We subjected the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos) to our rigorous SBMARK Display test suite to measure its performance Cons six criteria. In the results of this test, we will analyze how it fared in a variety of tests and several common use cases.

Ħarsa ġenerali

Speċifikazzjonijiet ewlenin tal-wiri:

  • 2X AMOLED panel
  • Daqs: 6.8 pulzier
  • Riżoluzzjoni: 1440 x pixels 3088
  • Aspect Ratio: 20: 9, 500 ppi
  • Refresh rate: 1–120 Hz adaptive


  • High level of brightness in sunlight
  • Video experience with good brightness, contrast and color management
  • Smooth interactions for the web and gallery


  • Strong alteration of the image in sunlight
  • Many frame discrepancies in video games and video games
  • Lack of softness during light transitions

Samsung’s latest flagship has appeared with very promising specs, including screen brightness claimed to reach 1750 cd / m2, an adaptive frame rate, and a Vision Booster feature that adjusts the tone mapping of the display based on lighting conditions. environmental. We compared the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos) with its predecessor, the S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), and with two of its main competitors, the Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max and the OnePlus 9 Pro.

So what did SBMARK engineers find during testing? Well, first of all yes, the S22 Ultra (Exynos) display measured 1777 cd / m2 in our brightness tests, the brightest smartphone display ever, and thanks to that it shows a strong improvement in readability in sunlight. And secondly, Samsung gets the new highest video score thanks to good brightness, proper tone mapping, and good color rendering.

As for the drawbacks, the default brightness of the new device is too low in shady indoor and outdoor conditions; and even if the Eyesight enhancer the function makes details easier to see in some images viewed in sunlight, in others it has a negative impact on color rendering. Finally, the S22 Ultra (Exynos) takes a step back in terms of video frame drop management compared to the S21 Ultra (Exynos), affecting the motion score of the former.

Let’s take a closer look below.

Sommarju tat-test

Tgħallem dwar it-testijiet tal-viżwalizzazzjoni SBMARK: Għall-punteġġ u l-analiżi fl-ismartphone tagħna u reviżjonijiet oħra tal-wiri, l-inġiniera ta 'SBMARK iwettqu serje ta' testijiet oġġettivi u perċettivi f'laboratorju kkontrollat ​​u taħt kundizzjonijiet tal-ħajja reali. Jekk jogħġbok innota li aħna nevalwaw l-attributi tal-wiri billi nużaw biss il-ħardwer tal-wiri inkorporat tal-apparat u l-immaġni (gallerija) u l-apps tal-vidjo relatati b'settings default. (Għal informazzjoni fil-fond dwar kif aħna nirrivalutaw smartphones u displays oħra, ara l-artikoli tagħna, “Kif SBMARK Tests Display Quality” u “Ħarsa aktar mill-qrib lejn SBMARK Display Tests”.

It-taqsima li ġejja tiġbor l-elementi ewlenin tat-testijiet u l-analiżi eżawrjenti tagħna mwettqa fil-laboratorji SBMARK. Evalwazzjonijiet dettaljati tal-prestazzjoni fil-forma ta' rapporti huma disponibbli fuq talba. Toqgħodx lura milli tikkuntattjana.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-leġibbiltà tal-iskrin

Il-leġibbiltà tevalwa l-faċilità u l-kumdità li bihom l-utenti jistgħu jaqraw kontenut stazzjonarju (ritratti u web) fuq il-wiri f'diversi kundizzjonijiet tal-ħajja reali. SBMARK juża l-Display Bench tiegħu biex jirrikreja kundizzjonijiet tad-dawl ambjentali li jvarjaw minn dlam totali għal dawl tax-xemx qawwi. Minbarra t-testijiet tal-laboratorju, l-analiżi tal-perċezzjoni titwettaq ukoll f'ambjenti tal-ħajja reali.

Compared to its predecessor and its competitors included in this article, the maximum brightness of the S22 Ultra (Exynos) is significantly higher: 1777 cd / m2 versus 1379 cd / m2 for the S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), 1066 cd / m2 for the iPhone 13 Pro Max and 702 cd / m2 for the OnePlus 9 Pro. The result is a screen that offers excellent visibility in sunlight.

Leġibbiltà f'ambjent tax-xemx (> 90 0000 lux).

Left to right: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G (Exynos), Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max, OnePlus 9 Pro

Photo credit: SBMARK; for illustration only

That said, the new flagship has been tuned in such a way that its default brightness indoors and in shady outdoor conditions is lower than its competitors, making it more difficult to see details, as illustrated below.

