BitLife simulator it is addictive Logħba ta 'simulazzjoni where you can create your character and play together. The game gives you various life choices and distinctive careers to choose from as you play with your desired character. One of these career players who want to choose and become in BitLife Simulator is an animator and in this guide we will talk about how to achieve this career.

How to become an animator in BitLife Simulator

Statistics requirements

To become an animator in BitLife Simulator, you have to be smart and therefore you have to keep your stats smart. We recommend that you keep yours smart stats from 80 to 100. The higher the smart stats, the greater the chance of getting the job you want. You can visit the library often, read books, and study harder to keep the stats smart.

Kwalifika edukattiva

Once you pass high school, your character will now want to enroll in a major at university. As you choose your specialization, you will have to choose Artikoli. If the Arts option isn’t there, you can too choose to study in a Community College for 2 years and then you can approach to search for the Major arts at the university or you can just grow old to see if the major is available or not.

Applika għax-xogħol

Once you have passed the University in possession of a Bachelor of Arts degree, it is time that you should approach the job role of a Animatur. Look for work in Full-time jobs section and look for the location of a Jr. Animator.

BitLife simulator animator
Image via Candywriter

Once you have found the desired job role, apply for the same and resolve the interview to be selected. Work hard for 20 years until you are promoted to the position of Animator and claim the achievement of Animator.

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Philip Owell

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