Monument Valley 10 snin ta' suċċess

Għaddew għaxar snin minn meta ħarġet il-logħba Monument Valley u l-video game tiċċelebraha b'avvenimenti spazjali. Se jkollu sorpriżi għall-partitarji, wallpapers b'xejn u vidjo mimli grazzi u mumenti epiċi għal kulħadd.

Din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tkisser xi ftit mal-iskema konvenzjonali meta logħba ddum daqshekk fis-suq. Tipikament, joħorġu verżjoni ġdida jew jorbtu ċ-ċelebrazzjoni ma 'żvilupp ġdid, iżda n-nies f'Monument Valley għamlu xi ħaġa aktar sentimentali. Ejja nsiru nafu x'kien il-mod kif jirringrazzja lil tant fannijiet madwar id-dinja.

Kif tilgħab Monument Valley?

Monument Valley hija logħba żviluppata minn ustwo games, li tispikka talli għandha settings maġiċi u sbieħ bħallikieku meħuda minn sħarijiet. Fiha trid tiggwida prinċipessa siekta ġewwa strutturi ta 'puzzle majestic. Huma monumenti bbażati fuq "iċ-ċifri impossibbli ta' Escher."

Hekk kif nidħlu fil-video game, irridu niskopru mogħdijiet moħbija, filwaqt li niġu ppreżentati b'illużjonijiet ottiċi li jgħammxu lil kull utent. Barra minn hekk, niskopru l-istorja ċkejkna li ddur madwar il-karattri tagħha.

It has different levels full of fantastic worlds of illusion, art and an excellent soundtrack. As we progress through the game, the difficulty will increase so you have to develop skills at all times. If you want to start playing and get to know it up close, I’ll share a shortcut for you to download it.

Monument Valley turns 10

Monument Valley is celebrating its 10th birthday and it has done so in a very emotional way. To share the excitement of a game that has lasted so long on the market, the only way to do it has been to thank its fans, and to do so they have created a video.

The video lasts only one minute and four seconds and we can see numerous messages shared on social networks by user congratulating the game. In addition, mention their excitement for the 10 years of Monument Valley, what it has meant to them and how they have felt since they started playing it.

Other material shared in the video has been awards received during these 10 years. In addition, they have added unpublished images of sketches of the game’s development, the team responsible and some representative decorations to the video game.

At the end of the audiovisual material, it shows a hidden message indicating the possibility of developing a third part of the game. Currently there are two versions, so the news has not been confirmed or anything like that, the last seconds of the video leave a lot to think about on this topic.

Other surprises to celebrate 10 years of Monument Valley

Monument Valley celebrates 10 years anniversary

Another of the surprises that the people at ustwo games have prepared is about musical special, headlined by Todd Baker, the same composer and creator of the video game music. Also, they have planned other events, but the dates will be announced in the coming days and it is expected to be tremendous.

But this is not all, in addition to the video, the concert and the surprises, Monument Valley has launched a series of wallpapers for devices. They are completely free and you can access them at this link.

This celebration will be very significant for true fans of the game, who will be able to be close to the developers and the entire team that makes up the application. In addition, you will learn stories, details and unpublished interviews about the creative process. If you liked this news, be sure to share it with other fans so they are aware of what’s coming.

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Philip Owell

Blogger professjonali, hawn biex iġiblek kontenut ġdid u interessanti kull darba li żżur il-blog tagħna.