We put the Samsung Galaxy S24+ through our rigorous SBMARK Audio test suite to measure its performance in both recording audio using the built-in microphones and playing audio through speakers.
F'din ir-reviżjoni, aħna ser nkissru kif wettaq f'varjetà ta 'testijiet u diversi każijiet ta' użu komuni.

Ħarsa ġenerali

L-ispeċifikazzjonijiet ewlenin tal-awdjo jinkludu:

  • Fokus fuq quddiem, fokus fuq in-naħa t'isfel
  • Ebda output awdjo jack



  • Excellent tone rendering
  • Good bass
  • Good performance overall


  • The consistency of the volume steps needs fine-tuning
  • Artifact performance is a bit average



  • Prestazzjoni tonali tajba b'mod ġenerali
  • The audio zoom is good although the device lacks a super telephoto zoom
  • Excellent wind noise performance in Life Video and Selfie Video


  • The device is very sensitive to wind in Memo
  • Il-ħsejjes tripli ftit tinny bl-app recorder
  • Nuqqas ġenerali ta 'luminożità fl-apps kollha użati

All models in the S24 series feature the same audio specs, and performance results were relatively similar between all three models, except for a few minor differences. For example in playback, the S24+ lost a few points in volume inconsistency compared to the S24 Ultra. But some of these points have been regained thanks to the S24+’s better handling of artifacts compared to the S24 Ultra.

The S24+ provided very good recording performance overall.

Since the audio performance of the Galaxy S24+ was so similar to other models in the S24 series, we invite you to the Galaxy S24 Ultra audio test results for more details.

Isma 'l-prestazzjoni tal-plejbek tal-ismartphone ittestjat f'dan il-paragun ma' xi wħud mill-kompetituri tiegħu:

Reġistrazzjonijiet ta' smartphones li jdoqqu wħud mill-binarji tal-mużika tagħna f'60 LAeq f'ambjent anekoiku bl-użu ta' 2 mikrofoni f'konfigurazzjoni AB, f'30 ċm

Here’s how the Samsung Galaxy S24+ fares in playback use cases compared to its competitors:

Logħba ta' punteġġi ta' każi ta' użu

Here’s how the Samsung Galaxy S24+ performs in recording use cases compared to its competitors:

Ir-reġistrazzjoni ta' punteġġi ta' każi ta' użu

F'dan il-paragun tal-awdjo tista' tisma' kif dan l-ismartphone jimmaniġġja l-istorbju tar-riħ meta mqabbel mal-kompetituri tiegħu:

matriċi (3) {
[“Samsung Galaxy S24+”]=> string(76) “resources/Samsung/GalaxyS24Plus/SamsungGalaxyS24Plus_MicrophoneArtifacts.m4a”
[“Apple iPhone 15 Pro”]=> string(75) “resources/Samsung/GalaxyS24Plus/AppleiPhone15ProV22_MicrophoneArtifacts.m4a”
[“Huawei Mate 60 Pro +”]=> string(75) “resources/Samsung/GalaxyS24Plus/HuaweiMate60Pro+V22_MicrophoneArtifacts.m4a” }

Reġistrazzjonijiet ta' kampjun ta' diskors b'ħoss fl-isfond ħafif, espost għal riħ turbulenti ta' 5 m/s

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Philip Owell

Blogger professjonali, hawn biex iġiblek kontenut ġdid u interessanti kull darba li żżur il-blog tagħna.