Blalen tar-ross: ir-riċetta perfetta ħafifa u appetizing


il Blalen tar-ross they are delicious snacks to eat standing up during a buffet or to be enjoyed hot at the table as an appetizer or a rich second course. If you are a lover of the genre, we offer you the recipe for these Pulpetti tal-brunġiel, vegetarian morsels excellent to serve during an aperitif. Add a cube of mozzarella inside your rice balls to make them stringy, or stuff them with a simple meat sauce: travel with your imagination and the result will be perfect!

Ingredjenti għal 4 nies

  • Rice: 300 g
  • Coarse salt: ½ tbsp
  • Water: 2 l
  • Parmesan cheese: 100 g
  • Bajd: 2
  • Tursin: 10 g
  • Grated bread: 100 g
  • Żejt taż-żebbuġa extra verġni: għat-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 15
  • Tisjir: minuti 30
  • Totali: minuti 45
  • Kaloriji: 254Kcal / 100g



In a saucepan pour lightly salted water and place it on the fire over high heat; once it comes to a boil, add the rice. Cook for about 15 minutes, keeping stirred.


Once the time has elapsed, drain the rice and let it cool, keeping it aside.


In the meantime, collect the parsley and, after having washed it under running water and dried well, chop it with the help of a knife or a crescent.


In a large bowl, add the grated Parmesan cheese, the chopped parsley, an egg and the now cooled rice. Mix all the ingredients well.


Then add the second egg and continue to mix everything.


Take about 25 g of dough and form balls of the same size with your hands.


In a dish pour the breadcrumbs and roll each ball inside.


Retrieve a baking tray and line it with parchment paper. Place all the meatballs on top, keeping them well spaced from each other. Brush them with olive oil with the help of a kitchen brush.


As you finish this step, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.


Place the pan inside and let the meatballs cook for about 25 minutes in the oven in static mode.


Your rice balls will be cooked when they are golden and crunchy.


  • pot
  • Mgħarfa tal-mejda
  • Qamar qamar
  • Skutella kbira
  • dixx
  • Karta tal-ħami
  • Trej tal-ħami
  • Pinzell tal-kċina

Suġġerimenti u ħjiel

  • For even more delicious rice balls we suggest frying: dip them in peanut oil brought to 170°cook for about 4 minutes keeping them turned with the help of a skimmer before serving.
  • Make your meatballs more colorful and inviting by adding saffron or a little curry powder.
  • To avoid waste, reuse for example the Mushroom and saffron risotto advanced from the previous day: the result will be excellent!


The rice balls can be stored in the refrigerator, inside an airtight container, għal massimu ta’ 3 ijiem.

Ingredjenti għal 4 nies

  • Rice: 300 g
  • Coarse salt: ½ tbsp
  • Water: 2 l
  • Parmesan cheese: 100 g
  • Bajd: 2
  • Tursin: 10 g
  • Grated bread: 100 g
  • Żejt taż-żebbuġa extra verġni: għat-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 15
  • Tisjir: minuti 30
  • Totali: minuti 45
  • Kaloriji: 254Kcal / 100g
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Philip Owell

Blogger professjonali, hawn biex iġiblek kontenut ġdid u interessanti kull darba li żżur il-blog tagħna.