Ubisoft was a key name in the industrija tal-logħob in the world for a long time now. They’ve been churning out high-end games across all platforms, and their next mobile release is finally here. Survivors of the wild arena is a brand new multiplayer game with a different version of the classic Battalja rjali concept. In this article, we will look at Wild Arena Survivors and share our first impressions of the game.

In Wild Arena Survivors, 40 players are dropped on an exotic and isolated island as they fight to be the last person standing. Other players aren’t the only enemies through – wild wild animals roam the island freely and will engage with any player they encounter. Combined with a variety of unique heroes and a large arsenal of weapons, this game certainly has potential. Ubisoft recently released the game globally after that soft-launch in selected regions.

Select and upgrade heroes to prepare for the battle island

Starting with the Survivors of the Wild Arena reviżjoni, the game offers a variety of different heroes to use in the game – 10 in total as of now. Each hero differs in their style of play: while some excel in close combat, others have more equipment suitable for long-range combat. All heroes have their own set of weapons, as well as various attributes for Health and Attack. Additionally, the heroes are all unique in their appearance, which fits both the game theme and the character’s play style.

Character selection of the survivors of the wild arena
Immaġni permezz ta' Ubisoft

All in all, there is a huge range of possible characters that a player can use. There is definitely something for everyone and Ubisoft has done well to get that kind of balance. Players can also choose to upgrade heroes using in-game currencies.

Updates follow on node-like system, where each update will unlock the next. All of these improvements improve things like damage, health, movement speed, reload times, etc. It’s a simplified intuitive system, but it still offers a variety of ways to improve the hero. Those who have played Brawl Stars might spot some similarities here.

Dive into the exotic battlefield to be the last person standing

The gameplay in Wild Arena Survivors is relatively simple. After skydiving on the map, the player will already be equipped with some weapons of the preset load of the chosen survivors. The task now is simply to get better loot and survive.

Looting can be done in various ways: from collect rocks and trees, rummage through chests and supply crates, fight with players or wild animals. By doing these things, you gain HP, crystals, and support equipment, such as grenades, speed-boosting drinks, etc. However, crystals are the main currency, as they are used to upgrade weapons and items on the spot.

Wild Arena Survivors Map
Immaġni permezz ta' Ubisoft

The fight is also quite effectively planned. The shots automatically target the enemy and players can use a variety of skills with cooldowns, unique to each weapon, a bit like in MOBA games. For example, the assault rifle has the Rubber bullet which fires a high-damage projectile at the enemy and also temporarily reduces their movement speed.

The controls for doing all of these things feel natural and should only take a couple of games to fully understand the game. In addition, the environment has some special features, such as bushes that hide the player from other entities. There are a variety of wildlife, from crocodiles with buffaloesand act as another threat to make games more interesting.

Crossing the map is a key part of Battle Royale games. Wild Arena Survivors has maps with variable terrain and water, which affects the movement speed of the players. The game also features a horse, which can be used to travel across the map at a faster speed. It’s slightly random and the way it appears and disappears into thin air makes no sense considering the backstory of the game. However, it’s a useful mechanic, which is also balanced quite well.

The lack of maps, modes and content leads to a loss of interest over time

At the time of writing, there is only 1 playable game mode, although there are 2 more currently locked. At this time, players can participate in solo matches to fight 40-player lobby in a normal free-for-all system. Among the locked modes, there is a Trio option and a titled mode B'xejn. It has the following description: “Practice makes perfect! Enjoy a more relaxed and hazard-free mode“. It is not entirely clear what this is, although it will probably be a mode focused on exploring the map.

After playing quite a few games, the game started to feel repetitive. With only 1 map and 1 mode, there was little variety in each match and some players felt too easy to beat, perhaps even controlled by the AI. Because of this, the matches have gotten a bit stale over time.

Survivors in the Wild Arena - Mode
Immaġni permezz ta' Ubisoft

There are no challenges to work on or anything to encourage a different way to play (like exploring new places or hunting animals etc.). Maybe there will be more to play for before the game’s global release. Looking at the game available to play right now, however, there is plenty of room for improvement in terms of replay value.

Wild Arena Survivors offers a simple and balanced progression

After a match, players earn trophies and ratings based on their performance and the system by which this all works is very easy to understand. Trophies count towards a “road of trophies“, which has milestones that unlock more resources. Each survivor also has their own way to trophies and playing with that survivor will distribute additional resources. These resources are for upgrading the survivors for later use in the game and the cycle repeats.

Wild Arena Survivors Trophy Road
Immaġni permezz ta' Ubisoft

There doesn’t seem to be a large pay barrier or overwhelmed object that takes hours to play. Sure, there are ways to get it deheb u Djamanti to update survivors quickly, but that kind of concept is common in most games nowadays. Also, those who play more often will be ahead, however, the way the game mechanics work means that more casual players can still keep up quite well.

The game offers a vibrant experience compared to other battle royale

As this is a Ubisoft game, the graphics and performance should be of a high standard. Fortunately, they are for the most part. However, as the mobile industry progresses, we’ve seen some games emphasize the importance of mid-to-high-end devices for an optimal experience.

Likewise, Wild Arena Survivors can cause lag issues, crashes, or overheating on low-end devices. On a sufficient device, the game runs well and is very responsive.

Wild Arena Survivors - Gameplay 1
Immaġni permezz ta' Ubisoft

Wild Arena Survivors is distinguished by a cartoon-like graphic style and an isometric camera. With the fictional island advertised as exotic, the game environment maintains this status – it looks bright and vibrant with color. The graphical aspect of the game shares some similarities with the likes of Stilel tat-taħbit u Fortnite. Ubisoft has done well to create a game that matches other popular titles but still offers its own unique aspects.

verdett finali

The Battle Royale genre has been around for quite some time. After spending countless hours trying to wipe out everyone else in the lobby, seeing new games popping up in this genre has become less exciting. However, according to our review, Wild Arena Survivors feels like more than just Battle Royale.

The game takes inspiration from popular titles such as Fortnite, Brawl Starsu Logħob MOBAand combines them to deliver a unique experience for anything on the market right now. While there are minor issues like lack of replayability and some lag issues, these are things that can be fixed over time or are simply the result of an industry in progress.

Considering how congested the market is for the Battle Royale genre, it will be difficult for Ubisoft to make its mark with Wild Arena Survivors. However, they have a really promising game here, well planned and easy for anyone to learn and play. It’s about how Ubisoft approaches the global version of the game and how it updates it with new maps, modes and other content.

Mekkaniċi tal-logħob - 9

Progressjoni tal-logħba - 8

Replayability – 5

Graphics and performance – 7

Kontrolli u Interface tal-Utent – ​​9

Elementi free-to-play – 8



Considering how congested the market is for the Battle Royale genre, it will be difficult for Ubisoft to make its mark with Wild Arena Survivors. However, they have a really promising game here, well planned and easy for anyone to learn and play.

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Philip Owell

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