We subjected the Honor Magic5 Pro to our rigorous SBMARK Display test suite to measure its performance Cons six criteria. In this roundup of test results, we’ll analyze how it performed in a variety of tests and several common use cases.

Ħarsa ġenerali

Speċifikazzjonijiet ewlenin tal-wiri:

  • 6.81-il pulzier OLED, (~ 91.5% proporzjon tal-iskrin għall-ġisem)
  • Dimensjonijiet: 162.9mm x 76.7mm x 8.77mm
  • Riżoluzzjoni: 1312 x 2848 pixels, (densità ~ 461 ppi)
  • Proporzjon tal-Aspett: 19.5: 9
  • Rata ta 'riħid: 120Hz


  • Luminożità tajba tal-wiri fil-kundizzjonijiet kollha tad-dawl
  • Rendiment ta 'immaġni tajba f'kundizzjonijiet ta' ġewwa
  • Ir-rispons tal-mess preċiż u veloċi
  • Mingħajr teptip


  • Il-mod ta 'luminożità għolja (attivat f'ambjenti qawwi ħafna) inaqqas il-kuntrast f'xi żoni.
  • Nuqqas ta’ ħeffa fil-logħob tal-kompjuter
  • Nuqqas ta 'uniformità f'kundizzjonijiet ta' dawl baxx

B'punteġġ ta '151, il-wiri ta' Honor Magic5 Pro qabeż iċ-ċart SBMARK minħabba l-prestazzjoni komprensiva u konsistenti tiegħu fl-attributi ewlenin kollha.

Filwaqt li l-Honor Magic5 Pro ma kiseb l-ogħla punteġġ fl-ebda wieħed mill-attributi li jidħlu fil-kalkolu tal-punteġġ ġenerali tal-wiri tagħna, wasal qrib ħafna fil-kategoriji kollha, u rriżulta fit-tip ta 'prestazzjoni bbilanċjata tajjeb li SBMARK tfittex meta tikklassifika smartphones. – u f'dan il-każ, il-prestazzjoni tal-Honor Magic5 Pro kisbet l-aqwa post fid-database tal-Wiri tagħna sal-lum.

Taking a closer look at its performance, the new Honor device provided excellent readability, with a fine-tuned that made it comfortable to view in all lighting conditions tested. The Honor may not have the maximum peak brightness of the Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max, but the Magic5 Pro handled color and contrast better than some of its rivals. Its color was better than that of two of its direct competitors, the Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max and the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra; and while it lagged behind the Samsung device for video, it still delivered good HDR rendering. Touching the Magic5 Pro was smooth, responsive, and precise; and finally, it was flicker-free and ignored ghost taps.

Sommarju tal-prova

Tgħallem dwar it-testijiet tal-wiri SBMARK: Għall-punteġġ u l-analiżi fl-ismartphone tagħna u reviżjonijiet oħra tal-wiri, l-inġiniera ta 'SBMARK iwettqu serje ta' testijiet oġġettivi u perċettivi taħt kundizzjonijiet tal-laboratorju tal-ħajja reali u kkontrollati. Jekk jogħġbok innota li aħna nevalwaw l-attributi tal-wiri billi nużaw biss il-ħardwer tal-wiri inkorporat tal-apparat u l-immaġini (gallerija) u l-apps tal-vidjo tiegħu b'settings default. (Għal informazzjoni fil-fond dwar kif nirvalutaw smartphones u displays oħra, iċċekkja l-artikoli tagħna, "Kif SBMARK Tests Display Quality" u "Ħarsa aktar mill-qrib lejn SBMARK Display Tests."

The following section compiles the key elements of our extensive testing and analysis performed in the SBMARK laboratories. Detailed performance evaluations in the form of reports are available upon request. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-leġġibbiltà tal-wiri

Readability evaluates the ease and comfort with which users can read the still content (photos and web) on the display under various real-life conditions. SBMARK uses its Display Bench to recreate ambient light conditions ranging from total darkness to bright sunlight. In addition to laboratory tests, perceptual analysis is also performed in real-life environments.

In addition to the smooth transitions when switching from one ambient light level to another, the real strength of the Honor Magic5 Pro is its well-adjusted brightness in all lighting conditions. Its weaknesses are the lack of uniformity in low light; a loss of brightness when viewed at an angle; and that while its High Brightness Mode (HBM) increases visibility, it does so at the expense of some detail.

F'dawl baxx, l-aġġustament awtomatiku tal-luminożità tal-Magic5 Pro ipprovda 8 nits ta 'luminożità lill-wiri, meta mqabbel ma' 2 nits fuq l-iPhone Pro Max u 10 nits fuq is-Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.

Leġibbiltà f'ambjent ta' dawl baxx (0 lux).

