Kif tifdi kodiċi f'Genshin Impact

He adventure game and RPG Genshin Impact It is a phenomenon that continues to grow in popularity. Since its launch in 2020, the game has continued to update its roster of characters, settings, and adventures, challenging fans of the anime-style and online multiplayer genre with RPG and exploration elements. If you want to redeem a code in Genshin Impact and continue adding characters and inventory with special powers, in this article we tell you what codes are in 2023.

Għat - daħħal u tifdi kodiċi f'Genshin Impact, we add jewels or Protogems called Intertwined Fate and Encounters of Fate. These items are used to participate in the gacha system, where we can get some of the best characters in the Genshin Impact universe as a reward.

Kif tattiva u tifdi kodiċi promozzjonali f'Genshin Impact?

l-għażla ta' tifdi kodiċi f'Genshin Impact huwa estremament sempliċi. The first thing we have to do is create a character and reach Adventure Rank 10. This is achieved by playing and fulfilling missions throughout the game, it is not a very complex objective, so after playing for a while and following the instructions of each mission you will reach this point of development in the story.

Il-pass li jmiss, ladarba l-karattru jkun f'dan il-livell, huwa li iEnter the HoYo page, the developer of the game, and insert the code in the Gift section. The system will ask you to first enter with a registered account, and that is where we will put our character’s own identification data.

When redeeming a promotional code in Genshin Impact we have to make sure they are available. There are usually changes from month to month, so check the information pages for kodiċi ġodda. In this list we share the corresponding and valid until June 2023.

Kodiċijiet Genshin Impact disponibbli biex jinfdew f'Ġunju 2023

A new month for players exploring and going on incredible adventures in Genshin Impact. In case you want to try some spins to get Baizu, or prepare the way for the arrival of Fontaine in the summer, there are three promotional codes that if you haven’t used yet, they are still valid.

GENSHINGIFFT It is one of the codes that has been circulating for the longest time. It is a special one-time use code, so if you have already claimed it, you will not receive any prize for it. Another code that you can try to redeem in Genshin Impact is: WTQ2E83WS869. In this case, it rewards you with 60 units of Protogems and 5 Adventurer Experiences. You can also try entering the code GENSHINGIFT to add 50 Protogems and 3 Hero’s Wits.

Hemm alternattivi oħra biex jiżdiedu riżorsi b'xejn?

fil-ħin ta ' żid oġġetti, oġġetti u possibbiltajiet għall-gacha and gambling that gives us Genshin Impact rewards, there are also alternatives. For example, we can watch HoYoverse live streams, log in to the game platform daily, participate in web events, or use Prime Gaming in case the agreement between Amazon and HoYoverse is renewed.

xandiriet diretti

Every six weeks those responsible for HoYoverse carry out a live streaming and distribute three additional codes with 300 Protogems as a reward. They can only be redeemed within 24 or 48 hours.

daily income

Daily check-in in the game also allows you to add Protogems. At most we can add 60 monthly, plus some additional resources depending on the daily reward you choose from HoYoverse.

special web events

Mod ieħor biex tikseb premjijiet jew kodiċi biex tifdi f'Genshin Impact huwa billi tipparteċipa f'avvenimenti tal-web. Veru li dawn isiru sporadikament ħafna, iżda minn żmien għal żmien jinħolqu azzjonijiet speċifiċi li jservu kemm biex jippromwovu l-logħba kif ukoll biex iġibu premjijiet u premjijiet lill-aktar plejers leali.

L-Ewwel Logħob

A collaboration agreement between Amazon and HoYoverse that generates different rewards and prizes. Currently it has just closed, but it is expected that they will renew its realization to continue bringing Genshin Impact closer to new audiences.


Il-proposta ta tifdi kodiċi f'Genshin Impact to obtain rewards is widespread in this type of game. It is part of an incentive for general participation, inviting new players to join and as a gift or reward to the faithful who have been investing hours of play in the world of Genshin Impact.

Some codes in particular may require a higher adventurer level, but from level 10 you can already redeem a large part of the codes that appear every month. If you like to explore adventure and anime style in a multiplayer role-playing world, don’t hesitate to try Genshin Impact’s adventures, characters, and wonderful settings. You will surely find favorite spells and characters among its wide catalog.

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Philip Owell

Blogger professjonali, hawn biex iġiblek kontenut ġdid u interessanti kull darba li żżur il-blog tagħna.