Għaġin bil-brokkoli, awtentiċità fuq il-mejda

Pasta with broccoli is a very easy first course and above all quick to prepare. Broccoli is not only a quick cooking vegetable, but it is very good for you, although it is often not very popular due to its somewhat strong smell compared to other types of vegetables. The dish that I propose today is a dry pasta that can be prepared in just 15-20 minutes. Broccoli is part of the broccoli family and is distinguished from cabbage by their buds, unlike cabbages whose peculiarity is the leaves. For this recipe the classic broccoli cabbage was used, but alternatively we can use other varieties such as that of Roman broccoli, which have a lighter and brighter green color, or cauliflower. In addition, broccoli is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus; it is an antioxidant and purifying food.

Ingredjenti għal 2 nies

  • paste: 160 g
  • broccoli: 250 g
  • sinna tat-tewm: 1
  • parmesan: to taste
  • żejt taż-żebbuġa extra verġni: għat-togħma
  • pepper as needed
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 15
  • Tisjir: minuti 15
  • Totali: minuti 30
  • Kaloriji: 366 kcal / 100 g



The first procedure to do is to remove the broccoli florets from the stems and wash them thoroughly under water.


Bring plenty of salted water to a boil and immerse the broccoli. Let them cook for at least 5 minutes, after which we can lower the pasta. The peculiarity of this pasta is to cook the pasta in the same water as the broccoli, so as to acquire more flavor.


Meanwhile, in a pan, sauté the garlic with a drizzle of oil.


Separately, cut some cubes of parmesan.


Once the pasta is cooked, drain it with the help of a skimmer and place it directly in the pan. Skip the pasta well (remember to remove the garlic once the oil is flavored), add the cubes of parmesan and a good sprinkling of black pepper.


To give broccoli pasta a more intense flavor, we can also add some oil and garlic to the sautéed oil and garlic anchovies, so as to melt and give a stronger flavor. If you like, you can also add dried tomatoes in oil or chopped black olives. Also, you can add some chopped dried fruit or simply of the shredded toast fit-taġen.

Ingredjenti għal 2 nies

  • paste: 160 g
  • broccoli: 250 g
  • sinna tat-tewm: 1
  • parmesan: to taste
  • żejt taż-żebbuġa extra verġni: għat-togħma
  • pepper as needed
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 15
  • Tisjir: minuti 15
  • Totali: minuti 30
  • Kaloriji: 366 kcal / 100 g
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Philip Owell

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