We subjected the Xiaomi Mix Fold 2 to our rigorous SBMARK audio test suite to measure its performance both when recording sound using its built-in microphones, and when playing audio through its speakers.

F'din ir-reviżjoni, aħna ser tanalizza kif wettaq f'varjetà ta 'testijiet u diversi każijiet ta' użu komuni.

Ħarsa ġenerali

L-ispeċifikazzjonijiet ewlenin tal-awdjo jinkludu:

  • Three speakers (two on the underside when unfolded, one under the front screen when folded)
  • Ebda output jack awdjo
  • Teknoloġija Dolby Atmos



  • Sharp attack and good punch across all volume levels
  • It tends to sound better at higher volumes


  • Disappointing spatial performance for a foldable
  • More artifacts than expected
  • Disappointing tonal performance



  • Prestazzjoni dinamika tajba
  • Mostly free from unwanted audio artifacts


  • No audio zoom capability.
  • Tonal balance could be better in some apps

With a SBMARK audio score of 121, the Xiaomi Mix Fold 2 performed decent overall in our tests compared to the smartphone market as a whole. However, the results started to look a little less impressive when you consider the Mix Fold 2’s large size in its unfolded state and its hefty price tag. Overall, Xiaomi’s latest foldable is somewhat of a missed opportunity in terms of the physical implementation of speakers and microphones, as well as audio tuning.

As a playback device, the Mix Fold 2 worked best when listening to music, but it was also a decent option for gaming and watching movies, thanks to sharp attack and good punch across the board of volume. Overall playback quality was pretty poor for a device at the higher end of the Ultra-Premium price range. The same could be said for the recording, but on the bright side, most of the audio recordings remained intelligible in windy conditions and were fairly free of artifacts.

Sommarju tal-prova

Tgħallem dwar it-testijiet tal-awdjo SBMARK: Għall-punteġġ u l-analiżi fir-reviżjonijiet tal-awdjo tal-ismartphone tagħna, l-inġiniera SBMARK iwettqu serje ta 'testijiet oġġettivi u jagħmlu aktar minn 20 siegħa ta' evalwazzjoni perċettiv taħt kundizzjonijiet tal-laboratorju kkontrollati.
(Għal aktar dettalji dwar il-protokoll ta’ daqq tagħna, ikklikkja hawn; għal aktar dettalji dwar il-protokoll ta’ reġistrazzjoni tagħna, ikklikkja hawn.)

It-taqsima li ġejja tiġbor l-elementi ewlenin tal-ittestjar u l-analiżi estensivi tagħna mwettqa fil-laboratorji SBMARK. Evalwazzjonijiet dettaljati tal-prestazzjoni fil-forma ta' rapporti huma disponibbli fuq talba. Toqgħodx lura milli tikkuntattjana.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-plejbek tal-awdjo

L-inġiniera ta’ SBMARK jittestjaw id-daqq permezz ta’ kelliema tal-ismartphone, li l-prestazzjoni tiegħu tiġi evalwata fil-laboratorji tagħna u taħt kundizzjonijiet tal-ħajja reali, bl-użu ta’ apps u settings issettjati minn qabel.

When using the Mix Fold 2 as a playback device, it delivered average tonal performance in our tests. Tonal balance was disappointing overall, with a focus on the top end but also a lack of brightness in the upper treble. At the same time, the bass was insufficient, despite the artificial boost. Dynamics were pretty good overall, thanks to very crisp attack across all volume levels, decent bass accuracy, and good punch.

The Xiaomi scored decently in the space category, but given the device’s large size when unfolded, our testers expected much more. When held in portrait orientation, the Mix Fold 2 offered no stereo audio. The width of the rendered soundstage was decent in landscape orientation, but again the results seemed less impressive considering the device’s large size. The localizability of individual sound sources in the scene was quite good, but voices sounded too far away most of the time.

