Kejk Caprese, ir-riċetta oriġinali Naplitana

Hemm Kejk caprese huwa kejk taċ-ċikkulata skura bid-dqiq tal-lewż li ismu jirreferi għall-gżira fejn twieldet u nfirxet ir-riċetta: Capri, waħda mill-aktar famużi 'l barra mill-kosta ta' Napli. Magħmula bil-lewż mitħun fin, zokkor granulat, butir frisk, ċikkulata skura, bajd u kawkaw morr, il-kejk caprese Naplitan huwa wieħed mill-eħfef u fl-istess ħin maħbub fl-Italja kollha u barra. serva mfarrka biz-zokkor silġ u akkumpanjat minn kikkra kafè. F'xi verżjonijiet tal-kejk caprese tista 'ssib ukoll il- qoxra maħkuka ta' lumi waħda, jew taħlita ta’ dqiq tal-ġellewż jew tal-lewż. In-naħa ta’ ġewwa tal-kejk hija niedja u ratba ħafna, filwaqt li l-wiċċ huwa kemmxejn tqarmeċ. Noffrulek ir-riċetta bażika oriġinali Naplitana tal-caprese, li trid issir fi 20-il minuta bissb'ingredjenti tradizzjonali sempliċi u ġenwini!

Ingredjenti għal 10 nies

  • Butir: 130 g
  • Zokkor granulat: 160 g
  • Bajd: 3
  • Ċikkulata skura 70%: 120 g
  • Dqiq tal-lewż: 180 g
  • Trab tal-kawkaw morr: 15 g
  • Melħ: 1 niskata
  • Zokkor trab: għat-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 20
  • Tisjir: minuti 35
  • Totali: minuti 55
  • Kaloriji: 349 kcal/porzjon



On a cutting board, break the chocolate into coarse pieces. Size is not important. Put a saucepan ¾ full of water on the fire, turn on a medium flame and wait for it to almost boil. When the water is hot, place a glass bowl on the saucepan that must not touch the water inside.


Pour the chocolate into the bowl and melt it, stirring with a spatula. Set aside and let cool.


In a bowl, pour the butter at room temperature, the granulated sugar and 1 pinch of fine salt. Activate the electric whisk of a mixer and mix the ingredients well, until you obtain a cream with the consistency of an ointment.


Add the eggs and continue mixing with the electric whisk.


In a second bowl, sift the almond flour with a sieve with not too tight meshes. Separately sift the cocoa.


Add the almond flour to the egg, sugar and butter mixture and mix with a spatula until completely absorbed.


Also add the cocoa and mix the ingredients. You can pour the cocoa all at once, taking care to mix it immediately to mix it with the rest of the dough.


Finally, add the now lukewarm melted chocolate, stirring to incorporate it into the mixture.


Melt a small piece of butter in a saucepan or in the microwave, placing it in a cup and placing it in the microwave for 20 seconds at maximum temperature. Brush a 22 cm diameter round pan and then lightly flour it. If you don’t want to use 00 flour, you can use cocoa powder.


Turn on the oven at 180°C in static mode. As soon as it is hot, bake for 30 minutes in the central part of the oven.


After 30 minutes, do the toothpick test: insert a long toothpick in the center of the cake and then remove it. The cake should be soft but not wet. If it is still too moist, leave it in the oven for another 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and let it cool completely, then move it onto a serving plate and sprinkle with icing sugar.

Pariri u pariri

For convenience, you can use almond flour as we did. But if you can’t find it or you have some almonds available, you can make it yourself by going to lightly toast in the oven for 10 minutes at 180°C and then blending them with a mixer until you get a flour. You can also use skinned almonds.

For an even more particular taste, even if less traditional, you can use 100 g of almond flour and 80 g of hazelnut flour or finely chopped hazelnuts.

For a softer consistency, you can whip the egg whites separately and then add them to the mixture, incorporating them delicately with a spatula.

The chocolate must be of excellent quality and dark chocolate at least 70%. You can also use half the 50% chocolate and half the 85% chocolate.

It is essential to let the caprese cake cool completely before removing it from the mold, otherwise it will break and crumble when transferred to the serving plate.


The true story of the Neapolitan caprese cake is not known. However, a legend tells that a pastry chef who worked in Capri forgot to add the flour to the mixture of chocolate, butter, eggs, sugar and ground almonds that he was preparing, thus baking the cake that would be known as the caprese cake. Lately a caprese cake version made with white chocolate and grated lemon peel has been spreading.

Ingredjenti għal 10 nies

  • Butir: 130 g
  • Zokkor granulat: 160 g
  • Bajd: 3
  • Ċikkulata skura 70%: 120 g
  • Dqiq tal-lewż: 180 g
  • Trab tal-kawkaw morr: 15 g
  • Melħ: 1 niskata
  • Zokkor trab: għat-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 20
  • Tisjir: minuti 35
  • Totali: minuti 55
  • Kaloriji: 349 kcal/porzjon
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Philip Owell

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