 ottava, li tkejjel il-qawwa ta 'kull output ta' frekwenza mill-ismartphone meta tilgħab mewġa sine pura f'ambjent anekoiku.

Il-punteġġ Dynamics ikejjel l-eżattezza tal-bidliet fil-livell tal-enerġija tas-sorsi tal-ħoss, bħal kemm tiġi riprodotta b'mod preċiż nota tal-baxx jew il-ħoss ta 'impatt ta' drum.

Attributi sekondarji ta 'testijiet spazjali jinkludu l-identifikazzjoni tal-post ta' ħoss speċifiku, il-bilanċ pożizzjonali tiegħu, id-distanza u l-amplitudni.

Il-punteġġ tal-volum jirrappreżenta l-volum ġenerali ta 'smartphone u kemm il-volum jiżdied u jonqos bla xkiel abbażi tal-input tal-utent.

Hawn huma xi livelli ta' pressjoni tal-ħoss (SPLs) imkejla meta nilqgħu r-reġistrazzjonijiet kampjuni tagħna ta' hip-hop u mużika klassika fil-volum massimu:

hip hop Classic
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 74.8 dBA 71.8 dBA
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max 75.1 dBA 72.3 dBA
Huawei Mate 60 Pro + 74.9 dBA 71.5 dBA

Il-graff li ġej turi l-bidliet gradwali fil-volum li jmorru minn minimu għal massimu. Nistennew li dawn il-bidliet ikunu konsistenti fil-firxa kollha, sabiex iż-żidiet kollha fil-volum jaqblu mal-aspettattivi tal-utenti:

Konsistenza tal-volum tal-mużika

Din il-grafika tal-linja turi l-volum relattiv ta 'daqq kontra l-inkrement tal-volum magħżul mill-utent, imkejjel f'żidiet ta' volum differenti b'ħoss roża korrelatat f'kaxxa anekoika rreġistrata fuq l-assi f'0.20 metri.

Il-punteġġ Artifacts ikejjel il-punt sa fejn il-ħoss huwa affettwat minn diversi tipi ta 'distorsjoni. Aktar ma jkun għoli l-punteġġ, inqas ikun notevoli d-disturbi tal-ħoss. Jistgħu jseħħu distorsjonijiet minħabba l-ipproċessar tal-ħoss fl-apparat u l-kwalità tal-kelliema.

Distorsjoni armonika totali waqt il-daqq (volum massimu)

Din il-grafika turi distorsjoni armonika totali u storbju fil-medda ta 'frekwenza li tinstema'.
Jirrappreżenta d-distorsjoni u l-istorbju tal-apparat li qed jilgħab is-sinjal tat-test tagħna (0 dB Fs, Sweep Sine f'kaxxa anekoika f'40 ċm) fil-volum massimu tal-apparat.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tar-reġistrazzjoni tal-awdjo

L-inġiniera ta 'SBMARK jittestjaw ir-reġistrazzjoni billi jevalwaw fajls irreġistrati fuq tagħmir awdjo ta' referenza. Dawn ir-reġistrazzjonijiet isiru fil-laboratorji tagħna u f'kundizzjonijiet tal-ħajja reali, bl-użu ta 'apps u settings default.

When recording audio, the S24 Ultra offered an overall good performance when it came to tonal attribute, which was quite close to what we had previously seen on the S23 series devices. The treble performance was good overall, despite being slightly dark. When recording memos, the lower treble was slightly inconsistent, inducing a tinny and thin sound delivery, especially when recording in urban environments.

The midrange was overall rendered quite well, despite the low-midrange resonance and lack of clarity in the upper-midrange. When recording video with the front camera, our measurements showed a greater lack of low-mid range, but this wasn’t much of an issue when recording in urban or home environments. Our testers found bass performance to be very good, with fairly consistent overall performance and good low-end extension. However, at high sound pressure levels, the bass was slightly intrusive, negatively affecting the tonal balance.

The device offered very good overall performance in terms of dynamics. The signal-to-noise ratio was good, which helped the intelligibility of voices. The rendering of the envelopes was accurate and realistic, which also contributed to understandability, especially in scenarios with a stronger background, such as urban environments.

The S24 Ultra also performed well when it came to spatial characteristics. When recording video with the main camera, the good width offered a wide and immersive sound stage. The audio recordings facilitated the identification of individual sound sources and provided a realistic rendering of the distance. When using the front camera to record selfies, the range is decent but not as immersive as with the main camera. However, directivity was excellent. Sound sources located to the side or behind the camera have been significantly reduced, improving the comprehensibility of the selfie subject. This was especially true in scenes with a noisy background, such as urban areas or other outdoor environments.

Spatial performance was drastically limited when using the memos app because the device records memos in mono.

Recording volume performance was good overall, with good volume in all use cases.

Like the S23 Ultra, the S24 Ultra’s audio recordings were nearly free of unwanted artifacts, even when recording at high sound pressure levels, such as during concerts. Microphone occlusion was not an issue and even with the microphones completely covered, the recording quality remained virtually unchanged. The noise caused by the user’s fingers touching the device may be loud, affecting the recording quality and causing stutter in voices and drops in volume.

