Blooming Sands is a worldwide mission Impatt Genshin found in the village of Aaru. However, if you visit Aaru’s village for the first time, the world mission icon will not appear on the minimap. This does not mean that the search is hidden. In fact, there is a prerequisite that must be completed before the mission becomes accessible. The prerequisite is Archon quest chapter III act IV. After completing the Archon Chapter III Act IV mission, set the time and teleport to the passage point in Aaru’s village.

How to unlock and complete Blooming Sands Quest in Genshin Impact

At the Aaru village waypoint, you will notice a world mission icon on the minimap. Follow him and find an NPC named Raef at the top of a small tower and talk to him. Raef will send you to an NPC called Azalai who is in front of a chariot east of Raef’s location.

Genshin Impact Flowering Sands quest
Immaġni permezz ta' HoYoverse

Talk to Azalai and he will give you an item called Raef package. after obtaining it, he returns to Raef’s location and gives it to him. After giving Raef his package, he talks to him again. After talking to Raef, he follows the marker and slides slightly down to find a spot with some cacti in the pots. He places the flowerpot in the marked position. Nermin will show up and then talk to her. After talking to Nermin, she returns to Raef’s location and talks to him. This will end the search.

Rewards for completing the Blooming Sands mission

Genshin Impact Blooming Sands rewards
Immaġni permezz ta' HoYoverse

Unfortunately, this research doesn’t give any Primogems as a reward. The only type of reward you will get from completing this mission are Sumeru’s 20 Reputation Experiences. You will need to claim it by talking to Effendi in the city of Sumeru. That was all! It is one of Sumeru’s shortest world missions and takes only two minutes to complete.

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