Logħob tat-tablet Android

Maż-żmien kienu qed jadattaw għal skrins żgħar, għalkemm huwa minnu li l-iżviluppaturi rnexxielhom imorru pass ’il quddiem. Sorpriża li tara titli prestiġjużi ħafna fuq tablets li jiswew ħafnaspeċjalment jekk int gamer regolari u għandek bżonn taraha fuq panel ogħla mit-telefon.

Għażla ta ' L-aħjar logħob għall-pilloli Android, inklużi xi wħud magħrufa, fosthom jispikka Asphalt 9 Legends, titolu ta’ sewqan ta’ livell għoli. Kollha jaħdmu fuq skrin żgħir, iżda jiddi fuq wieħed akbar minn dawk ta’ 5 u 6 pulzieri, fuq il-pilloli ta’ 7 pulzieri li huma disponibbli.

Renju Rush Oriġini

Renju Rush Oriġini

Hija bbażata fuq titolu ta 'strateġija fejn inti tmexxi armata ta' elves, li l-missjoni tagħha hija xejn ħlief li jiddefendi d-dar imsejħa u magħrufa bħala Gnolls. Fost l-affarijiet importanti, għandek tevolvi t-truppi kollha, b'perjodi qawwija, titjib fil-livell tal-battaljun, fost karatteristiċi oħra.

Kingdom Rush Origins hija t-tielet storja, għalhekk għandek ħafna għalxiex tiġġieled, ipprova tegħleb lill-avversarji tiegħek, ħafna huma matul il-progress. Important to say that it is one of the games that are worth itin addition to being totally free for any player on phones and of course, tablets.

Due to its graphic section, it will seem like one of the many titles that appeared on the computerIt is worth mentioning that if the panel is larger, the field of vision is much larger. It gets a note of 4.8 stars out of five possible and passes one million downloads. The last update was in the year 2022.

Asfalt 9 Leġġendi


It is probably one of the games that can be enjoyed on a larger screenAt least the developer has made it known after testing it for a long time. Graphically, we are facing one of the most important Android titles, it also makes use of HDR, to which is added the long experience of running through the available tracks.

You need a tablet with mid-high-end specifications if you want both a good display of content and the use of the aforementioned high-performance imaging technology. In this video game for Android you have brand new brands such as Lamborghini, Porsche or Ferrarifost ħafna oħrajn.

It exceeds 780 races, this in the different seasons that you will have to complete throughout this motoring simulation title. Gameloft is in charge of giving life to this installment, creator of the previous one, the eighth installment, whose level of downloads exceeded the 300 million barrier. 4.4 stars it has.

Sejħa ta 'Dazju: Mobbli

code mobile

It is one of the most important shooters today, surpassing others like Battlefield, as well as having a high-quality graphics engine. The Call of Duty series with this Mobile becomes an important installmentwith a remodeling of many things, among them are the different game levels.

It is adapted to screens larger than 6 inches if you prefer to play on devices from 7 to 11 inches, with an important level of realism. It is a video game that if you try it you will be hooked, it is also important to mention that you can use a controller for greater interaction if you want to play in the built-in multiplayer mode.

Call of Duty: Mobile is a video game for tablets that is perfect as if you played it on a computer, it requires a medium-high processor, RAM memory, and significant storage. The rating of this video game is around 4.3 stars, while exceeding 100 million downloads. Highly recommend for your tablet.

eFootball 2023

As for football simulators, eFootball 2023 Mobile is the best today, surpassing FIFA Mobile thanks to the AI, although not so much in the licenses. This Konami game is one of the important ones, managing to update each season with the different options that it always has, as well as other high-level additions.

With a good level of appearance in terms of graphics, another point to highlight is the high playability, with easy handling, with a digital circular pad and very sensitive action buttons. Teams like FC Barcelona, ​​Bayern Munich, Inter Milan and others are licensedJust like the squad (players), kits, also dribbling and more, details of movements that become realistic if you move with them.

Crash Bandicoot: fuq il-ġirja!


It is one of the games that adapts to the tablet due to the scenarios, which are large and colorful, with exhaustive control as it comes with a large lever on the left side and interaction buttons on the right side. Crash Bandicoot: on the run! will make you get your best version, dodging, jumping and taking down enemies.

With good graphics, Crash Bandicoot: on the run! is called to be one of the deliveries more hectic, to this is added the large number of levels and the difficulty of some of them. This endless runner has a rating of 4.5 stars out of five and has been downloaded more than 10 million times.

Leġġendi ta 'Runeterra

Leġġendi ta 'Runetera

Another of the best games for tablets is Legends of Runeterra, is the League of Legends card game, whose baggage has evolved over time. Despite being based on being a title of this type, there are many points in favor of this well-known installment, which is taking steps forward.

Throw a card, wait for the opponent and improve the throw if you want to continue growing, which is important if you want to win the different games. It will hook you in a good way, so you have a title for a while if it is the genre you are looking for. Legends of Runetera’s note is 4.7 stars out of five.

Impatt Genshin

Impatt Genshin

Despite being a role-playing game, Genshin Impact It will become extensive as it is in an open world, fast-paced as we move forward and improve the characters that we will guide throughout the map. It has a lot of regions, the number exceeds six, which are worth a lot.

Genshin Impact is enjoyable as a major game on tablets, which is where it usually shines due to its larger screen and resolution. It is one of the games that cannot be missing on your tablet, if you have a powerful medium.

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Philip Owell

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