The Honor MagicBook 16 dates back to September, when its first members debuted in China. However MWC 2024 brought us a brand new addition which will also be available globally. The MagicBook 16 Pro version is in our office and we thought we’d do a quick unboxing before we start working on its review.

Filwaqt li Honor m'għandux storja twila ta 'produzzjoni ta' notebooks, ir-rilaxxi riċenti tal-kumpanija huma pjuttost kompetittivi f'termini ta 'prezz u mqiegħda flimkien b'mod eċċellenti.

Honor MagicBook 16 Pro ttestjat

The 16 Pro runs on a powerful Intel Core Ultra 7 155H processor paired with Nvidia RTX 4060 GPU and 32GB of RAM. Keep in mind that the RAM is soldered, so make sure you order the right one, as you won’t be able to upgrade it later. The SSD is obviously user replaceable and in our case it is 1 TB.

Honor MagicBook 16 Pro ttestjat

The notebook also packs an impressive screen: IPS LCD panel that runs at 144Hz and offers at least 300 nits of brightness. Paired with the powerful Nvidia RTX 4060 GPU, the notebook promises to deliver solid gaming performance.

Honor MagicBook 16 Pro ttestjat

The I/O is also good: 2x USB-C 3.2, 2x USB-A 3.2, a full-size HDMI 2.0 port, and a headphone jack. The laptop charges via one of the USB-C ports at speeds of up to 65W. The battery capacity is 56Wh, which isn’t much for a 16-inch device, but we’ll be sure to test its performance in real life .

Honor MagicBook 16 Pro ttestjat

Il-MagicBook 16 Pro jiżen 1.86kg, li huwa tajjeb għal laptop ta '16-il pulzier, speċjalment wieħed b'GPU diskreta.

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Philip Owell

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