Mix-xellug: Honor Magic 5 Pro, Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

(Ritratti għal skopijiet ta' illustrazzjoni biss)

Fil-paraguni hawn taħt, l-Honor Magic5 Pro wassal l-aktar rendering dettaljat f'kundizzjonijiet tad-dawl ekwivalenti għal dawl tad-dar (250 lux).

Leġibbiltà f'ambjent ta 'ġewwa (250 lux).

Mix-xellug: Honor Magic 5 Pro, Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

(Ritratti għal skopijiet ta' illustrazzjoni biss)

The normalized uniformity graphs below show that the Magic5 Pro has a slight dark line emanating horizontally from its notch, while the iPhone 14 Pro Max has a large darker area at the bottom of the screen; the S23 Ultra is very smooth.

Kejl tal-uniformità tal-luminanza

This graph shows display smoothness with a 20% gray pattern. The more visible the green color, the smoother the display.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-Kulur tal-Wiri

The color attribute evaluates the device’s ability to faithfully reproduce colors. Measurements taken include fidelity, white point color, and gamut coverage. We perform color assessments for different lighting conditions to see how well the device can handle color in its surroundings. Colors are measured using a spectrophotometer in a controlled lighting environment. The perceptual analysis of the color rendering compares with the reference model displayed on a calibrated professional monitor.

The color rendering of the Honor Magic5 Pro was mostly natural and faithful, both under objective and perceptual evaluation, but it still lagged a little behind the Huawei Mate 50 Pro, which holds the highest score in color. However, the Magic5 Pro surpassed the iPhone 14 Pro Max and the S23 Ultra in this attribute.

The Honor Magic5 Pro had good color accuracy in indoor and low-light conditions, with particularly natural rendering of skin tones. Under outdoor conditions, the device’s HBM slightly distorted colors, especially on skin tones, but the color remained good on other content, especially when compared to the Samsung S23 Ultra, whose colors were often saturated.

L-apparati Honor u Samsung għandhom punt abjad qrib 7000K (analogu għal smewwiet imsaħħab qawwi), filwaqt li l-iPhone huwa eqreb għal dawl D65 aktar sħun (smewwiet xemxija qawwija) taħt kundizzjonijiet ta '1000 lux.

Punt abjad b'illuminant D65 f'1000 lux

The illustrations below compare screens that were under lighting conditions equivalent to a home environment (250 lux). The neutral skin tone rendering of the Magic5 Pro (as well as the S23 Ultra) becomes apparent when shown next to the iPhone illustration, which displays an orange tint. The graph just below the illustrations are screen measurements related to skin tone fidelity. The Samsung and Honor arrows remained well centered and within the circular boundaries, indicating the degree to which they are faithfully and naturally rendered in skin tones.

Rendiment tal-kulur f'ambjent ta 'ġewwa (250 lux).

Mix-xellug: Honor Magic 5 Pro, Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

(Ritratti għal skopijiet ta' illustrazzjoni biss)

Rendiment tal-kulur f'ambjent ta 'ġewwa (250 lux).

Tqabbil tal-kejl tal-fedeltà tal-kulur li jiffoka fuq tones tal-ġilda f'ambjent ta 'ġewwa

Under sunlight, the Honor Magic5 Pro offers faithful color rendition, while the iPhone 14 Pro Max has a yellow tint. The S23 Ultra occasionally had artifacts on colorful content, with saturation erasing fine detail.

Riżultat tal-kulur fid-dawl tax-xemx (>90,000 lux)

Lejn l-arloġġ minn fuq ix-xellug: Honor Magic5 Pro, Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

(Ritratti għal skopijiet ta' illustrazzjoni biss)

L-Honor Magic5 Pro huwa saturat b'kuluri blu iżda jiffavorixxi rendering naturali għat-toni tal-ġilda (kif muri fir-reġjuni tal-kulur oranġjo għal roża).

Kejl tal-fedeltà tal-kulur

Honor Magic 5 Pro, fedeltà tal-kulur f'1000 lux fl-ispazju tal-kulur sRGB

Honor Magic 5 Pro, fedeltà tal-kulur f'1000 lux fl-ispazju tal-kulur Display-P3

Each arrow represents the color difference between a target color pattern (arrow base) and its actual measurement (arrow tip). The longer the arrow, the more visible the color difference. If the arrow stays inside the circle, the color difference will only be visible to trained eyes.

The Honor Magic5 Pro took on a green cast when viewed from an angle (45°), which can detract from the good rendering of skin tones. However, at 30°, the Honor Magic5 Pro maintained limited color shift within the larger circle, while the Samsung S23 Ultra crossed the boundaries of the larger circle at around 20°.

