Cookie Run: Renju huwa epic city building and adventure Logħba ta' rwol logħba minn Devsister Corporation, famous for their Cookie Run series. Players must build their Cookie Kingdom and team to reclaim the lost land against the evil that lingers in the shadows. Additionally, the game features collaboration with friends in guild battles where players will fight alongside other guild members and defeat new rivals. With a large enough player base already, players were interested in knowing if any in-game gifts or gems are obtainable via codes or coupons. Well, the good news is that this is possible by following simple steps. Here is a quick guide to getting Cookie Run: Kingdom for free kodiċi biex tifdi and also to redeem them.

Redemption codes are provided on any upgrade, achievement of certain set goals, or celebration of other things. But one of the best things about Cookie Run: Kingdom is that the game often offers free coupon codes. These codes are provided by the game’s official social handles such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram. However, we recommend that you follow this article as we are constantly on the lookout for new workable codes for you.

In this article, we’ll give you a list of the latest Cookie Run: Kingdom codes, explain how the codes work and how to redeem them, along with some of the free codes with their redeemable in-game rewards.

The redemption codes can be used to claim various in-game items such as crystals, new sugar gnome, etc. There aren’t many promo codes available right now, but we’ve got some covered for you. Please note that some codes may have already expired or expired soon when you redeem them.

Cookie Run Kingdom redeems rewards
Cookie Run Kingdom redeems rewards

Kun żgur li ddaħħal il-kodiċi eżatt kif jidhru fit-tabella. Daħħal il-kodiċijiet u ifdihom kemm jista 'jkun malajr qabel ma jiskadu. Aħna se naġġornaw il-lista minn żmien għal żmien hekk kif jaslu kodiċijiet promozzjonali ġodda u neħħi dawk skaduti mil-lista.

Kodiċi b'xejn Premjijiet li tista’ tifdi
WE HAVE TOGETHER 3000 kristalli
GOMAGIC EVENT 500 kristalli
CRK1STBIRTHDAYD1 1000 kristalli
CRK1STBIRTHDAYD2 3 Cookie Cutters Speċjali
CRK1STBIRTHDAYD3 100 EXP Star Jelles Lv. 6
CRK1STBIRTHDAYD4 30 time jumpers
CRK1STBIRTHDAYD5 3 compasses, pillars and Aurora bricks
CRK1STBIRTHDAYD6 3 magic cookie cutters
CRK1STBIRTHDAYD7 500 rainbow cubes

Cookie Run: Kingdom has no redemption center in the game. You have to go to an external site and enter the codes, then return to the game to see if they work. Follow the steps below and you will be able to redeem the codes and get great rewards in no time!

Cookie Run Kingdom Redemption Center
Cookie Run Kingdom Redemption Center
  • Iftaħ il- Cookie Run: Renju app mill-kexxun tal-app.
  • Click the three-line icon from the top. The Settings. Mur għal informazzjoni. Int ser tara My DevPlaycopy the email address or remember it for the next steps.
  • Click the three-line icon again. Now click on tajba to go to the redemption site. Or you can just click here to go to the site.
  • Type yours email / DevPlay ID on the first box. Then copy a code from the box above and paste it into the second box on the redemption site.
  • Ikklikkja fuq Claim the reward option. Go to the game’s home page and click posta icon right next to the three lines at the top right. Click the Itlob kollox button and get your rewards now!

These are all codes that work and have been tested, for now we will update this space as soon as we know more free redeemable codes for Cookie Run: Kingdom.

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Philip Owell

Blogger professjonali, hawn biex iġiblek kontenut ġdid u interessanti kull darba li żżur il-blog tagħna.