Fortnite huwa azzjoni-packaged battalja rjali minn Logħob epiku. In the game, players have to fight to survive to the end and come out victorious. It has amassed millions of players over the years and every year Epic Games distributes rewards to players at the end of each season. This varies based on how far they have progressed in that game in that particular season. Fortnite Kapitolu 3 Staġun 3 is coming to an end, and here’s how players can redeem end-of-season rewards.

How to get the end of season rewards in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3

Epic Games is known for giving end of season rewards fil-forma ta ' unique cosmetics and skins that never comes back. This motivates players to perform better to get those rewards. The developers announced it on theirs Competitive Twitter kont. They stated that players will only be able to receive these rewards after reaching the Contested League or higher as this is a exclusive pack.

Players have until the end of the season to reach the minimum rank to earn this award. After that, prizes will be awarded to them within the first week of the new season, by September 25, 2022. If someone does not receive their wrapper no later than Settembru 30, 2022 may submit a request to Support for epic games to add it to your accounts.

How to earn the exclusive wrap in Fortnite

As of now, Fortnite has 10 different divisions ġol Mod arena. The higher a player goes, the rarer and more unique their reward will be. The first league is known as the Open league and has four different divisions. This alloy will not be eligible for the exclusive wrap. Players in this league right now should try to reach the Contender League at least as soon as possible.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Redeem Rewards
Immaġni permezz ta 'Epic Games

The Contender League starts in the game with Division 5 and players must have 2000 Hype to reach this championship. Players start losing their Hype like Nol tax-xarabank starting from this championship that does nothing but increase as you go up in the rankings.

The latest league is known as the Champions League and the players must have it 7500 Hype to arrive there. A game in this league costs 70 Hype. This means that it becomes extremely difficult to maintain one’s rank without being demoted as this league also has the toughest competition in Fortnite.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Redeem Rewards
Immaġni permezz ta 'Epic Games

Players don’t have to worry if they just want the exclusive wrap because they become eligible the moment they reach the Contender League. This is fairly easy to achieve and can normally be done simply by participating 10 sa 15 logħba and stay alive until the end even if you don’t win games.

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