The Apple iPhone 14 Plus and the iPhone 14 share the same front camera specifications, as well as the same chipset, so as expected, the camera results of the Apple iPhone 14 Plus were exactly the same as those of the Apple iPhone 14 .

For a more in-depth look at the photo and video performance of the Apple iPhone 14 Plus front camera, we direct you to the full test results of the Apple iPhone 14.

Ħarsa ġenerali

Speċifikazzjonijiet ewlenin tal-kamera:

  • Sensor 12MP b'apertura f/1.9, autofocus
  • Vidjow 4K f'24/25/30/60fps, 1080p f'25/30/60fps (4K f'30fps ittestjat)


  • Espożizzjoni fil-mira preċiża għal ritratti u vidjows
  • Accurate autofocus and wide depth of field
  • Livell għoli ta' dettall
  • Bilanċ abjad pjaċevoli u toni sbieħ tal-ġilda f'dawl qawwi u ġewwa
  • Ċajpra naturali fit-tagħrif miksub u spotlajts mogħtija b'mod sabiħ fi shots bokeh


  • Storbju f'ritratti u filmati
  • Differenzi fil-sharpness bejn frejms spiss viżibbli fil-videos mixi
  • Kultant tones tal-ġilda mhux preċiżi f'kundizzjonijiet ta 'sfida, bħal xeni ta' dawl baxx jew firxa dinamika għolja
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Philip Owell

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