Imġieba tal-kulur fil-kantuniera

This graph shows the color shift when the screen is tilted. Each point represents a measurement at a particular angle. The dots within the inner circle show no color change in the corner; those between the inner and outer circle have shifts that only trained experts will see; but those which fall outside the outer circle are evident.

Kif hija komposta l-soundtrack tal-Wiri Video

Our video attribute evaluates each device’s Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) and High Dynamic Range (HDR10) video handling in indoor and low-light conditions. We measure the tone mapping, color gamut, brightness and contrast of the display. We perform perceptual analysis Cons our professional reference monitor (Sony BVM-HX310) to ensure rendering respects artistic intent.

Il-luminożità u l-kuntrast kienu tajbin meta jaraw vidjo HDR10 fuq il-Magic5 Pro. Filwaqt li l-għoti tal-vidjo HDR10 tal-apparat Honor kien qrib dak tas-Samsung, żvantaġġ wieħed għall-Unur kien li mitfugħa aħdar viżibbli jista 'jaffettwa l-konsenja tal-kulur.

Kif muri fl-immaġini hawn taħt, ir-rendi HDR kien qrib is-Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.

Rendiment tal-vidjo f'ambjent ta' dawl baxx (0 lux).

Lejn l-arloġġ minn fuq ix-xellug: Honor Magic5 Pro, Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

(Ritratti għal skopijiet ta' illustrazzjoni biss)

Il-Magic5 Pro adatta l-ispazju tal-kulur tal-vidjo tiegħu għall-kontenut, kif muri fil-grafiċi hawn taħt.

Gamut kopertura għall-kontenut tal-vidjo

Primary colors are measured in both HDR10 and SDR. The extracted color gamut shows the extent of color area that the device can render. To meet artistic intent, the measured gamut should match the primary color space of each video.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-Mozzjoni Display

The motion attribute evaluates the handling of dynamic content. Frame drops, motion blur, and playback artifacts are examined using games and videos.

The Magic5 Pro also performed well in SBMARK’s tests for motion control, with very smooth video playback and instant responsiveness. Despite a few more frame drops than its two competitors, the Magic5 Pro’s performance was still very good.

Il-frejm tal-vidjo jinżel għal 24 fps

These long exposure photos feature the number of frame irregularities in a 30 second video. Good performance shows a regular pattern (a flat gray image or a pull-down pattern).

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ Display Touch

Biex jevalwa l-mess, SBMARK juża robot haptic u kamera ta 'veloċità għolja biex idoqq u jirreġistra serje ta' xenarji għal evalwazzjoni tal-ħeffa, l-eżattezza u l-ħin tar-rispons.

The Magic5 Pro is smooth in the gallery app and when browsing the web, though it’s not as smooth when playing video games. Touch is accurate across the entire screen, even in the corners, and its 70ms response time is very similar to its competitors.

This response time test accurately evaluates the time between a single tap of the robot on the screen and the displayed action. This test is applied to activities that require high responsiveness, such as gaming.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-artifact tal-wiri

Evaluating artifacts means checking performance, image rendering, and motion artifacts that can impact the end-user experience. SBMARK accurately measures device reflectance and flicker, and evaluates the impact of residual aliasing when playing video games, among other characteristics.

The Magic5 Pro’s display artifacts were very well controlled. The display did not reveal any relevant flickering and the display did not react to phantom touches during the test. The reflectance ratio of the Honor Magic5 Pro, however, was standard.

L-Honor Magic5 Pro kien bla teptip, li għadu rari fost il-wirjiet OLED, u jagħmel l-apparat aktar komdu biex jintuża f'kundizzjonijiet ta 'dawl baxx.

Kif turi l-grafika hawn taħt, l-ewwel quċċata ewlenija tal-Magic5 Pro seħħet f'1910Hz, filwaqt li l-ewwel quċċata ewlenija tal-iPhone 14 Pro Max kienet f'480Hz u dik tal-Galaxy S23 Ultra kienet f'240Hz. Filwaqt li l-wiri ta 'The Magic5 Pro wera xi qċaċet eżatt qabel 500Hz, dawk il-qċaċet qatt ma marru lil hinn minn -10dB bħalma għamlu għall-iPhone u l-Galaxy, u ma ġewx kontabilizzati.

Il-Magic5 Pro żamm l-aliasing taħt kontroll, iżda ma qabeż l-iPhone 14 Pro Max f'dan l-artifatt.

Aliasing (it-tagħrif miksub)

Unur Magic5 Pro

(Ritratti għal skopijiet ta' illustrazzjoni biss)

Honor Magic5 Pro - Crop 1

Honor Magic5 Pro - Crop 2

Honor Magic5 Pro - Crop 3

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Philip Owell

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