Microsoft introduced the so-called WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android) together with Windows 11 and the goal is to bring the two operating systems closer together through various integrations. Now a Microsoft has quietly released an update roadmap for WSA confirming that support for Android 13 is on the way.

Along with Android 13, Microsoft wants to add a handful of useful new features. Easy file transfer between the WSA container and Windows is one of them. This will change the game because sharing files between your phone and PC will be as easy as drag and drop.

Is-subsistema Windows 11 għal Android dalwaqt se tirċievi appoġġ għal Android 13

“Picture-in-picture” probably refers to running WSA in windowed mode on native Windows apps, for example. Considering that “shortcuts” is rather vague and we don’t know what Microsoft means by that. It could mean easier access to some features or apps on your phone directly from your PC. Finally, the company is enabling local network access by default.

Please note that WSA and related features are limited to certain markets and a larger launch is expected to come in early 2023. Microsoft recently introduced a number of enhancements and new features for WSA such as print, location + GPS, secondary display, microphone access, etc.

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Philip Owell

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