Pulpetti veġetarjani għat-tieni platt ħafif u delizzjuż

Vegetarian meatballs are a second dish that also lends itself well to being served as an appetizer. These delicious nuggets, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, are very similar to the Veggi burger of a well-known brand of frozen foods. In fact, with the same compound you can obtain more preparations: meatballs, but also burgers and sticks. These Vegetable meatballs they are ideal if you cannot get your children to eat vegetables. In fact, it will be enough to accompany them with some sauce and that’s it. I used seasonal vegetables such as carrots and courgettes, but you can also add other ingredients, such as broccoli, cauliflower and peas, respecting the proportions. Like the Aubergine Meatballs, Also in this case I have provided two cooking methods: you can fry them in just a drizzle of oil, or bake them in the oven, for a lighter and healthier second course. You can also prepare the delicious lentil meatballs!

Ingredjenti għal 6 nies

  • Patata: 500 g
  • Basla: 1
  • Zunnarija: 1
  • Zucchini: 1
  • Drained Corn: 70 g
  • Grana: 2 tbsp
  • Abjad tal-bajd: 3
  • Melħ li t-togħma
  • Bżar kif meħtieġ
  • Frak tal-ħobż: għat-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 20
  • Tisjir: minuti 20
  • Totali: minuti 40
  • Kaloriji: 191 kcal / 100 g



The first thing to do is to boil the potatoes. The potatoes should be cooked whole and with the skin and the time varies according to the size. Once this is done, drain them and mash them with a potato masher. It is not necessary to remove the peel first. It will be sufficient to cut them in half and the waste will remain in the tool.


In the meantime, devote yourself to preparing the vegetables. Cut the courgettes and carrots into rather small chunks. Chop the onion. Stew everything with a drizzle of oil and a drop of water until tender. Finally, season with salt and pepper.


In a bowl, mix the mashed potatoes, the vegetables and the drained corn. Let it cool down.


Once the mixture is cold, add the whites (or a whole egg and a yolk) and the parmesan cheese.


Mix well and add breadcrumbs until the mixture is not too dry but workable with your hands. Shape into meatballs and pass them in flour.


At this point, if you decide to bake them in the oven, arrange them on a baking sheet lined with the special paper and sprinkle them with a drizzle of oil. The vegetarian meatballs in the oven cook at 180 ° C for 20 minutes, turning them halfway through cooking.


If you decide to cook them in a pan, fry them a few minutes on each side until they are crispy. Serve hot.

Ingredjenti għal 6 nies

  • Patata: 500 g
  • Basla: 1
  • Zunnarija: 1
  • Zucchini: 1
  • Drained Corn: 70 g
  • Grana: 2 tbsp
  • Abjad tal-bajd: 3
  • Melħ li t-togħma
  • Bżar kif meħtieġ
  • Frak tal-ħobż: għat-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 20
  • Tisjir: minuti 20
  • Totali: minuti 40
  • Kaloriji: 191 kcal / 100 g
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Philip Owell

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