Samsung uses a mix of chipset vendors for its phones – Qualcomm, MediaTek and Samsung itself – each in different proportions. According to a tipster, MediaTek is negotiating to become a bigger part of the Galaxy series and is trying to lure Samsung with special pricing.

Specifically, it wants to extend the use of MediaTek chips to Samsung’s budget models. With the exception of the Galaxy M53, most MediaTek Galaxys are in the A3x range or lower.

Rumor: MediaTek joffri roħs lil Samsung jekk juża aktar ċipep

Budget phones naturally have the lowest material bills, so a price cut on the chipset (one of the most expensive components) certainly sounds good. And it can be used as leverage against Qualcomm if it tries to raise its prices.

MediaTek għandha wkoll chipsets kompetittivi mid-range u ewlenin, iżda m'hemm l-ebda referenza dwar liema minnhom jidħlu fit-taħlita.

Samsung reċentement reġa' introduċa Exynos għall-ogħla livell mal-Galaxy S24 u S24+, u għandu ftehim ta 'esklussività għal snin twal ma' Qualcomm biex jixtri chipsets "għal Galaxy," u għalhekk jista' ma jkunx irid iżżid it-tielet bejjiegħ għal-linji Galaxy aktar għaljin. .

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Philip Owell

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