Pancakes tal-karnival Venezjana

Ħelu u artab, wieħed iwassal għall-ieħor. Huwa Pancakes tal-Karnival Venezjan jew aħjar il- fritòleartab ħafna spheres of dough with grappa, raisins and pine nuts, fried in boiling oil and served warm with a sprinkling of icing sugar. There fritòla in Venice it is an institution and, although it can be tasted all year round in some pastry shops in the lagoon city, it is traditionally eaten in the month of February during the Karnival. In that month, the streets of the city are filled with masked people and tourists hunting for the latest one fritòla: classic with raisins and pine nutsmal- tuffieħmal- ġobon tal-irkottaor big fritòle stuffed to bursting with żarbun tal-bajd, kustard u ċikkulata. If for this year the Carnival of Venice is not within your reach, however, you cannot fail to prepare the traditional Venetian pancakes at home. The recipe and the procedure are very simple and a few tricks in cooking are enough to have the delicious ones on your table fritòlelest biex jittiekel fi ftit minuti!

Ingredjenti għal 6 nies

  • Dqiq Manitoba: 500 g
  • Ħmira tal-birra friska: 25 g
  • Ħalib: 150g
  • Butir: 80g
  • Bajd: 2 kbar
  • Zokkor granulat: 80 g
  • Grappa bajda: 40 ml
  • Żbib Sultana: 150 g
  • Ġewż tal-arżnu: 80 g
  • Fażola tal-vanilla: 1
  • Melħ: 1 niskata
  • Żejt tal-karawett: 1 lt
  • Zokkor trab: għat-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: XNUMx sigħat, 4 minuti
  • Tisjir: minuti 25
  • Totali: XNUMx sigħat, 4 minuti
  • Kaloriji: 40 kcal / pancake



Fi skutella, xarrab iż-żbib bl-ilma kiesaħ. L-ilma għandu jkopri kompletament iż-żbib. Ħalliha tixxarrab għal mill-inqas 10 minuti. Sadanittant, saħħan ftit 1/3 tal-ħalib ġo tazza u ħoll il-ħmira tal-birra fiha, ħawwad b'kuċċarina.


Pour the flour into a large bowl and add the yeast dissolved in the milk. If you like, you can use a planetary mixer fitted with a speed 2 hook.


Add the two beaten eggs to the flour with the baking powder. Meanwhile, melt the butter in the microwave and let it cool. As soon as it is cold, pour it into the flour, together with the remaining milk.


Fl-aħħar, żid il-grappa, iz-zokkor, iż-żerriegħa tal-fażola tal-vanilla u niskata melħ.


Mix everything with a spatula until you get a rather coarse and crumbly dough. If you use the planetary mixer, mix with the hook at speed 2 for about 5 minutes. Then work with your hands until you get a shiny and soft compound.


Drain the raisins and dry them with a clean tea towel. Add the pine nuts and dry raisins to the dough. Knead again to mix the two ingredients evenly, then form a ball.


Għatti l-iskutella b'film trasparenti u ħalli l-għaġina togħla għal madwar 4 sigħat f'temperatura ta' 25°. Jekk it-temperatura tal-kamra hija aktar baxxa, poġġi l-iskutella fil-forn mitfi bid-dawl mixgħul. L-għaġina trid tittriplika l-volum inizjali tagħha.


After the leavening time, take some pieces of dough weighing about 25 grams each. Form balls, trying not to leave raisins and pine nuts on the outside. In the meantime, in a narrow saucepan with high edges, heat the peanut oil to a temperature between 160° and 170°.


As soon as the oil is hot, dip a few balls at a time. Fry each ball for about 2-3 minutes, turning them often with the help of a slotted spoon. The pancakes should be puffy and golden.


Ixxottahom b'kuċċarina mqaxxra u ħallihom jistrieħu għal ftit minuti fuq srievet tal-karti.


Irranġahom fuq platt jew trej tas-servizz u roxx biz-zokkor silġ.


Servi l-pancakes tal-Karnival tal-Venezja tiegħek għadhom sħun.


It is preferable to consume the Venetian Carnival pancakes during the day in order to enjoy their flavor and crunchiness to the fullest.

You can still keep them, covered with kitchen film, for 1 jum massimu f'post niexef u frisk.

Pariri u pariri

Use plenty żejt tal-karawett għall-qali. The pancakes will float thanks to the presence of the yeast: to ensure uniform cooking, take care to turn them often, rolling them on the surface of the oil, with the help of a slotted spoon or ladle.

Pancake dough must jintefħu during cooking: it is therefore important to use fresh brewer’s yeast and make sure that the dough rises correctly until it triples in volume.

We advise you to measure the oil temperature with a termometru tal-kċina, which you can buy for a few euros online and in physical stores. If you don’t have it, you can dip a piece of dough in the oil: if it produces bubbles and does not blacken, it means that the oil is at the right temperature. If, on the other hand, it becomes dark immediately, the oil is too hot and it is necessary to lower the heat.

Tgħaddix too many pancakes at onceotherwise the oil temperature will drop.

Tista 'tuża white grappa or barricaded grappa for making your pancakes: with barricaded grappa the grappa flavor will be slightly more intense. Alternatively you can use a spoonful of rumeven if the traditional recipe for pancakes calls for the use of grappa.

If you don’t want to use grappa, you can replace it with one vial of orange flavouring.

Ipprova ma taqbiżx il-piż ta ' 25 gramma kull pancakegħax, jekk ikunu kbar wisq, it-tisjir jistgħu jibqgħu nejjin ġewwa.

If you don’t like it you can replace the raisins with apples cut into small pieces.


Carnival fritters are among the oldest and best known desserts together with damselfish u fil Taħbitastrips of fried dough also known as “milkshake"Jew"crostoli”. Il-fritti tal-Karnival ġew ivvintati f’Venezja matul is-seklu 13, meta l-belt kienet influwenzata ħafna mit-tradizzjoni Għarbija-Persjana, anke mil-lat kulinari. Fil-fatt, il-“zelbies", pancakes bi frott taċ-ċitru u ħwawar li minnhom il-Venezjani ħadu s-snien biex jagħmlu l-verżjoni tagħhom stess ta 'pancakes imsejħa "fritòle” Il- fritòle they were so appreciated that they were proclaimed, in the seventeenth century, the official dessert of the Serenissima. Historically they were prepared by “fritoleri”, of cooks who only produced fritòle, so much so that a real profession was established. Nowadays Venetian Carnival pancakes are spread throughout Italy and, although the traditional pancake is the one with raisins and pine nuts, there are several variations with apples, eggnog and custard. Only recently have chocolate-filled pancakes also become widespread.

Ingredjenti għal 6 nies

  • Dqiq Manitoba: 500 g
  • Ħmira tal-birra friska: 25 g
  • Ħalib: 150g
  • Butir: 80g
  • Bajd: 2 kbar
  • Zokkor granulat: 80 g
  • Grappa bajda: 40 ml
  • Żbib Sultana: 150 g
  • Ġewż tal-arżnu: 80 g
  • Fażola tal-vanilla: 1
  • Melħ: 1 niskata
  • Żejt tal-karawett: 1 lt
  • Zokkor trab: għat-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: XNUMx sigħat, 4 minuti
  • Tisjir: minuti 25
  • Totali: XNUMx sigħat, 4 minuti
  • Kaloriji: 40 kcal / pancake
  • Kategorija tal-kariga:donuts
  • Awtur tal-posta:
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Philip Owell

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