Battles in Rise of Kingdom

Rise of Kingdoms is one of the most fun and demanding video games in the world. gender strategy and resource management for mobile phones. Created by Chinese developer Lilith Games, the title invites us to build our own empire and become the most powerful and feared leader in history. To achieve this, we will have to learn different real-time strategy mechanics, construction and management of resources and battle elements.

In our Rise of Kingdoms guide you will learn the basic elements to give your first steps and start building your empire. The game mechanics combine some of the most addictive and acclaimed aspects of real-time strategy, but there are also city building, resource management and MMO elements. Take note and start taking your first steps to succeed as the leader of a kingdom that makes history from your mobile.

choose your civilization

When you start the game, we can choose between different civilizations and historical groups that have had a strong influence on world history. The Romans, Chinese, Germans or Japanese are some of those who appear on the first screen, as soon as we begin to enter the world of Rise of Kingdoms.

The choice of civilization brings different bonuses and commanders with different abilities and potentialities. Depending on your type of game, and the way you want to develop your culture, you can choose between one and the other.

develop your town

The ultimate goal of Rise of Kingdoms is level up our town, to unlock new buildings, technologies and special units. In the mission selection screen you can fulfill objectives that have as a reward, resources and knowledge to continue advancing in the game. In addition to improving the general structures of your town, you must also strengthen your army and have modern units in order to subdue your enemies, or form alliances with other cultures.

Fights between players (PvP)

PvP mode, or against other players, is one of the most fun. Many people join the world of Rise of Kingdoms for the idea of ​​being able to face death matches against the army of friends, family or strangers through networks, to assess the level reached after hours and days of development. In the list of missions you will find numerous rewards to strengthen your army, but if we optimize our time we will advance faster.

In the Rise of Kingdoms guide you we recommend centering the evolution of your town with the City Council. Depending on the level of development of this central structure, the rest of the buildings will improve, presenting new options, units and operating alternatives. If you want to speed up the development and number of your army, aim to reach level 5 in the Town Hall as quickly as possible. From that moment on, the possibility of a second row of troops is unlocked, being able to send up to two armies to fight simultaneously.

Gathering resources in Rise of Kingdom

To continue expanding the number of armies, keep in mind that the following ranks are reached at level: 11, 17 and 22. The development approach in the Town Hall is organic, since the rest of the buildings will increase in level while our headquarters and new units appear and allow you to participate in more complex missions, battles against other players and wars on the stage.

The best commanders in Rise of Kingdoms

bħall other Lilith Games games for Android, one of the strong bets of the game is for the collectible section. Each commander has their abilities and bonuses for the army in battle, but there are more than 50 and collecting them allows you to have different alternatives to face the battle at all times.

For example, there are commanders like Sárka, Cayo Mario and Constanza that improve the results obtained in the collection of resources. You will save time and you will be able to fill your resource deposits much faster. Others like Cao Cao have bonuses in World PvP battles, or Sun Tzu and Minamoto no Yoshitzune who give us the advantage in Group World PvP battles.

Depending on your style of play, the commanders will help you reinforce those points that interest you. And later you can search to have them all to fill your collection.


Rise of Kingdoms is an addictive, free game, full of alternatives and with a very friendly visual and playable section. At first it may seem very complex due to the variety of actions to be carried out, but by following an objective and the exploration, collection and battle missions, you will be able to advance in your civilization little by little, without that overwhelming feeling.

Choose your culture and advance in creating alliances and a strong army to conquer those who do not wish to have good relations with your civilization. Combine the best elements of Age of Empires and Civiilzation in the same title, colorful, dynamic and ready to play from your Android mobile.

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Philip Owell

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