Porsche has unveiled its new second-generation Macan as an all-electric model, based on VW’s latest 800V DPI platform. This is an innovative electric vehicle with a 100 kWh battery integrated into the bottom of the car with DC charging up to 270 kW (10-80% in just 21 minutes), two electric motors with a total power of up to 470 kW ( 639 HP) and up to 613 km of WLTP range.

Inside, the car is even smarter. It is among the first to be based on Google’s Android Automotive OS, a standalone operating system that runs in the car. Unlike Android Auto, which is mirroring your phone to the car’s infotainment, the Macan’s infotainment natively runs the Android Automotive operating system.

L-assistent tal-vuċi “Hey Porsche” tal-Macan huwa parti importanti mis-sistema operattiva Android Automotive: jista’ jissuġġerixxi rotot u jinkludi waqfiet għall-iċċarġjar.

Il-Porsche Macan 4 il-ġdid juża s-sistema operattiva Android Automotive

Android Automotive għandha l-app store tagħha stess b'apps ta' partijiet terzi: podcasts, logħob bħal Beach Buggy Racing, u għażliet ta' streaming bħal YouTube u DAZN.

Porsche’s built-in App Center will launch Android Automotive as soon as you approach the car and make sure the operating system is ready once you’re inside. It will also handle software updates in the background.

Porsche ma żvelatx liema ċippa tħaddem is-sistema operattiva Android Automotive, iżda twiegħed li tkun kemm tinstalla apps, mhux se titlef il-prestazzjoni.

As for iPhone users, who Porsche says make up the majority of its customers, don’t worry: CarPlay is built into the Macan. When using CarPlay, Apple Maps appear within the instrument cluster, and you won’t have to leave CarPlay to change the car’s climate controls, for example, since they’re integrated into the main CarPlay screen.

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Philip Owell

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