Blox Firearms Simulator is a popular Roblox combat based game where players need to use some resources to get their hands on better equipment so that they can take down their mighty enemies. The more powerful weapons you have, the more powerful you will become. The ultimate goal of this game is to defeat your enemies which consist of monsters.

Blox Firearms Simulator also includes a code redemption feature that allows you to redeem in-game items for free. You can get various in-game items such as power-ups with the Roblox Blox gun simulator codes.

Roblox Blox Gun Simulator Codes – April Listing

Below is a list of some codes that you can use to get gems, coins, boosts and other in-game items.

  • speċjali3000—Redeem for a gem boost and a coin boost (Ġdid)
  • jeurnekr—Redeem for three upgrades
  • welcomehotpot—Ifdi għal premjijiet b’xejn
  • pjaċevoli—Ifdi għal premjijiet b’xejn
  • dlwdcvse—Ifdi għal premjijiet b’xejn
  • ovtzhyoh—Ifdi għal premjijiet b’xejn

Lista skadiet

Xi wħud mis-sorsi fuq l-internet jipprovdu informazzjoni falza billi jsemmu l-kodiċi skaduti bħala li jaħdmu. Dan jaħli l-ħin lill-utenti u jiffrustrahom.

Kif tifdi kodiċijiet?

Billi tifdi l-kodiċijiet, tista 'tikseb premjijiet kbar. L-użu tal-kodiċijiet mhuwiex problema peress li tista 'tagħmel dan faċilment u malajr jekk issegwi dawn il-passi:

  • Ibda l-logħba u kklikkja "Settings” on the right side of the screen, indicated by the “GearIkona ”.
  • A new window will appear, enter your job code in the required area.
  • Ikklikkja fuq “ilment” to get instant in-game rewards.

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Philip Owell

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