Our audio experts found the maximum volume to be average and the minimum volume too low for good intelligibility of quiet content. However, the volume steps were consistent from the lowest level to the highest. We encountered a number of unwanted audio artifacts during our testing, including compression and distortion at all volume levels. With the device unfolded, it was also virtually impossible not to cover the left and right speakers with your hands.

Isma' dwar il-prestazzjoni tal-plejbek tal-ismartphone ittestjat f'dan il-paragun ma' xi wħud mill-kompetituri tiegħu:

Reġistrazzjonijiet ta’ smartphones li jdoqqu xi wħud mill-kanzunetti tagħna f’60 LAeq f’ambjent anekoiku permezz ta’ 2 mikrofoni f’konfigurazzjoni AB, f’30 ċm

Here’s how the Xiaomi Mix Fold 2 fares in playback use cases compared to its competitors:

Daqq ta' punteġġi ta' każi ta' użu

The Timbre score represents how well a phone reproduces sound across the audible tonal range and takes into account bass, mids, treble, tonal balance, and volume dependency. It is the most important attribute for reproduction.

Rispons tal-frekwenza tar-riproduzzjoni tal-mużika

Grafika tar-rispons tal-frekwenza ta' 1/12-il ottava, li tkejjel il-qawwa ta' kull frekwenza emessa mill-ismartphone tiegħek peress li tirriproduċi mewġa sine pura f'ambjent anekoiku.

Id-Dynamics Score ikejjel l-eżattezza tal-bidliet fil-livell tal-enerġija tas-sorsi tal-ħoss, bħal kemm tindaqq b'mod preċiż nota tal-bass jew ħoss tal-impatt tat-tnabar.

Attributi sekondarji għall-ittestjar spazjali jinkludu l-identifikazzjoni tal-post ta 'ħoss speċifiku, il-bilanċ pożizzjonali tiegħu, id-distanza u l-amplitudni.

Il-punteġġ tal-volum jirrappreżenta l-volum ġenerali ta 'smartphone u kemm il-volum jiżdied u jonqos bla xkiel abbażi tal-input tal-utent.

Hawn huma xi livelli ta' pressjoni tal-ħoss (SPL) imkejla waqt li ddoqq ir-reġistrazzjonijiet tal-kampjuni tagħna ta' hip-hop u mużika klassika fil-volum massimu:

hip hop Classic
Xiaomi Mix Fold 2 72.2 dBA 67.9 dBA
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 71.1 dBA 67.3 dBA
Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max 74 dBA 71.1 dBA

The following graph shows the gradual changes in volume from minimum to maximum. We expect these changes to be consistent across the range, so that all volume steps match user expectations:

Konsistenza tal-volum tal-mużika

Din il-grafika tal-linja turi l-qawwa relattiva tal-daqq kontra l-pass tal-volum magħżul mill-utent, imkejjel f'diversi passi ta 'volum b'ħoss roża korrelatat f'kaxxa anekoika rreġistrata 0.20 metru fuq l-assi.

The artifact score measures the extent to which the sound is affected by various types of distortion. The higher the score, the less noticeable sound disturbances are. Distortion can occur due to the sound processing in the device and the quality of the speakers.

Daqq ta' Distorsjoni Armonika Totali (volum massimu)

Din il-grafika turi distorsjoni armonika totali u storbju fuq il-firxa tal-frekwenza li tinstema'.
Jirrappreżenta d-distorsjoni u l-istorbju tal-apparat li qed jilgħab is-sinjal tat-test tagħna (0 dB Fs, Sweep Sine f'kaxxa anekoika f'40cm) fil-volum massimu tal-apparat.

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tar-reġistrazzjoni tal-awdjo

SBMARK engineers test recording by evaluating recorded files on reference audio equipment. These recordings are made in our laboratories and under real-life conditions, using apps and default settings.

When recording, the Xiaomi delivered decent tonal performance overall, but our experts found the tonal balance lacked top-end range and brightness when recording with the main and selfie cameras. When recording at high SPLs, for example, concerts, the tonal balance was subtly rendered, with a significant lack of bass and bass extension. In terms of dynamics, the device offered an average signal-to-noise ratio. The envelope was quite accurate but overall sounded slightly flat.

