Black desert cabinet huwa dinja miftuħa MMORPG game that has captivated the hearts of mobile gamers ever since his own global launch on mobile devices in 2019, which resulted after the game reached incredible heights of popularity on mobile after PC and consoles a few years earlier. The game was created by the South Korean developer Perla abbiss and collected millions of downloads since its release. Players can play as a warrior, ranger, giant, witch or Valkyrie as they begin their adventure in Black Desert Mobile. With a large enough player base already, players were interested in knowing if any in-game gifts or gems are obtainable via codes or coupons. Well, the good news is that this is possible by following simple steps. Here is a quick guide to get Black Desert Mobile for free kodiċi biex tifdi or redeem coupons and also to redeem them.

Who doesn’t like freebies? We would never miss out on anything we would get for free in a game. Game codes play a big role in getting us giveaways, and the developers would drop a couple of events in order to get some giveaways in return. The same goes for Black Desert Mobile codes.

The good news is that Black Desert Mobile has free promo codes that can get you all kinds of in-game assets like Alyaelli Shards, Purified Water, Hot Weather, and more. To get the in-game rewards, you will need to redeem the codes which is a very simple process.

In this article, we will give you a list of the latest Black Desert Mobile codes, explain how the codes work and how to redeem them, with some of the free codes with their redeemable in-game rewards.

Free Black Desert Mobile Codes or Coupons

Here are the free Black Desert Mobile coupon codes that players can use to redeem amazing rewards.

free promotional codes
Free Black Desert Promo Codes
Kodiċijiet Premjijiet li tista’ tifdi
LAHNNCRIMSONLILY 100% hot weather (3 hours), 100% great desert hot weather (40 minutes), purified water, 200 Alyaelli fragments
HAPPY ADVENTURERBD Exclusive gifts and prizes
THE 100 VALUE 100 Handcrafted Skein
SEE WRITING 1000 stones of old age

Kun żgur li ddaħħal il-kodiċi eżatt kif jidhru fit-tabella. Daħħal il-kodiċijiet u ifdihom kemm jista 'jkun malajr qabel ma jiskadu. Aħna se naġġornaw il-lista minn żmien għal żmien hekk kif jaslu kodiċijiet promozzjonali ġodda u neħħi dawk skaduti mil-lista.

How to redeem the coupon in Black Desert Mobile

Unlike other games, Black Desert Mobile has a ċentru tal-fidwa tal-kodiċi fil-logħba which you can easily access within the game. Therefore, like most mobile games, there is no need to log into an external site, enter the codes and return to the game to see if they work. Follow the steps below and you will be able to redeem the codes and get great rewards in no time!

Desert Mobile Redemption Center
Black Desert Mobile Redemption Center
  1. Touch il-buttuna Bars 3 on rokna ta’ fuq tal-lemin iskrin.
  2. Biex tagħżel Settings għall- kantuniera t'isfel tax-xellug fuq l-iskrin.
  3. Touch il-buttuna Use the coupon buttuna.
  4. Enter the redemption code in the file Coupon code box (case sensitive) and tap Use the coupon.
  5. Go back to the main screen and tap the 3 bars again.
  6. Mur fil- posta option and make sure you are on the Family Mailbox tab.
  7. Collect your rewards as soon as possible as they may expire.

These are all the codes that work and have been tested, for now we will update this space as soon as we know more free redeemable codes for Black Desert Mobile.

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Philip Owell

Blogger professjonali, hawn biex iġiblek kontenut ġdid u interessanti kull darba li żżur il-blog tagħna.