We subjected the Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max to our rigorous SBMARK battery test suite to measure its performance in terms of range, charging and efficiency. In these test results, we will analyze how it fared in a variety of tests and several common use cases.

Ħarsa ġenerali

Speċifikazzjonijiet ewlenin:

  • kapaċità tal-batterija: 4352mAh
  • Ċarġer tal-20W (mhux inkluż)
  • Display OLED ta' 6.7 pulzieri, 1284 x 2778, 120Hz
  • Apple A15 Bionic (5nm)
  • Kombinazzjoni ta 'ROM / RAM ittestjata: 256GB + 6GB


  • Excellent autonomy during the Typical Use Scenario, with low discharge currents, both day and night
  • Excellent autonomy during the test in calibrated mode
  • Excellent autonomy during tests on the go
  • Very low residual consumption of both wired and wireless chargers
  • Decent wireless charging efficiency
  • Kurrenti ta' skarigu ġenerali baxxi ħafna


  • Slow charging time, both wired and wireless
  • Very low wired charging efficiency

The Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max achieved an excellent overall score, surpassing the previous top scorer, the iPhone 12 Pro Max. This significant result is mainly due to the better battery life, attributable to the battery capacity of almost 20% more than the 13 Pro Max, along with further optimization.

It showed excellent performance during the typical use scenario, with only 1% lost on average per night. Outdoors, the device had a very decent battery life, especially when using demanding GPS navigation. During the calibrated mode test, runtime was above average in all of our use cases.
When it came to charging, the small 20W charger struggled and it took 2 hours and 11 minutes to refill the 4352mAh battery. Likewise, the wireless charger took 2 hours and 41 minutes to fully charge the battery, which is longer than average. However, the residual consumption of both wired and wireless chargers was very low.

Discharge currents were also very low, meaning the device was well optimized, whatever the use case.

Compared to devices in the same price range ($ 800 +), the iPhone scored the highest due to its excellent battery life and efficiency. However, his charge score was among the lowest.

Sommarju tat-test

Informazzjoni dwar it-testijiet tal-batterija SBMARK: Għall-punteġġ u l-analiżi fir-reviżjonijiet tagħna tal-batteriji tal-ismartphone, l-inġiniera ta’ SBMARK iwettqu serje ta’ testijiet oġġettivi fuq perjodu ta’ ġimgħa kemm ġewwa kif ukoll barra. (Ara l-artiklu introduttorju tagħna u kif nittestjaw l-artikoli għal aktar dettalji dwar il-Protokoll tagħna tal-Batterija tal-Smartphone.)

It-taqsima li ġejja tiġbor l-elementi ewlenin tat-testijiet u l-analiżi eżawrjenti tagħna mwettqa fil-laboratorji SBMARK. Evalwazzjonijiet dettaljati tal-prestazzjoni fil-forma ta' rapporti huma disponibbli fuq talba. Toqgħodx lura milli tikkuntattjana.

Battery Ċarġer tal-batterija bla wajers Screen Processor
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max 4352 mAh 20 W
1284 x 2778
Apple A15 Bionic
Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max 3687 mAh 20 W
1284 x 2778
Apple A14 Bionic
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Snapdragon) 5000 mAh 25W
1440 x 3200
Qualcomm Snapdragon 888
Oppo Sib X3 Pro 4500 mAh 65 W
30 W OLEDs
1440 x 3216
Qualcomm Snapdragon 888



Wiko Power U30

Wiko Power U30

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-awtonomija

The range score is made up of three performance sub-scores: stationary, moving, and calibrated use cases. Each sub-score includes the results of a full range of tests to measure autonomy in all kinds of real-life scenarios.

