We put the Samsung Galaxy S24 through our rigorous SBMARK Audio test suite to measure its performance in both recording audio using the built-in microphones and playing audio through speakers.
F'din ir-reviżjoni, aħna ser nkissru kif wettaq f'varjetà ta 'testijiet u diversi każijiet ta' użu komuni.

Ħarsa ġenerali

L-ispeċifikazzjonijiet ewlenin tal-awdjo jinkludu:

  • Top front focus, bottom side focus
  • Ebda output jack awdjo




  • Good tonal performance overall
  • The audio zoom is good although the device lacks a super telephoto zoom.
  • Excellent performance in terms of wind noise in live videos and selfies.


  • Very sensitive to wind when using the Memo app
  • The treble sounds a little tinny with the recorder app
  • General lack of brightness in all apps used

All models in the Galaxy S24 series come with the same audio specs, and performance results were relatively similar across all three models, except for a few minor differences. For example during playback, the S24’s sound was quite bright, but some bass and low mids were missing. The upper treble was a little resonant and not particularly pleasant.

In recording, all three devices provided excellent audio zoom performance.

Because the Galaxy S24’s audio performance was so similar to other S24 series models, we direct you to the Galaxy S24 Ultra’s audio test results for more details

Isma 'l-prestazzjoni tal-plejbek tal-ismartphone ittestjat f'dan il-paragun ma' xi wħud mill-kompetituri tiegħu:

Reġistrazzjonijiet ta' smartphones li jdoqqu wħud mill-binarji tal-mużika tagħna f'60 LAeq f'ambjent anekoiku bl-użu ta' 2 mikrofoni f'konfigurazzjoni AB, f'30 ċm

Here’s how the Samsung Galaxy S24 fares in playback use cases compared to its competitors:

Logħba ta' punteġġi ta' każi ta' użu

Here’s how the Samsung Galaxy S24 fares in recording use cases compared to its competitors:

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Philip Owell

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