It-tfittxija qawwija għal loot epikuThe Mighty Quest For Epic Loot is a brand new mobile adventure RPG from Ubisoft. Let’s dive into our Mighty Quest For Epic Loot guide, tips, cheats & strategies

Ubisoft’s latest adventure RPG The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot is now available globally for all Android and iOS mobile users. In this game, players build their own mighty hero and slay monsters in dungeons for epic loot. The goal is to become the mighty hero by increasing strength/power. You will kill monsters for loot like gears, upgrade material, skill upgrade material, etc. The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot game features a variety of modes, starting from the adventure mode where you complete the deeds, their stages: the trial mode where the daily entry is limited for specific items such as promotion stones, gold, power orbs, rare keys, etc. And the PvP Arena where you will fight against other players. We read ours The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot Guide u The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot Tips, Cheats & Strategies!

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The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot Guide – The basics

The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot features simple one thumb gameplay where you control the hero with one hand and tap the screen to attack monsters. Along with normal DPS attacks, you can use the powerful skills to crush monsters in dungeons. You will start the game by playing adventure mode – in this mode, the game challenges you to complete the deed with a series of stages with increasing difficulty.

From these stages, you earn EXP, gears, upgrade material, runes, orbs, and much more. After selecting the level, you can check the possible loot and the recommended power. Along with the loot, you can collect up to three crowns in each level: finish the level, kill all monsters, finish the level in the given time. Get a special reward by getting these crowns: get 10/20/30 crowns. There is a total of (10) acts. When you reach player level 10, you can play these acts on hard mode and earn better loot.

Guide to heroes

As stated earlier, your goal is to build the best hero and increase his strength/might to take down monsters in each stage of the act. Your hero equips helmet, chests, gauntlets, greaves, sword and shield. These gears determine the hero’s stats; CRIT DAN, DPS, HP, PvP DMG Bonus, etc. Go to heroes tab and there you can change gears, check power/potency, stats, skills and talents.

⇒ How to increase heroes power in Mighty Quest Game?

  • Equip better gears (high quality gears give better stats to the hero)
  • Improve equipment through upgrades, promotions and runes
  • Upgrade skills
  • Upgrade talents

Guide to gears

⇒ How do you get gears?

You can get gears from adventure mode and chests. From the Adventure Mode Proceedings, you can grind low-level gears while chests in the shop drop better quality gears. You can know the quality of the equipment by checking the stars: at the bottom of a gear icon, you can check the number of stars. The higher the number of stars, the better the quality.

Go to the shop -> there you can collect three types of chests: rare chests, epic chests and free chests. The drop rate for various types of items is different.

  • From rare chests, you can get 2-3 star quality gear. Abandonment rate: 87.9% for 2*, 12.1% for 3*
  • From Epic Chests, you can get 3-5 star gears. Abandonment rate: 2* for 5 stars, 33* for 4* and 65% for 3 stars

To open the Rare Chest, you need a Rare Key – To open the Epic Chests, you need a Powerful Key. You can get these keys by completing event quests, achievements, and daily quests.

The free chest offers keys, orbs, and gold. The orb is an item that you can use to level up gears. These orbs grant a huge gear EXP to the target gear, compared to gears.

⇒ How do gears differ?

As mentioned above, a hero can equip a sword, helmet, chest, gauntlet, chest, pants, and shield. Each piece of equipment affects the hero’s stats – For example – Helmet, chest, glove, pants affect the hero’s HP stats by a huge amount. When changing gears, be sure to compare the stats: DPS, CRIT DMG, HP, etc. Usually, the game indicates if better equipment is available. It would be with the green color refresh sign.

If you want to increase DPS, HP, CRIT DMG or any other stat, you will need to pay attention to the stats of the equipment.

The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot Forging Guide

Aġġornament -

The first way to increase a piece of equipment’s stats is to upgrade it. In the process of upgrading, you can use the mighty orbs or useless gears. For example: if you have 3* gear, there is no point in upgrading gears to 2 stars. In this case, you’ll use 2-star or low-level gear to upgrade your gear to 3*. Tap upgrade button -> choose equipment -> tap + button to sacrifice low-level gear or powerful orbs -> grant EXP -> fuse.

To promote –

After upgrading the equipment to its maximum level, the player can improve it further through promotion. In the promotion process, you need a separate item, called promotion stones. You can acquire these promotion stones from the trials mode.

Runes –

Runes can be obtained from the trials and adventure castles modes. You can connect these runes to gears and make the gear more powerful. Runes can increase equipment stats; HP, DPS, etc. Go to forge menu -> runes -> tap gear to insert rune -> equip. To remove the rune, you will have to spend gold. Tap gear in forge > rune menu -> then select rune -> remove.

Għaqqad -

The Combine feature allows you to get high level equipment in Mighty Quest Mobile. For example, if you have 2 weapons (max, same type, same star level) – say, 3-star gear (QT.2) – merging these two 3-star weapons will drop random 4* gear.

