Roblox Snow Shoveling Simulator is a game available on different platforms. You can play this game on PC, Mac, PlayStation, Xbox One and Android. This game is an online game about digging snow. As you dig, you collect cash that can be used to buy new equipment or upgrade existing equipment.

There are many different items you can purchase in the game, such as shovels, containers, and badges. Some of these items can also be purchased using Snow Shoveling Simulator codes.

To use Snow Shoveling Simulator codes, you need to start the game, select the option to get codes, then enter the code in the text box. Then press the Submit button. These codes are case sensitive.

These codes are valid for a certain period of time. After a certain number of days, the code will expire. However, it’s not always easy to find working codes. Therefore, it is advisable to check the developer’s Twitter page. This way, you will be able to get the latest codes and discounts.

When you find a valid code, you can redeem it and use it to unlock some free stuff in the game. For example, some codes can give you pets and backpacks.

Another way to earn extra money in the game is to sell snow. The more snow is removed, the more money you can collect. Depending on how well you have the items, you may even be rewarded with bonus points for the quantity and quality of the snow.

Snow Shoveling Simulator also offers a redeem code feature through which you can redeem different in-game items for free without paying anything. For example, using Snow Shoveling Simulator codes, you can get money, pets, ice, etc.

Snow Shoveling Simulator Codes – April Listing

First, let’s look at the job codes. With these codes, you will be able to redeem different items such as money, pets and other exclusives. Let’s take a look at what we have.

  • matriċi—Redeem for $500
  • Denb aħmar—Use for $500
  • darMoney— Earn $700
  • IceySlopes—Redeem for $800
  • IceySlopes2—Use for $1,000
  • Flus B'XEJN—Use for $1,000
  • gearHead—Earn $1,000
  • 150k jħobb—Redeem for $1,500
  • 15mViżiti—Redeem for $1,500
  • 2018—Use for $2,018
  • In-nemel—Redeem for $2,500
  • 40m—Earn $4,000
  • X'inhu hawn taħt—Redeem for $5,000
  • sipls—Earn $5,000
  • Xahar 1—Earn $8,000
  • burrr—Redeem for 50 Ice
  • 500k—Redeem for 75 Ice
  • Gimmie Ice! —Redeem for 100 Ice
  • Ħlejqa tas-silġ—Redeem for 150 Ice
  • Djamant tas-Silġ—Earn the Diamond Frosty pet
  • AF isteering wheel—Use to get Ant’s Parrot pet
  • tvdude—Redeem for the Darzeth backpack

Lista skadiet

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