Leġibbiltà f'ambjent ta 'ġewwa (1000 lux).

Readability inside, left to right: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G (Exynos), Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max, OnePlus 9 Pro

Photo credit: SBMARK; for illustration only

Leġibbiltà f'ambjent ta' barra (20,000 lux).

Left to right: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos), Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max, OnePlus 9 Pro

Photo credit: SBMARK; for illustration only

However, by lowering the default brightness level in low light conditions, the S22 Ultra (Exynos) makes nighttime reading, web browsing or social media enjoyment more comfortable than the S21 Ultra (Exynos), which used to be a little too bright.

The screen of the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos) is uniform in both brightness and color:

Measurement of luminance and color uniformity

From left: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos), Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max, OnePlus 9 Pro

Photo credit: SBMARK; for illustration only

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-Kulur tal-Wiri

L-attribut tal-kulur jevalwa l-abbiltà tal-apparat li jirriproduċi b'mod preċiż il-kuluri. Il-kejl magħmul huwa għall-fedeltà, il-kulur tal-punt abjad u l-kopertura tal-gamma. Aħna nwettqu valutazzjonijiet tal-kulur għal kundizzjonijiet tad-dawl differenti biex naraw kemm l-apparat jista 'jimmaniġġja l-kulur fl-inħawi tiegħu. Il-kuluri jitkejlu bl-użu ta' spettrofotometru f'ambjent ta' dawl ikkontrollat. L-analiżi tal-perċezzjoni tal-għoti tal-kulur hija mqabbla mal-mudell ta 'referenza muri fuq monitor professjonali kalibrat.

In our lab tests, the S22 Ultra (Exynos) demonstrates good overall color fidelity, as shown in tthe graph at the bottom left. It is better than the S21 Ultra (Exynos) and comparable to OnePlus 9 Pro. The center of each circle is the target color; anything outside the circle represents a noticeable difference in color. The further the arrowhead is outside the circle, the more users will notice the difference between the color on the display and the color of the actual object or graphic next to it. The scatter plot on the right shows that the S22 Ultra (Exynos) shifts towards blue when viewed from an angle.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos), 1000 lux color fidelity in the P3 color space

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G (Exynos), white dot on the corner

Under most conditions, the color rendition of the S22 Ultra (Exynos) will please people who like a little saturation, as is expected of a Samsung device.

In sunlight, in addition to excellent readability, the colors on the complexion of the S22 Ultra (Exynos) are faithful, especially when compared to the OnePlus9 Pro, which has a reddish complexion rendering:

Sunlight skin tone rendering

Left to right: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos), Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max, OnePlus 9 Pro

Photo credit: SBMARK; for illustration only

But even in sunlight, however, the S22 Ultra (Exynos) aggressively pushes saturation to its maximum level, with the effect that all color shades disappear in many images, as illustrated in the example above. bottom left.

Color rendering in sunlight

Clockwise from top left: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos), Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), OnePlus 9 Pro, Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max

Photo credit: SBMARK; for illustration only

Clockwise from top left: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos), Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), OnePlus 9 Pro, Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max

Photo credit: SBMARK; for illustration only

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-Vidjo Display

L-attribut tal-vidjo tagħna jevalwa l-immaniġġjar tal-vidjow Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) u High Dynamic Range (HDR10) ta 'kull apparat ġewwa u f'kundizzjonijiet ta' dawl baxx. Aħna nkejlu l-immappjar tat-ton, il-firxa tal-kulur, il-luminożità u l-kuntrast tal-wiri. Aħna nwettqu analiżi perċettivi Cons il-monitor ta 'referenza professjonali tagħna (Sony BVM-HX310) biex niżguraw li r-rendi jirrispetta l-intenzjoni artistika.

The device we started our tests with showed a serious problem affecting the video playback of the display. Meanwhile, on February 25, Samsung released a firmware update that fixed the widespread problem. This review reflects the test results of the updated firmware.

The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos) offers very good overall video performance, with good brightness, good contrast management (albeit slightly dark in dark tones) and good color rendering. It is brighter than the Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos) and the contrast is more natural than the iPhone 13 Pro Max, which shows too much contrast, as you can see in the image below.

Video rendering in a low-low environment (0 lux).