To use this match feature in The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot game, you need:

  • Two gears at maximum (maximum level)
  • Gear rank should be the same (star level)
  • Same type (type: fire, water, etc.)

How to get upgrade material?

  • Play adventure mode stages over and over again – Repeat previous stages – for orbs, runes, gears (you can use these low level gears to upgrade a better grade gear), EXP
  • Free chest
  • Daily missions
  • Riżultati
  • Event Quests
  • Trials mode
  • Play arena mode to earn arena chest keys – use these keys to open the arena chest
  • Get scroll pages by playing adventure mode
  • Level up to get skill books
  • Level up to get talent books

Promote stones

  • Play trails mode to earn promotion stones

In stone castles promotion mode, you have limited income per day and can earn shield promotion stones, armor promotion stones and weapon promotion stones.


  • From the stages of the acts of the adventure mode
  • From evidence mode

Pets in mighty quest epic loot game?

The animals in the game accompany the hero and collect the gold coins. For example: Destroy the objects while exploring the dungeons and you might get the gold coins. These animals collect this sinister loot. No special buffs, just cosmetic.

The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot skill guide

As you level up in the game, new skills will be unlocked. All of these skills provide a unique buff to the hero. So, when selecting skills, be sure to read the skill description (hero menu). Tap the skill -> equip -> upgrade.

Enhance: Scroll pages and skill books are needed to improve skills. The player can acquire scroll pages from adventure mode stages, events, achievements, etc. But skill books are hard to get: when you level up, you get these skill books. So make sure you use it wisely. Every 5 levels, the player needs this skill book to improve the skills.

The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot talent guide

As you level up your hero, you’ll unlock new talents. Unlike skills, talents are activated automatically during battle. All talents provide a passive buff to the hero. You can gain more benefit from these talents by upgrading them. To improve talents, you need scroll pages and talent books. Scroll pages can be acquired from campaign mode (Adventure mode acts, stages) or from other missions (event, daily, achievement). Talented Books: Talented books are hard to come by. Get the book of talents when you level up in the game.

How to get tickets with automatic win?

  • Complete daily missions
  • Complete achievements
  • From the shop

You can use these tickets to automatically clear a past stage (completed with 3 crowns). This feature rewards you with all dropped items instantly, without having to manually replay that level.

How to level up fast in The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot Game?

  • Play and repeat adventure mode stages to grow EXP and level up
  • Use the auto-win feature to gain EXP quickly
  • Complete all daily missions
  • Complete the objectives

Level up and unlock new modes, features, skills, talents.

How to get diamonds?

  • From event quests
  • Clear reward for first time in Adventure mode
  • Log in for 21 days to get 100 diamonds
  • From trials mode – nature fever

So that would be all in our The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot guide. Let’s take a look at The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot basic tips, tricks, and strategies!

The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot Tips And Tricks: –

1.) Focus on the gears

If you’re stuck on a stage, try upgrading your gears. You can play the previous stages and farm the low rank gears and use them to upgrade a better rank gear. Since all of a hero’s stats are affected by these gears, you should focus on improving them. In the Mighty Quest guide above, we’ve shared all the ways you can improve a piece of equipment.

2.) Master battles

  • As you explore the dungeons, be sure to destroy the items and crates. You can get gold loot from these items.
  • When you fight against a powerful enemy, pay attention to the attacked area in red color and try to push your hero away as fast as possible. Dodging is really important if you want to save HP. Slide your thumb across the screen to sprint/dodge
  • Always equip the best equipment before entering the battles
  • Equip water-type gear in Water Fever – trail mode
  • Equip fire-type gear in Fire Delirium
  • Use Nature-type gear in Nature Fever

3.) Complete daily quests, event quests, and achievements

You can earn EXP, scroll through pages, automatically win tickets, diamonds, keys, upgrade stones, keys to open chests, and more by completing all daily quests, event quests, and achievements. In the missions tab, top -> tap the event banner to check the event missions.

4.) Grab the free chest

In the shop, you can collect a free chest after any given time. Don’t forget to claim it.

5.) Spend skill books and talent books wisely

Every five skill and talent upgrade levels, you will need a skill book and talent book, respectively. Since there is no way to acquire these books other than leveling up, you should choose the skill/perk wisely to upgrade. You can restore it, but it will cost diamonds.

6.) Read the skills and then equip

Using the best skills at the right time can help you get through a difficult phase. We strongly advise you to choose the 3 best skills and talents for the hero – he read the description of the skills and find the best options.

7.) Repeat the stages in the Adventure Mode Proceedings

Got stuck? Repeat past stages in these acts and farm EXP, gears, upgrade material – use these items to make hero stronger and then try again.

So that would be all in our The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot tips, cheats & strategies. Feel free to share your suggestions or queries in the comment section below.

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