Samurai blade: Yokai hunting is an oriental collective azzjoni Logħba ta' rwol żviluppati mill SBL games. The story takes place in ancient Japan where Yokai and humans coexisted. The protector of ‘the Marble‘was killed and the teżor was taken. Players will have to recover the treasure from whoever took it and must be punished. With a large enough player base already, players were interested in knowing if any in-game gifts or gems are obtainable via codes or coupons. Well, the good news is that this is possible by following simple steps. Here is a quick guide to get Samurai Blade: Yokai Hunting to for free kodiċi biex tifdi u jifdihom ukoll.

How to get free promo codes in Samurai Blade: Yokai Hunting

Redemption codes are provided on any upgrade, achievement of certain set goals, or celebration of other things. But one of the best things about Samurai Blade: Yokai Hunting is that the game often offers free coupon codes. These codes may come from the social handle of the Facebook game. But we recommend that you follow this article because we are constantly looking for new workable codes for you.

In this article, we will give you a list of the latest Samurai Blade: Yokai Hunting codes, we will explain how the codes work and how to redeem them, with some of the free codes with their redeemable in-game rewards.

Samurai Blade: Yokai Hunting Free Redeem Codes

Il-kodiċijiet tal-fidwa jistgħu jintużaw biex jitolbu diversi oġġetti fil-logħba bħal Jewelry, Sushi, eċċ Il-logħba tipprovdi kodiċi ta 'fidwa ġdid kuljum. Għalhekk, il-plejers jeħtieġ li jifdu kull kodiċi fil-pront. Hemm ħafna kodiċi tal-kupun disponibbli bħalissa u għandna kollha koperti għalik. Kun żgur li tifdihom kollha qabel ma jiskadu.

Samurai Blade Yokai Hunting redeem the rewards
Samurai Blade Yokai Hunting redeem the rewards

Here is a list of all working codes for Samurai Blade: Yokai Hunting. Make sure you redeem them all to get in-game reward items.

Kodiċi b'xejn Premjijiet li tista’ tifdi
0404ZQQ 300 ġawhar
0408JU 3 Sushi Set
0415BM 3 Sushi Set
0401TY 3 Sushi Set
0325JN 3 Sushi Set

Kun żgur li ddaħħal il-kodiċi eżatt kif jidhru fit-tabella. Daħħal il-kodiċijiet u ifdihom kemm jista 'jkun malajr qabel ma jiskadu. Aħna se naġġornaw il-lista minn żmien għal żmien hekk kif jaslu kodiċijiet promozzjonali ġodda u neħħi dawk skaduti mil-lista.

How to redeem free Samurai Blade: Yokai Hunting codes from the redemption center

Unlike other games, Samurai Blade: Yokai Hunting has a ċentru tal-fidwa tal-kodiċi fil-logħba li inti tista 'faċilment aċċess fil-logħba. Għalhekk, bħall-biċċa l-kbira tal-logħob mobbli, m'hemmx bżonn li tidħol f'sit estern u ddaħħal il-kodiċijiet, imbagħad terġa 'lura għal-logħba biex tara jekk jaħdmux. Segwi l-passi hawn taħt u tkun tista’ tifdi l-kodiċijiet u tikseb premjijiet kbar fi ftit ħin!

Samurai Blade Yokai Hunting Redemption Center
Samurai Blade Yokai Hunting Redemption Center
  • Iftaħ il- Samurai blade: Yokai hunting app mill-kexxun tal-app.
  • Ikklikkja fuq Avatar icon. You will find it in the upper left corner of the screen.
  • Meta tikklikkja fuqha se tieħdok għall-iskrin li jmiss. Issib il- Settings icon at the top left of the box, click on it. Now, find tajba and click there.
  • Kopja a kodiċi tax-xogħol kif inhu miktub fil-kaxxa ta 'hawn fuq u waħħal il-kodiċi fil-kaxxa vojta.
  • Ikklikkja Ikkonferma u rċievi l-premjijiet tiegħek immedjatament!

These are all codes that work and have been tested, for now we will update this space as soon as we know other free redeemable codes for Samurai Blade: Yokai Hunting.

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Philip Owell

Blogger professjonali, hawn biex iġiblek kontenut ġdid u interessanti kull darba li żżur il-blog tagħna.