Kif tilgħab solitaire b'xejn fuq Android: l-aqwa logħob mobbli fl-2022

Solitaire is one of the most played card games of all time. Its popularity exploded with Windows computers, which came pre-installed. From there, it has crossed the borders to other platforms, such as mobile, for example, so there are many games and variants of it that can be found today on Android, as well as on other operating systems.

Fortunatament, It comes pre-installed on every Android mobile… Well, in those who have Google Play Games. However, few know this, but here we talk about where to find it to play it anytime and offline, and also list other famous free Solitaire games that are available on the Play Store.

So you can play Solitaire for free on Android and without installing any game

Microsoft Solitaire

Something that very few users know, as we have been saying, is that on Android there is a pack of games that come pre-installed from the factory, as long as Play Games, a Play Store add-on, is present. Just by starting this app, you can find a section on its main screen that shows, among other things, Solitaire. In turn, also comes PAC-MAN, Minesweeper, Whirlybird, Jumping madness and Cricket.

All these titles are not found on the main screen of the Android interface, much less in the application drawer, so you have to access yes or yes to the aforementioned Play Games. There are also other games available, but these will only appear when the mobile is connected to a Wi-Fi network or mobile data, so they need the Internet.

Another way to find the free Solitaire game on Android is through the Play Store. However, to do this you have to disconnect the phone from the mobile data and the Wi-Fi to which it is connected, because otherwise the typical section of the store’s games ready to download will not be displayed, and the idea is to access the Solitaire to play it offline and without downloading anything.

Other free Solitaire games for Android mobiles

Below you will find a series of the best Solitaire games for Android smartphones. It is noteworthy, as we always do, that Dawk kollha li se ssib f'din il-post tal-kumpilazzjoni huma b'xejn. Għalhekk, ma jkollokx għalfejn tħallas l-ebda ammont ta 'flus biex tikseb waħda minnhom jew kollha.

Madankollu, wieħed jew aktar jista' jkollu sistema interna ta' mikropagament, li jippermetti aċċess għal aktar kontenut fi ħdanhom, kif ukoll jikseb aktar opportunitajiet ta 'logħob fil-livelli, oġġetti numerużi, premjijiet u premjijiet, fost affarijiet oħra. Bl-istess mod, mhux meħtieġ li jsir xi ħlas, ta 'min jirrepeti. Issa iva, ejja naslu għaliha.


Living up to the original name of the game, Solitaire for Android, from the developer Solitaire Card Games Ltd, is a title that maintains very well the essence of this popular and successful card game, by presenting conventional deck designs and a board that is quite faithful to the classic. At the same time, it comes with different difficulty levels so that it can be played by beginners and experts alike, with situations that could well be easy to solve or the opposite.

On the other hand, for those who like more extravagant designs and want to put aside the classic, This set comes with 31 card back designs and 14 table background designs to choose from. Added to this, other features include a daily challenge, game options in portrait and landscape mode, smart hints that show potentially useful moves, clock, moves and statistics, unlimited moves, autocomplete option to finish a solved game, undo moves, fun and challenging achievements, and more. It should also be noted that it does not need an Internet connection to play and it is compatible with several languages.

Spider Solitaire: Solitaire

Spider Solitaire is the most famous variant of the typical conventional Solitairealthough the truth is that it is not very different from the original game.

Just like the Loner we all know, tests even the brightest and most agile minds, for having a fairly high level of difficulty for experienced players. However, it also has an easy level for all those who simply want to hang out while they put their gray matter to work and get distracted in moments of waiting. It is another excellent Android game to consider.

Here we have everything, from decks of cards with four suits to different boards and well-crafted animations that help ensure that the gaming experience is not boring at all, something very important in a card game like this one, which does not usually have action of any kind, being, rather, a game of mental ability and concentration. Otherwise, Hints are also available to help keep the game from freezinghorizontal and vertical view options, statistics and other interesting features that make Spider Solitaire another very good Solitaire game for Android, which is why we have included it in this compilation list.

Classic Solitaire

Going back to the typical Solitaire game, we have a more conventional classic version without so many additions, which is Classic Solitaire, a title that also lives up to its name, for fulfilling what it promises. And we can’t say much about this game, except that it is another excellent alternative to the Solitaire game that is installed by default on Android thanks to Play Games. And, in question, it has a pretty high rating in the store, with more than 5 million downloads to support it.

The achievements and challenges are not conspicuous by their absence here, much less other game options such as the timer, the movement counter and the statistics, which are essential to evaluate the performance of the movements, plays and strategies taken at the end of the game. each game.

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Philip Owell

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