bil Impatt Genshin Verżjoni 3.0 l- Reġjun Sumeru was open to exploration for players. With the new region, many new mechanics have also been introduced in the game. Like Dendro’s reactions, new bosses, new enemies and new environmental effects. One of the environmental effects introduced in this region by Genshin Impact is the Withering effect.

Drying area in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact withering effect
Immaġni permezz ta' HoYoverse

Like pure cold Thorn of the dragon u Balethunder In Inazuma, Withering can cause continuous damage to your team if not dealt with correctly. Withering is a climatic effect in Sumeru. It damages all plants, animals and humans that pass through it. Only Vision holders can resist decay (decay is the effect of Withering).

Effect of wilting in Genshin Impact

If exposed to withering, characters would accumulate a decay. Depending on the number of decaying characters, the characters would have their own Reżistenza Elementali, Reżistenza fiżika u HP decreased. These stats would decrease further as more decay builds up. If Travelers stack up 10 punti of forfeiture then later 10 taqs all their characters would fall.

Read more about the Decay effect

Players will see a red bar above theirs HP bar. It would have 10-il diviżjoni. When all the divisions were filled, all the characters would die. 2 divisions would be filled by default when travelers enter the Withering region.

Genshin Impact withering effect
Immaġni permezz ta' HoYoverse

Your team accumulates Decay by taking damage from enemies in wilt zones, wilt branches, and occasional wilt nodes that fire periodically Tmermir. To prevent the accumulation of decay, players must use the stand-by Xemgħat ħfief or collect Flames of life.

How to clean the withering area

Players must collect Dendrograna. And while wielding a Dendrograna, players must perform a charge on the withered branches. Each Wither Zone has 3 Wither Branches, so players must repeat this process until all Wither Branches are cleared of the given Wither Zone.

Genshin Impact withering effect
Immaġni permezz ta' HoYoverse

When all the withered branches have been destroyed a Disciple of decay spawn. He uses Dendrograna to destroy his shield and finish off the spawned enemy. After this the players have to approach the Withering tumor and tap the input button to destroy the wilt tumor. Finally, the Withering Zone will be cleared.

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Philip Owell

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