LINE Games has released Smash Legends, an online top-down fighting game. While there aren’t many legends in the game, there are many variations between them, each with their own unique powers and abilities. As a result, we’ve created a comprehensive roster of heroes to help you figure out who to use in Smash Legends and level up faster.

Let’s kick off our list of the best heroes. Remember that each hero has their own skills and difficulties to deal with, which can make choosing a hero difficult.

Smash Legends The best heroes

1. Alice

Alice has exceptional crowd control, area control, zoning potential, and the ability to block an enemy. You might think she’s not a decent legend if you’re new to the game and get her for free. However, as she progresses through the game, her incredible crowd control gives your team a lot of versatility. Her aerial and attack combos are incredible, and her ultimate lei is one of the most powerful in the game because she can area-stun a large number of enemies at once. Also, when her ability and her ultimate are recharged, her ability to hide her hidden power is useful.

Smash Legends Alice

2. Cindy

One of the best characters in the game. Her ability to spam spells of him is one of the reasons he is popular. However, as you progress in rank, you will find that people can simply avoid your powers by walking left or right. If you know how to interpret it and understand when to employ his combinations, especially when you tackle height and distance with his jumps, in our opinion he is level S.

3. Master Cat

Master Cat is an extremely effective legend for Duels and Battle Royale due to his excellent mobility, damage, and the ability to quickly charge his ultimate. Plus, all four of his abilities load up pretty quickly. Because his recovery period is so short and his range is so long, Master Cat can easily evade. As a result, you can create some good combos while countering most of the legends as well.

Smash Legends Master Cat

4. Hook

Hook is a legendary hero with the ability to stun and block opponents. When you start a pro match in the game, however, most players will easily escape your attacks because pre-aiming in Smash Legends with Hook is extremely difficult. People may not know how to dodge your attacks if you are a new player, making her feel awesome. However, you will not be as good as if you were in a higher grade.

5. aħmar

Red is simply an overwhelming legend with incredible strength. Because its basic attack string is so powerful, even noobs can defeat the pros if caught off guard. She is in Tier A alongside Cindy in 3v3, so if you know how to counter her, you can easily block her attacks from behind when she hits your teammates.

You can download Smash Legends for Android u IOS. For the moment, that’s all we have to say. Keep checking for more information.

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