Nar ħieles features a wide variety of characters, with each character having a unique ability that benefits the user on the battlefield. Players can equip any of them four character skill in combination of more than 40 font options available. However, free-fire characters are divided into two categories: attiv u passivbased on activating the character’s ability. Kelly is one of the most used and passiv expert characters that benefit the user with extra shutter speed. This Free Fire guide will help you with the best character combinations to use with Kelly and tips for mastering her.

About Kelly in Free Fire

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Kelly is a fictional character from the Free Fire comics and, according to them, Kelly is a Sprinter mill-iskola sekondarja. Shimada Kiriko is another name for her. She likes tmexxija and is often seen on the track. Her mind and his body are programmed to move forward. He will always go on, no matter what the obstacles are.

Kelly’s ability in Free Fire

Kelly has a passive ability sejħa “Hyphen.” Increase the user’s shooting speed by 1% at its initial level. However, it increases the speed of the sprint 6% at its maximum level.

Fire kelly's free guide
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Skill Awakens: Players can unlock Kelly awaken capacity by completing simple game missions. His awaken ability increases first hit damage on enemies by 106%. This ability only activates after sprinting for 4 seconds and lasts for 5 seconds.

The best combination of character skills with Kelly you should try in Free Fire

Since Kelly is a character with passive skills, players can equip one active skill and two passive skills or three passive skills in combination with her. Some of the best combinations of skills with Kelly are as follows:

1. Kelly / Alok / Joseph / Moco

Alok creates a 5m aura, within which players and their teammate regain 5 HP every second until the ability is activated. Joseph increases movement and sprint speed by 20% after taking damage. Bugger spot enemies on their head when the user hits them. This skill combination can be used for Clash squad mode to gain extra movement and sprint speed and kill enemies with reflux.

2. Kelly / Wukong / Hayato / D-Bee

wukongactivating his ability, he becomes a bush shield which is more difficult to target with the default target. On the other hand, hayato increases armor penetration by 10% with each 10% reduction. in their maximum HP. D-naħla increases movement speed and accuracy when shooting. Players can equip this combination for both CS and BR mode for offensive gameplay.

3. Kelly / Misha / Ford / Shirou

Misha increases driving speed and reduces damage taken by enemies while driving vehicles. Ford reduces the damage taken by the 24% safe zone. Shiro marks the attacker within 80m of range, and the first hit on marked enemies has additional armor penetration. This combination can be used while increasing the rank BR mode.

Tips and tricks for using Kelly in Free Fire

  • Players should unlock Kelly’s awakening skill, which she can take advantage of when using snipers.
  • The best character to use with Kelly is hayato. Players can quickly run and take down enemies as well Low HP.

With Kelly’s awakening ability, players should remember to choose AR rifles bħal SKS, SVDetc. to take over the fight and use Kelly for her strengths.

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