The Roblox color scheme may seem like a simple thing to some people, but it isn’t. When designing a game in Roblox, the most important thing is to decide on the color scheme that affects the overall aesthetic of your game.

The standard color scheme in Roblox is based on RGB with three colors. You can access this color scheme in the Roblox graphics editor and then use the colors to design your game. However, with a list of all Kodiċi tal-kulur Robloxit becomes much easier to design the game on the go.

Using these codes you can get the default colors for your game, player colors and even admin colors. Later, these can be used to modify your character, other items, and even the universe you are in.

Roblox color code list

abjad RGB (242, 243, 243)
Grey RGB (161, 165, 162)
Isfar ċar RGB (249, 233, 153)
Brick yellow RGB (215, 197, 154)
Light green (mint) RGB (194, 218, 184)
Light reddish purple RGB (232, 186, 200)
Pastel blu RGB (128, 187, 219)
Light orange brown RGB (203, 132, 66)
Torok RGB (204, 142, 105)
Aħmar ċar RGB (196, 40, 28)
Med. Reddish violet RGB (196, 112, 160)
Blu jgħajjat RGB (13, 105, 172)
Isfar jgħajjat RGB (245, 205, 48)
Earth orange RGB (98, 71, 50)
Iswed RGB (27, 42, 53)
Griż skur RGB (109, 110, 108)
Aħdar skur RGB (40, 127, 71)
Aħdar medju RGB (161, 196, 140)
Lig. Yellowish orange RGB (243, 207, 155)
Aħdar mixgħul RGB (75, 151, 75)
Oranġjo skur RGB (160, 95, 53)
Light bluish violet RGB (193, 202, 222)
Trasparenti RGB (236, 236, 236)
tr. Red RGB (205, 84, 75)
tr. Lg blue RGB (193, 223, 240)
tr. Blue RGB (123, 182, 232)
tr. Yellow RGB (247, 241, 141)
Aħdar ċar RGB (180, 210, 228)
tr. Influence. Red orange RGB (217, 133, 108)
tr. Green RGB (132, 182, 141)
tr. Influence. Green RGB (248, 241, 132)
Phosph. White RGB (236, 232, 222)
dawl aħmar RGB (238, 196, 182)
Medium red RGB (218, 134, 122)
Blu medju RGB (110, 153, 202)
Griż ċar RGB (199, 193, 183)
Vjola qawwi RGB (107, 50, 124)
fr. yellowish orange RGB (226, 155, 64)
Oranġjo qawwi RGB (218, 133, 65)
Aħdar blu brillanti RGB (0, 143, 156)
Earth yellow RGB (104, 92, 67)
Bright bluish violet RGB (67, 84, 147)
tr. Brown RGB (191, 183, 177)
Medium bluish violet RGB (104, 116, 172)
tr. Medium. reddish purple RGB (229, 173, 200)
Med. Yellowish green RGB (199, 210, 60)
Med. Bluish green RGB (85, 165, 175)
Light bluish green RGB (183, 215, 213)
fr. yellowish green RGB (164, 189, 71)
Lig. yellowish green RGB (217, 228, 167)
Med. Yellowish orange RGB (231, 172, 88)
fr. reddish orange RGB (211, 111, 76)
Bright reddish purple RGB (146, 57, 120)
Oranġjo ċar RGB (234, 184, 146)
tr. Bright bluish violet RGB (165, 165, 203)
deheb RGB (220, 188, 129)
Nougat skur RGB (174, 122, 89)
fidda RGB (156, 163, 168)
Neon orange RGB (213, 115, 61)
Neon aħdar RGB (216, 221, 86)
Sand blue RGB (116, 134, 157)
Purple sand RGB (135, 124, 144)
Medium orange RGB (224, 152, 100)
Sandy yellow RGB (149, 138, 115)
Earth blue RGB (32, 58, 86)
Earth green RGB (39, 70, 45)
tr. Influence. Blue RGB (207, 226, 247)
Metallic sand blue RGB (121, 136, 161)
Metallic sand purple RGB (149, 142, 163)
Metallic sand yellow RGB (147, 135, 103)
Metallic dark gray RGB (87, 88, 87)
Metallic black RGB (22, 29, 50)
Metallic light gray RGB (171, 173, 172)
Sand green RGB (120, 144, 130)
Sand red RGB (149, 121, 119)
Aħmar skur RGB (123, 46, 47)
tr. Influence. Yellow RGB (255, 246, 123)
tr. Influence. Red RGB (225, 164, 194)
Metal gun RGB (117, 108, 98)
Red flip / flop RGB (151, 105, 91)
Yellow flip flops RGB (180, 132, 85)
Silver flip flops RGB (137, 135, 136)
curry RGB (215, 169, 75)
Fire yellow RGB (249, 214, 46)
Flaming yellowish orange RGB (232, 171, 45)
Kannella ħamrani RGB (105, 64, 40)
Flaming reddish orange RGB (207, 96, 36)
Medium stone gray RGB (163, 162, 165)
Royal Blue RGB (70, 103, 164)
Dark royal blue RGB (35, 71, 139)
Bright reddish lilac RGB (142, 66, 133)
Dark stone gray RGB (99, 95, 98)
Metallic lemon RGB (130, 138, 93)
Light stone gray RGB (229, 228, 223)
