The powdery mildewmagħrufa wkoll bħala mard abjadis a cryptogamic disease that can affect various plants, including the rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Many growers have faced this problem which manifests itself with the appearance of white spots on the leaves of the plant. Powdery mildew is a common disease, but with the right precautions and targeted treatments it is possible to control it effectively.

In this article, we’ll explore how to prevent and fix rosemary mildew.

Characteristics of powdery mildew on rosemary

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease which affects the pjanti aromatiċi like rosemary or the sage . It manifests itself through the formation of powdery white spots on the leaves of the plant. These spots are caused by the growth of microscopic fungi, called Ascomycetes, belonging to the family Erysiphaceae. The spores of the mushrooms, not visible to the human eye, develop on the leaves and give rise to the white spots which compromise the health of the plant.

Causes of powdery mildew on rosemary plants

Rosemary is susceptible to powdery mildew due to several reasons. The environmental conditions favorable to the appearance of the disease include mild temperatures between 20 and 27 °C, together with high humidity due, for example, to a rainy period. The seasons in which powdery mildew is most common are spring and autumn, when these conditions are present. Also, the density and lack of aeration between rosemary plants favors the appearance of white spots on the leaves.

Damage to the plant

Powdery mildew patina on rosemary
Powdery mildew can cause serious damage to rosemary plants if it is not controlled properly. The white spots tend to expand and unite on the leaf surface, forming a powdery patina. This compromises the photosynthesis of the plant and leads first to the yellowing and then to the desiccation of the leaves. If left untreated, the disease can lead to the complete decay of plants, especially if young. Considering that rosemary is an aromatic plant appreciated in the kitchen, its care and protection are of fundamental importance.

How to prevent snow sickness on rosemary?

To prevent mildew on rosemary, several agronomic measures can be taken. Here are some useful tips:

  • Scab tal-ward. Sintomi, prevenzjoni u rimedji naturali
  • Mard tal-ward. Kif tagħrafhom u tittrattahom
  • L-ismit tat-tadam. X'inhuma l-kawżi u kif tevitaha
  • Għaliex il-ġilda tat-tadam tinqasam? Kawżi u rimedji
  • Constantly monitor the rosemary plant to promptly detect the first signs of powdery mildew.
  • Maintain adequate ventilation between plants, avoiding dense growth that favors disease development. In this sense, even one good pruning of rosemary it is useful to prevent white sickness
  • Avoid excessive soil moisture, providing moderate irrigation and preferably in the morning, never drenching the soil and avoiding wetting the leaves with sprinkler irrigation.

What are the organic treatments to treat rosemary from powdery mildew?

If, despite the correct agronomic practices, the powdery mildew spots should appear on your rosemary plants, it is possible to intervene with prodotti permessi fil-biedja organika . Against powdery mildew, the classic product that is used is sulfur, in powder or liquid formulations. Powdered sulfur is administered with special sulfur machines (like these) while liquid products are diluted in water and applied with classic sprayers . Sulfur can be given to rosemary plants for prevention, when the conditions are favorable for the onset of the disease, or at the very first signs, i.e. the appearance of white and powdery specks. The important thing is to be as timely as possible and not to advance the disease too much. Here you will find a selection of sulfur-based products.
At home, another product that we recommend to combat powdery mildew on rosemary is the bikarbonat tas-sodju, which, sprayed on the leaf blade, creates an unfavorable environment for the fungus responsible for powdery mildew. Sodium bicarbonate is diluted at a dosage of 10 g per liter of water, it should be sprayed in the evening (never in the hot hours), preferably as a preventive measure, when the disease is not yet active.

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Philip Owell

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