The Paleontological Investigation in the Chasm World quest provided an update of Genshin Impact verżjoni 2.6. Players can only unlock this mission after completing it the worldwide mission of Chasm Spelunkers. They need to collect a strange rock to start the paleontological investigation in Genshin Impact and request five to finish. Travelers just need to know each place and take five photos to complete the paleontological investigation.

The players will see dawl isfar at specific points in the underground section of L-abbiss. There should be an option “Ritratt” on the page and this option will not be available during the fight. Our step by step guide will help you with everything 5 positions of rocks in paleontological investigation with peculiar signs.

How to complete the paleontological investigation in the Chasm World Quest in Genshin Impact

Strange Rock location photo (1/5) 1

Photo of a location of Strange Rock 1
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Players must teleport Ad hoc main gallery waypoint east and glide south. Interact with the incandescent light to enter camera mode and make sure the camera has been adjusted to the correct angle before taking the picture.

Strange Rock location photo (2/5) 2

Photo of a Strange Rock 2 location
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Teleport to the north waypoint of the main mining area and head northwest. Players now have to interact with the glowing light to enter camera mode and make sure to adjust the camera to the correct angle before taking the picture.

Photo of a location of Strange Rock (3/5) 3

Players must teleport to the Underground waterway southwest waypoint and head northwest. Go to the waterfall and use the Spoutrock left to go higher. Usage anemo attakki fuq Totem anemo to activate the wind current. Slide to the top and players will find a luxurious chest there.

Photo of a Strange Rock 3 location
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Round gradi 180and players see bright light and now interact with bright light to enter camera mode. Make sure the camera has been adjusted to the correct angle before taking the picture.

Location photo of Strange Rock (4/5) 4

Genshin Impact Paleontological Investigation World quest
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Teleport to the Underground Waterway southwest waypoint and head southwest. Interact with the incandescent light to enter the modalità tal-kamera. Make sure the camera has been adjusted to the correct angle before taking the picture.

Strange Rock location photo (5/5) 5

Genshin Impact Paleontological Investigation World Mission Site 5
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Players must teleport The ardor shrinks waypoint to the northwest and head southeast. Players now have to interact with the glowing light to enter camera mode. Adjust the camera to the correct angle before taking the picture.

Talk to Khedive

Genshin Impact Paleontological Investigation World quest
Immaġni permezz ta' miHoYo

Players must teleport to the Glowing shrinks waypoint and talk to Khedive. Select the option “About the strange rock we found …” Talk to Khedive again to submit all five photos taken previously. After delivering the fossil images to Khedive, the search will be completed.

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