curry skur RGB (176, 142, 68)
Gradient green RGB (112, 149, 120)
Turquoise RGB (121, 181, 181)
Irjali blu RGB (159, 195, 233)
Medium royal blue RGB (108, 129, 183)
Rust RGB (144, 76, 42)
kannella RGB (124, 92, 70)
Reddish lilac RGB (150, 112, 159)
lelà RGB (107, 98, 155)
Light lilac RGB (167, 169, 206)
Vjola qawwi RGB (205, 98, 152)
Dawl vjola RGB (228, 173, 200)
Roża ċar RGB (220, 144, 149)
Light brick yellow RGB (240, 213, 160)
Warm yellowish orange RGB (235, 184, 127)
Cold yellow RGB (253, 234, 141)
Dove blue RGB (125, 187, 221)
Medium lilac RGB (52, 43, 117)
Slime green RGB (80, 109, 84)
Griż affumikat RGB (91, 93, 105)
Blu skur RGB (0, 16, 176)
Green parsley RGB (44, 101, 29)
Azzar blu RGB (82, 124, 174)
Storm blue RGB (51, 88, 130)
Pencil RGB (16, 42, 220)
Dark indigo RGB (61, 21, 133)
Green sea RGB (52, 142, 64)
Silla RGB (91, 154, 76)
Fossili RGB (159, 161, 172)
Ċawsli RGB (89, 34, 89)
foresta ħadra RGB (31, 128, 29)
Cadet blue RGB (159, 173, 192)
Blu elettriku RGB (9, 137, 207)
Aubergine RGB (123, 0, 123)
Moss RGB (124, 156, 107)
Qaqoċċ RGB (138, 171, 133)
Aħdar salvja RGB (185, 196, 177)
Ghost gray RGB (202, 203, 209)
lelà RGB (167, 94, 155)
pruna RGB (123, 47, 123)
Żebbuġa RGB (148, 190, 129)
Laurel green RGB (168, 189, 153)
Gray pen RGB (223, 223, 222)
Crimson RGB (151, 0, 0)
mint RGB (177, 229, 166)
Little blue girl RGB (152, 194, 219)
Carnation pink RGB (255, 152, 220)
persimmon RGB (255, 89, 89)
kannella RGB (117, 0, 0)
deheb RGB (239, 184, 56)
Orange daisy RGB (248, 217, 109)
Pearl RGB (231, 231, 236)
Fog RGB (199, 212, 228)
Salamun RGB (255, 148, 148)
Terracotta RGB (190, 104, 98)
Kawkaw RGB (86, 36, 36)
qamħ RGB (241, 231, 199)
Milk butter RGB (254, 243, 187)
lelà RGB (224, 178, 208)
Sunrise RGB (212, 144, 189)
Bruno RGB (150, 85, 85)
Rust RGB (143, 76, 42)
Cashmere RGB (211, 190, 150)
persimmon RGB (226, 220, 188)
Ġilju abjad RGB (237, 234, 234)
arzella RGB (233, 218, 218)
Burgundy RGB (136, 62, 62)
sufra RGB (188, 155, 93)
Kanvas RGB (199, 172, 120)
Beige RGB (202, 191, 163)
gajdra RGB (187, 179, 178)
Konu tal-arżnu RGB (108, 88, 75)
Kannella fawn RGB (160, 132, 79)
Hurricane gray RGB (149, 137, 136)
Cloudy gray RGB (171, 168, 158)
Għażel RGB (175, 148, 131)
Ram RGB (150, 103, 102)
Dirty brown RGB (86, 66, 54)
Bronż RGB (126, 104, 63)
Flint RGB (105, 102, 92)
Dark dove gray RGB (90, 76, 66)
Burnt Sienna RGB (106, 57, 9)
Institutional white RGB (248, 248, 248)
Griż medju RGB (205, 205, 205)
Really black RGB (17, 17, 17)
Really red RGB (255, 0, 0)
Intense orange RGB (255, 176, 0)
Alder RGB (180, 128, 255)
Tela fit-trab RGB (163, 75, 75)
Olive RGB (193, 190, 66)
New screamer RGB (255, 255, 0)
Really blue RGB (0, 0, 255)
Navy blue RGB (0, 32, 96)
Blu ikħal RGB (33, 84, 185)
Cyan RGB (4, 175, 236)
CGA brown RGB (170, 85, 0)
Magenta RGB (170, 0, 170)
Rose RGB (255, 102, 204)
Intense orange RGB (255, 175, 0)
Teal RGB (18, 238, 212)
toothpaste RGB (0, 255, 255)
Aħdar ġir RGB (0, 255, 0)
mimetiku RGB (58, 125, 21)
Ħmieġ RGB (127, 142, 100)
Lavanda RGB (140, 91, 159)
Pastel blu RGB (175, 221, 255)
Oranġjo pastell RGB (255, 201, 201)
Pastel purple RGB (177, 167, 255)
Pastel blue-green RGB (159, 243, 233)
Pastel aħdar RGB (204, 255, 204)
Isfar pastell RGB (255, 255, 204)
Pastel brown RGB (255, 204, 153)
Royal purple RGB (98, 37, 209)
Hot roża RGB (255, 0, 191)

Mistoqsijiet frekwenti

How can I access and use Roblox color codes?

You can do this easily if you are a personal server administrator in Roblox while developing your game in Roblox Studios, via the Paint tool in the F3X tools and also via the paint bucket.

What is a BrickColor?

A BrickColor is a data type that has a preset color. BrickColor features a set of 64 colors allowed by Roblox.

What are the three RGB colors in Roblox?

The three RGB colors in Roblox include red, green, and blue.

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Philip Owell

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