Murder Mystery 5 is a quite popular Roblox survival game that comes from the Murder Mystery Roblox game series. In this game, players can take on different roles. For example, players may be innocent or the sheriff who must track down the killer before he proceeds to kill everyone with his knife.

If you were looking for Murder Mystery 5 kodiċi Then you have come to the right place. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Murder Mystery 5 Codes – December List

Below is a list of some codes you can use to get a Ruby Shark Pistol, Chroma 8-Bit Sword, Boosts, and other in-game items.

  • CHR0MA – Use this redemption code for Chroma 8-Bit Sword.
  • R4BY – Use this redemption code for the Ruby Shark pistol.

Lista skadiet

Xi wħud mis-sorsi fuq l-internet jipprovdu informazzjoni falza billi jsemmu l-kodiċi skaduti bħala li jaħdmu. Dan jaħli l-ħin lill-utenti u jiffrustrahom.

Kif tifdi kodiċijiet?

Billi tifdi l-kodiċijiet, tista 'tikseb premjijiet kbar. L-użu tal-kodiċijiet mhuwiex problema peress li tista 'tagħmel dan faċilment u malajr jekk issegwi dawn il-passi:

  • Start the game and click on Ikona tar-rigal fuq in-naħa tax-xellug tal-iskrin.
  • Enter one of the job codes in the required area.
  • Ikklikkja fuq idħol buttuna biex tikseb premjijiet fil-logħba.

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Philip Owell

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