Sound scene recording breadth was good with the main camera, but noticeably smaller with the selfie camera and memo app. Distance rendering was realistic and locateability was good across all use cases, resulting in overall average spatial performance. Volume performance was good in all use cases, and in our recording tests, the Mix Fold 2 was virtually free of unwanted artifacts aside from some bass distortion and pumping at high SPLs. The rendering of the background was quite natural.

Here’s how the Xiaomi Mix Fold 2 fares in recording use cases compared to its competitors:

Użu punteġġ każ

The Timbre Score represents how well a phone captures sounds across the audible tonal range and takes into account bass, mids, treble, and tonal balance. It is the most important attribute for registration.

Reazzjoni tal-frekwenza tal-vidjo tal-ħajja

Grafika tar-rispons tal-frekwenza ta’ 1/12-il ottava, li tkejjel il-qawwa ta’ kull frekwenza maqbuda mill-ismartphone tiegħek waqt li tirreġistra mewġa sine pura f’ambjent anekoiku.

The Dynamics Score measures the accuracy of changes in the energy level of sound sources, such as how accurately plosives in a voice (p, t, k, for example) are reproduced. The score also considers the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), such as how loud the lead voice is compared to the background noise.

Attributi sekondarji għall-ittestjar spazjali jinkludu l-illokalizzazzjoni tal-post ta 'ħoss speċifiku, bilanċ pożizzjonali, distanza, u amplitudni fuq fajls awdjo rreġistrati.

Direttezza tar- reġistrazzjoni

Smartphone directivity graph while recording test signals using the camera app, with the main camera. It represents the acoustic energy (in dB) on the angle of incidence of the sound source. (Normalized to 0° angle, in front of the device.)

Il-punteġġ tal-loudness jirrappreżenta kemm l-awdjo qawwi huwa normalizzat fuq fajls irreġistrati u kemm l-apparat jimmaniġġa tajjeb ambjenti storbjużi, bħal kunċerti elettroniċi, waqt ir-reġistrazzjoni.

Here are the sound levels recorded in the audio and video files, measured in LUFS (Loudness Unit Full Scale); for reference, we expect volume levels to be above -24 LUFS for recorded content:

Laqgħa Videos ħajja Selfie videos Memorandum
Xiaomi Mix Fold 2 -25.3 LUFS -22.8 LUFS -19.7 LUFS -20.8 LUFS
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 -25.8 LUFS -21.6 LUFS -22.7 LUFS -21 LUFS
Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max -26 LUFS -22.9 LUFS -19.2 LUFS -19.6 LUFS

The Artifacts score measures the extent to which recorded sounds are affected by various types of distortions. The higher the score, the less noticeable sound disturbances are. Distortions can occur due to in-device sound processing and microphone quality, as well as user handling, such as how the phone is held.

F'dan il-paragun tal-awdjo, tista' tisma' kif dan l-ismartphone jimmaniġġja l-istorbju tar-riħ meta mqabbel mal-kompetituri tiegħu:

matriċi (3) {
[“Xiaomi Mix Fold 2”]=> string(64) “resources/Xiaomi/MixFold2/XiaomiMIXFold2_MicrophoneArtifacts.m4a”
[“Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4”]=> string(69) “resources/Xiaomi/MixFold2/SamsungGalaxyZFold4_MicrophoneArtifacts.m4a”
[“Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max”]=> string(69) “resources/Xiaomi/MixFold2/AppleiPhone14ProMax_MicrophoneArtifacts.m4a” }

Reġistrazzjonijiet ta' kampjun tal-vuċi bi ħsejjes fl-isfond ħafif, li qed jiffaċċja riħ turbulenti ta' 5 m/s

Background evaluates how smoothly various sounds around a voice blend into the video recording file. For example, when recording a speech at an event, the background shouldn’t interfere with the main vocal, but should provide context of your surroundings.

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Philip Owell

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