Trid il-logħba Roblox il-kodiċijiet tat-Tycoon tar-Reżistenza? Jekk iva, allura m'għandekx għalfejn tinkwieta dwar dan peress li koprejna kodiċijiet tax-xogħol bi gwida pass pass dwar kif tifdi dawk il-kodiċijiet promozzjonali.

Il-logħob taż-żombi huwa dejjem divertenti u eċċitanti peress li għandek tiġġieled ma 'dawk il-mostri mhux mejta. It-Tyccoon il-ġdid ta 'reżistenza bena bażi ta' fann pjuttost soda fil-komunità tal-logħob Roblox. Mhux se temmen li din il-logħba għandha ħafna affarijiet interessanti li jiżguraw esperjenza immersiva.

Allura mingħajr aktar dewmien ejja nsiru nafu din il-logħba fil-parti li ġejja.

Dwar il-logħob

Ir-Restinace Tycoon hija logħba ġdida ta' simulatur ta' difiża ta' zombie Roblox, li tieħu ispirazzjoni mill-logħob ta' The Last of US. Aħna lkoll nafu li The Last of US huwa pjuttost popolari minħabba l-istorja tarrikkixxi u l-missjoni diffiċli.

Bl-istess mod, se sseħħ fid-dinja post-apokalittika fejn trid toħloq il-bażi tas-sigurtà tiegħek stess u tneħħi hordes ta 'zombies. Barra minn hekk, tista 'tibni torrijiet tad-difiża u timpjega firxa wiesgħa ta' ħaddiema sabiex tkun tista 'faċilment taqla' aktar flus.

But at the same time, it would be more difficult as the level of infested zombies will increase during the night which will eventually force the users to spend their resources. Regardless, if you can use the following resistance tycoon coupons and get free rewards.

Working Resistance Tycoon Codes – May List

In this section you will get working Resistance Tycoon promo codes which will further boost the review. We all know it’s a relatively new game, so we may not be able to deliver new codes any faster. However, we have almost all free reward options in the next list.

  • 30000 Jħobb – ten minutes of double income and a free nuke (new!)
  • 20000 Jħobb – ten minutes of double income and a free nuke (new!)
  • 10000 Jħobb – ten minutes of double income and a free nuke (new!)
  • 5000 Jħobb – ten minutes of double income and a free bomb
  • 2000 Jħobb – ten minutes of double income
  • 1000 Jħobb – a free atomic bomb
  • 500 Jħobb – a free atomic bomb
  • swelling1 – 5k free cash

Keep visiting this page so that you can use working codes and navigate the world of zombies easily. Apart from that, if you like FPS games, you can also check out our Warframe active codes in the meantime.

Lista skadiet

During the first tests, the developer released some codes, which are now unusable. We have covered the list of expired promo codes as well. Thus, you don’t have to face any confusion and enjoy this game efficiently without any hassle.

  • Bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda kodiċi skaduti.

How to redeem resistance tycoon codes?

You can follow the given instructions to redeem those promo codes so that you can use some free in-game items without any problem. So let’s get started!

  • First of all, you need to launch the Resitnaqce Tycoon games.
  • Now you will notice a bird like icon on the left side, click on it.
  • Next, you have to enter that code and hit the Redeem button.
  • That’s all! Enjoy using these additional rewards.

Ħsibijiet finali:

From this post, I hope you get resistance tycoon codes. With them, you can do different things and explore various areas within the games. In the meantime, share your experience with these promo codes in the comment section.

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Ibda Thread ġdid

Philip Owell

Blogger professjonali, hawn biex iġiblek kontenut ġdid u interessanti kull darba li żżur il-blog tagħna.