The Addams Family Mystery MansionThe Addams Family Mystery Mansion is a brand new Android and iOS game by PIXOWL INC. Check out our The Addams Family Mystery Mansion guide, tips and tricks

Pixowl Inc., the publisher behind the Goosebumps – HorrowTown game, has just released a brand new game called The Addams Family Mystery Mansion on the Google App Store and iOS App Store. In the game, you interact with all the characters featured in the show. Starting with Gomez and Morticia, you will enter the spooky house/mansion – at the start of the game, most of the rooms are locked. As a player, your goal is to unlock all the rooms in the palace and get all the characters. So let’s not waste time and go to the main content – The Addams Family Mystery Mansion guide and The Addams Family Mystery Mansion tips, cheats and strategies for beginners.

The Addams Family Mystery Palace Guide

Let’s start with the basics. In The Addams Family Mystery Mansion game, you have a lot of things to do; actions, missions, fulfilling the wishes of the characters – the goal is to unlock all the rooms – and, to unlock the rooms or expand the mansion, you must be at a certain level. And, to level up, you need EXP/stars, which you get by doing missions, actions, activities.

There are many rooms to unlock, clothes to collect, things to craft. At the top of the screen, you can check the spectral meter, the number of items in the bag, the level bar (amount of XP required to reach the next level), the number of coins and rubies.

Addams Family Mystery Mansion Characters:-

  • Gomez
  • Mortica
  • Pugsley
  • Ziju Fester
  • L-Erbgħa
  • Nanna
  • Ħeġġa
  • Itt (cousin)
  • Parker Needler

How to get characters and outfits?

The Addams Family Mystery MansionGet characters and their outfits from Kooky Boxes and by unlocking their room. Kooky Boxes can be obtained through gameplay or in the shop – you can spend Rubies on these boxes. All characters in The Addams Family Member Mansion game have four types of outfits; common, rare, epic and legendary. And, to unlock all of these outfits or a particular character, you need a certain number of their cards.

For example: To unlock Gomez’s Honeymoon Suit, you need the Honeymoon Suit Cards: 10 cards. And, to unlock Granny and her clothes, you need to unlock her room and get her cards.

In the lower left corner of the game screen, tap the Wednesday character icon to check the character list. Then tap on the character to check his outfit and there you can also see the number of cards you need to unlock him.

What are Kooky Boxes?

Kooky boxes contain Addams coins, cards, ghostly spirits and other items. There are four types of Kooky Boxes in the game:

  • Common Kooky BBox
  • Rare Kooky box
  • Epic Extravagant Box
  • Legendary magic box

Depending on the quality of the box you get the prizes. For example, you can get legendary suit cards or rare character cards from the legendary Kooky Box.

How to get Kooky Boxes?

Kooky boxes are hard to get. And one of the best ways to get Kooky Box is from the vault. At the top right, tap the + button next to ruby. This will open the shop. In the shop, at the bottom, go to the Kooky Box tab. There you can buy Kooky Boxes for rubies.

  • Common Kooky Box – 5 Rubies
  • Rare Kooky Box – 15 Rubies
  • Epic Kookybox – 25 Rubies
  • And, Legendary Kookybox – 50 Rubies

Other methods to get Kooky Boxes: –

  • Fill the spectral spirit meter
  • Watching the video ad

How to unlock the wednesday room?

This is the first hard task or first time you hit the p2w wall in the game. In this quest, you have to unlock Wednesday’s room and it costs you 100 gems. Since you don’t have 100 rubies at the moment, we recommend that you skip this mission for now and focus on saving 100 rubies. Follow other quests and earn rubies (don’t spend anywhere else) and unlock his room. That’s what we did – and you should do the same if you’re an f2p player.

So that would be all in this The Addams Family Mystery Mansion guide for beginners. Let’s check out our best The Addams Mystery Mansion tips, cheats & strategies.

Addams Mystery Mansion Tips, Cheats & Strategies: –

1.) Connect to Facebook for Rubies

At the bottom right of the screen, tap the crystal ball icon -> connect the game to Facebook. Once your account is linked to the game, you will receive 25 Rubies for free.

2.) Visit friends’ mansions

Addams Family Myster Mansion CoinsIf you have connected the game to Facebook and your friends are playing, you can visit your friend’s mansion and claim free Addams Coins. At the bottom right, tap the crystal ball -> Visit -> tap the coin -> claim.

3.) Watch the video ad for Rubies & Kooky Boxes

At the top right, there would be an option to watch the video ad for the common Kooky box. We tried it and the ad loaded, but the game didn’t send the rewards. You can try, hope you get the box.

To get free rubies, you can watch the video ad. Tap the + option next to ruby ​​-> watch free ruby ​​ad. Again, we tried, but the game didn’t send the rewards. Try your luck!

4.) Complete character quests for Rubies, EXP and Coins

Completing character missions is one of the best ways to level up quickly. And, as a reward for leveling up, you get free rubies and coins. So it is recommended that you complete the character quests so that you can level up fast and claim the rubies.

At the bottom left, tap the character icon -> there you get the quests. Tap the “Go” button to navigate to your destination.

5.) Continue doing the character’s actions

The player can earn items such as metal, wood, matches, etc. Completing character actions. Tap on the character wandering in the mansion -> there you will get the chance to start the action. Tap the start button and then you will see the character do that action. Once completed, you will get the spirits and items. Items can be used to create or complete the character’s wishes.

6.) Complete Character Wishes

In the lower right corner, tap the to-do list icon -> there you can see the wishes. Grant items to complete wishes. If you don’t have that item -> then tap its icon to check its origin. For example, Chainmail is the item you can craft on the polishing station.

7.) Craft the items

Characters in The Addams Family Myster Mansion game do not drop good quality items. Instead, they will give you the raw materials – wool, metal, etc. These items can be used in crafting – on workbenches like polishing station, blasting stations, etc. Tap the workbench -> craft.

8.) Decorate the mansion

Go to the gallery and there you can buy many items for Addams Coins. Level up to unlock new decorative items and decorate the mansion.

9.) Spend rubies wisely

Do not use rubies in useless tasks: complete the task immediately, boxes, etc. As you progress through the game, you will need rubies to unlock rooms, so save the rubies!

10.) Get Free Kooky Chests – Spooky-O-Meter

The Addams Family Mystery MansionAt the top center of the screen, tap the spirit bar. It resets every day. At certain spirit collection milestones, you receive free Kooky Boxes. So make sure you earn or get spirits so this meter can fill up. To get spirits, complete character actions.

11.) Update your inventory

A certain number of items can be kept at a time due to limited storage space in the inventory. Collect items and upgrade your inventory so you can store more items. At the top of the screen, tap the stock -> refresh.

So these are simple The Addams Family Mystery Mansion tips, tricks and cheats for starters. If you know of any other tips, share them in the comment section below.

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