The backgrounds were overall well rendered, natural and realistic. But in videos with the front camera, the background sometimes lacked clarity and sounded slightly muffled.

Here’s how the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra fares in recording use cases compared to its competitors:

Ir-reġistrazzjoni ta' punteġġi ta' każi ta' użu

Il-punteġġ tat-Timbre jirrappreżenta kemm telefon jaqbad ħsejjes fil-firxa tonali li tinstema' u jqis il-bass, il-mids, it-treble u l-bilanċ tonali. Huwa l-aktar attribut importanti għar-reġistrazzjoni.

Reazzjoni tal-frekwenza tal-vidjo tal-ħajja

Grafika tar-rispons tal-frekwenza ta '1/12 ottava, li tkejjel il-qawwa ta' kull frekwenza maqbuda mill-smartphone waqt li tirreġistra mewġa sine pura f'ambjent anekoiku.

Il-punteġġ tad-Dynamics ikejjel l-eżattezza tal-bidliet fil-livell tal-enerġija tas-sorsi tal-ħoss, bħal kemm huma riprodotti b'mod preċiż il-plożivi tal-vuċi (p, tek, per eżempju). Il-punteġġ iqis ukoll il-proporzjon tas-sinjal għall-istorbju (SNR), bħal kemm il-vuċi prinċipali hija qawwija meta mqabbla mal-istorbju fl-isfond.

Attributi sekondarji għall-ittestjar spazjali jinkludu l-identifikazzjoni tal-post ta 'ħoss speċifiku, il-bilanċ pożizzjonali tiegħu, id-distanza, u l-amplitudni fuq fajls awdjo rreġistrati.

Direttiva ta' reġistrazzjoni

Grafika tad-direttività tal-ismartphone waqt ir-reġistrazzjoni tas-sinjali tat-test bl-użu tal-app tal-kamera, bil-kamera prinċipali. Jirrappreżenta l-enerġija akustika (f'dB) meta mqabbla mal-angolu tal-inċidenza tas-sors tal-ħoss. (Normalizzat għall-angolu ta '0 °, quddiem l-apparat.)

Il-punteġġ tal-loudness jirrappreżenta kemm l-awdjo fuq il-fajls irreġistrati huwa normalizzat u kemm l-apparat jimmaniġġa tajjeb ambjenti storbjużi, bħal kunċerti elettroniċi, waqt ir-reġistrazzjoni.

Hawn huma l-livelli tal-ħoss irreġistrati fil-fajls tal-awdjo u tal-vidjo, imkejla f'LUFS (Loudness Unit Full Scale); Bħala referenza, nistennew li l-livelli tal-volum ikunu ogħla minn -24 LUFS għall-kontenut irreġistrat:

Laqgħa Vidjows dwar il-ħajja Selfie videos Memorandum
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra -26.5 LUFS -21.8 LUFS -22.4 LUFS -21.6 LUFS
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max -24.9 LUFS -22.1 LUFS -20.5 LUFS -19.2 LUFS
Huawei Mate 60 Pro + -25.4 LUFS -20.2 LUFS -18.9 LUFS -21.4 LUFS

Il-punteġġ Artifacts ikejjel sa liema punt il-ħsejjes irreġistrati huma affettwati minn diversi tipi ta 'distorsjonijiet. Aktar ma jkun għoli l-punteġġ, inqas ikun notevoli d-disturbi tal-ħoss. Jistgħu jseħħu distorsjonijiet minħabba l-ipproċessar tal-ħoss fl-apparat u l-kwalità tal-mikrofoni, kif ukoll l-immaniġġjar tal-utent, bħal kif jinżamm it-telefon.

F'dan il-paragun tal-awdjo tista' tisma' kif dan l-ismartphone jimmaniġġja l-istorbju tar-riħ meta mqabbel mal-kompetituri tiegħu:

matriċi (3) {
[“Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra”]=> string(78) “resources/Samsung/GalaxyS24Ultra/SamsungGalaxyS24Ultra_MicrophoneArtifacts.m4a”
[“Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max”]=> string(79) “resources/Samsung/GalaxyS24Ultra/AppleiPhone15ProMaxV22_MicrophoneArtifacts.m4a”
[“Huawei Mate 60 Pro +”]=> string(76) “resources/Samsung/GalaxyS24Ultra/HuaweiMate60Pro+V22_MicrophoneArtifacts.m4a” }

Reġistrazzjonijiet ta' kampjun ta' diskors b'ħoss fl-isfond ħafif, espost għal riħ turbulenti ta' 5 m/s

L-isfond jevalwa kif naturalment id-diversi ħsejjes madwar vuċi jingħaqdu flimkien fil-fajl tar-reġistrazzjoni tal-vidjo. Pereżempju, meta tirreġistra diskors f'avveniment, l-isfond m'għandux jinterferixxi mal-vuċi prinċipali, iżda għandu jipprovdi kuntest għall-ambjent tal-madwar.

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Philip Owell

Blogger professjonali, hawn biex iġiblek kontenut ġdid u interessanti kull darba li żżur il-blog tagħna.