Clockwise from top left: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos), Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max, OnePlus 9 Pro

Photo credit: SBMARK; for illustration only

The highlights are well handled and the colors are very faithful on the S22 Ultra (Exynos) as seen in the photo below. Both the S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos) and the iPhone 13 Pro Max, however, also show accurate colors, but show a blue and yellow cast respectively, while the S22 Ultra (Exynos) is the more neutral of the three smartphones.

Video rendering in a low-low environment (0 lux).

Clockwise from top left: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos), Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max, OnePlus 9 Pro

Photo credit: SBMARK; for illustration only

The excellent tone mapping of the S22 Ultra (Exynos) and its adapted brightness qualify it for the top slot in the Video attribute.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ ta' Display Motion

L-attribut tal-moviment jevalwa l-immaniġġjar tal-kontenut dinamiku. Qtar tal-qafas, ċċajpar tal-moviment, u artifacts tal-plejbek huma investigati bl-użu ta 'logħob u vidjows.

For motion, although it handles frame drops a little better than its predecessor during gaming, the S22 Ultra (Exynos) scores lower than the S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos) and its competitors due to frame drops during video playback. In the test images of the S22 Ultra (Exynos) at 30 fps and 60 fps in a row, the ideal result would be smooth gray fields; instead, you can see many brighter and darker squares which are indicative of frame drops.

Il-qafas tal-vidjo jinżel

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G (Exynos), the frame drops to 30 fps

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G (Exynos), the frame drops to 60 fps

Samsung promotes an adaptive refresh rate for the S22 Ultra (Exynos), but our tests show that it doesn’t really adapt to 1Hz / 10Hz. You can see in the first graph below that the device’s refresh rate adjusts to the content. video (in this case, when playing videos on YouTube): The refresh rate of the S22 Ultra (Exynos) is exactly the same as the video.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos), frame rate adaptation to YouTube video playback

But when we compared the menu display of the S22 Ultra (Exynos) with that of the S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos) indoors, we saw that the S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos) lowered the frame rate to 10 Hz, while the S22 Ultra (Exynos) remained at 120Hz, as shown in this graph:

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra (Exynos, yellow) and Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos, gray), frame rate adaptation when displaying the menu

Additionally, we were never able to see the S22 Ultra’s (Exynos) frame rate drop below 24 Hz in any of the tests we conducted.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ Display Touch

Biex tevalwa touch, SBMARK juża robot touch u kamera b'veloċità għolja biex jirriproduċi u jirreġistra serje ta 'xenarji għall-evalwazzjoni tal-fluwidità, l-eżattezza u l-ħin tar-rispons.

Dan it-test tal-ħin tar-rispons jevalwa b'mod preċiż il-ħin li għadda bejn vit wieħed tar-robot fuq l-iskrin u l-azzjoni murija. Dan it-test huwa applikat għal attivitajiet li jeħtieġu rispons għoli, bħal-logħob.

The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos) is just a bit slower than the S21 Ultra for touch response time while gaming, much like the iPhone 13 Pro Max and faster than the OnePlus 9 Pro, but users hardly they will notice these kinds of differences.

Device Touch-to-display response time (in ms)
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos) 58
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos) 50
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max 56
OnePlus 9 Pro 75

Even acknowledging the improved performance over its predecessor, we note that the S22 Ultra (Exynos) still has some difficulty detecting long touches on the edges and corners of its curved screen. The S22 Ultra (Exynos) showed a little more accuracy along the edges when we tested it after turning it off protection from accidental contact mode (on by default), but the improvement was not particularly significant.

While not part of our protocol, our engineers also tested the touch response of the S22 Ultra (Exynos) using its S Pen; report that touching with the S Pen is both pleasant and precise.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-Artifatti tal-Wiri

L-evalwazzjoni tal-artifacts tfisser il-verifika tal-prestazzjoni, ir-rendi tal-immaġni, u difetti fil-moviment li jistgħu jaffettwaw l-esperjenza tal-utent aħħari. SBMARK ikejjel b'mod preċiż ir-riflettanza tal-apparat u l-preżenza ta 'teptip u jevalwa l-impatt ta' aliasing residwu meta tilgħab logħob tal-kompjuter, fost karatteristiċi oħra.

The flicker control remains the same on the S22 Ultra (Exynos) and the older S21 Ultra (Exynos), meaning if you are sensitive to flicker, you may want to avoid this device.

Ghost touches are very common, with or without the protection from accidental contact option activated. However, aliasing has improved slightly over the S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos).

Alias ​​(it-tagħrif miksub)

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos), aka

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos), aka

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Philip Owell

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