Użu ħafif

sigħat 98

Użu ħafif

Attiv: 2h30 / jum

Użu moderat

sigħat 68

Użu moderat

Attiv: 4 sigħat kuljum

Użu intens

sigħat 43

Użu intens

Attiv: 7 sigħat kuljum



Viva Y72 5G

Viva Y72 5G

A robot housed in a Faraday cage performs a series of touch-based user actions during what we call our “typical use scenario” (TUS) – making calls, streaming video, etc. – 4 hours of active use over a 16-hour period, plus 8 hours of “sleep”. The robot repeats this series of actions every day until the device is discharged.



Samsung Galaxy M51

Samsung Galaxy M51

Using a smartphone on the go puts a strain on autonomy due to additional “hidden” needs, such as the continuous signaling associated with the selection of the cellular network. SBMARK Battery experts take the phone outdoors and perform a well-defined set of activities while following the same three-hour travel itinerary (on foot, by bus, by subway …) for each device



Samsung Galaxy M51

Samsung Galaxy M51

Għal din is-serje ta’ testijiet, l-ismartphone jerġa’ lura fil-gaġġa ta’ Faraday u tagħna robots repeatedly perform actions related to a specific use case (such as games, video streaming, etc.) at a time. Starting at an 80% charge, all devices are tested until they have consumed at least 5% of the battery charge.



Realme GT Neo 3

Realme GT Neo 3

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ ta' Charge

Charging is completely part of the overall battery experience. In some situations where autonomy is minimal, knowing how fast you can charge becomes a problem. The SBMARK battery charge score consists of two secondary scores, (1) Full charge and (2) Fast boost.

Ħlas sħiħ


Realme GT Neo 3

Realme GT Neo 3

Full charge tests evaluate the reliability of the battery charge indicator; measure how long and how much energy the battery takes to charge from zero to 80% capacity, 80 to 100% as shown by the user interface, and up to an actual full charge.

Il-kurvi tal-iċċarġjar, fil-modalità bil-fili u mingħajr fili (jekk disponibbli) juru l-evoluzzjoni tal-indikatur tal-livell tal-batterija kif ukoll il-konsum tal-enerġija f'watts matul il-fażijiet tal-iċċarġjar lejn il-kapaċità sħiħa.

Il-kurvi tal-iċċarġjar, fil-modalità bil-fili u mingħajr fili (jekk disponibbli) juru l-evoluzzjoni tal-indikatur tal-livell tal-batterija kif ukoll il-konsum tal-enerġija f'watts matul il-fażijiet tal-iċċarġjar lejn il-kapaċità sħiħa.

Imbuttatura mgħaġġla


Realme GT Neo 3

Realme GT Neo 3

With the phone at different charge levels (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%), Quick boost tests measure the amount of charge the battery receives after being plugged in for 5 minutes. The graph here compares the average runtime gain from a 5 minute quick charge.



Oppo Reno 6 5G

Oppo Reno 6 5G

Kif huwa magħmul il-punteġġ tal-effiċjenza

The SBMARK energy efficiency score consists of two secondary scores, Charge up and Discharge rate, which combine both data obtained during a typical use scenario based on robots, calibrated tests and charge evaluation, taking into account the battery capacity of the device . SBMARK calculates the annual energy consumption of the product, shown in the graph below, which is representative of the overall efficiency during charging and in use.

Biex jgħabbi


Nubia Red Magic 7 Pro

Nubia Red Magic 7 Pro

The secondary charge score is a combination of four factors: the overall efficiency of a full charge, relative to the amount of energy needed to fill the battery versus the energy the battery can provide; the efficiency of the travel adapter when it comes to transferring power from an outlet to the phone; the residual consumption when the phone is fully charged and still connected to the charger; and the residual consumption of the charger itself, when the smartphone is disconnected from it. The graph below shows the overall efficiency of a full charge in%.



Apple iPhone 12 mini

Apple iPhone 12 mini

The discharge secondary score evaluates the discharge rate of a battery during a test, which is independent of the battery capacity. It is the ratio of the capacity of a battery divided by its autonomy. A small capacity battery may have the same runtime as a large capacity battery, indicating that the device is well optimized, with a low discharge rate.

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Philip Owell

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