Kejk Moretta: ir-riċetta fejn iċ-ċikkulata hija r-re

Hemm Moretta cake it is a soft dessert of Italian homemade pastry, with chocolate and whipped cream, easy and quick to prepare: it is excellent for breakfast to be dipped in milk, for a special snack, a dessert at the end of a meal or for a birthday cake loved by most small to the greedy ones. The soft consistency of this cake increases if left to rest in the refrigerator for a couple of hours before being tasted: in this way the Moretta cake will be able to absorb the humidity released by the creams placed inside. The result? a mouth-watering dessert!

Ingredjenti għal 6/8 nies

  • Bajd: 3
  • Zokkor granulat: 150 g
  • 00 dqiq: 150 g
  • Ħalib sħiħ: 100 ml
  • Kawkaw morr: 30 g
  • Ħmira tal-ħami: 16 g
  • Butir: 75 g
  • Krema: 250 ml
  • Persimmon cream: 200 g
  • Zokkor trab: għat-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: 1 siegħa
  • Tisjir: minuti 40
  • Totali: 1 siegħa, 40 minuta
  • Kaloriji: 384Kcal / porzjon



Take a large bowl and insert the eggs with the granulated sugar inside.


Whip the ingredients, with the help of an electric mixer at maximum speed, until the mixture is light and fluffy.


Sift the flour together with the baking powder and bitter cocoa; now add half the sifted flour and half the milk to the bowl of beaten eggs: mix gently to avoid disassembling the mixture.


At this point, add the remaining flour and the remaining amount of milk.


Continue to mix with the help of a spatula; then add the butter previously melted. Mix everything together.


After obtaining a smooth and lump-free cream, pour it into a 22 cm diameter pan, previously buttered.


Place the pan in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. After this time, take it out of the oven and let it cool.


Once cooled, remove the cake from the mold and, using a knife, divide it in half.


In the meantime, take the cream and beat it with an electric whisk until you have a light and frothy cream; prepare the cocoa cream in a bowl that will be spread on the base.


Place the base of the cake on a serving dish, spread the cocoa cream and, after filling the sac a poche with the whipped cream, form many tufts until its surface is completely filled.


At this point complete the cake by placing the second cake disc and sprinkle with icing sugar. Place the Moretta cake in the refrigerator and let it rest for at least 2 hours before serving.


  • Bowl
  • Mixer bl-idejn elettriku
  • Għarbel
  • Spatula
  • Mold with a diameter of 22 cm
  • Sikkina
  • Sac a poche

Għajnuniet u tricks

  • If you prefer, you can replace the butter with 100 ml of olive oil: in this way the preparation will be lighter but still very soft.
  • Even the cream can be replaced: try adding mascarpone for example.
  • If you like the idea of ​​celebrating a chocolate-based birthday, we suggest you try the exquisite recipe of Lindt cake or that of the soft Chocolate apple pie.
  • The Moretta cake can be served in many variations: stuffed with jam, with Krema Chantilly or with chocolate cream, created by adding bitter cocoa in the preparation; chocolate chips added to enrich the filling will also be excellent.


The Moretta cake can be stored in the refrigerator, closed inside in an airtight container or covered by a glass bell. għal massimu ta’ jum 3/4.

Ingredjenti għal 6/8 nies

  • Bajd: 3
  • Zokkor granulat: 150 g
  • 00 dqiq: 150 g
  • Ħalib sħiħ: 100 ml
  • Kawkaw morr: 30 g
  • Ħmira tal-ħami: 16 g
  • Butir: 75 g
  • Krema: 250 ml
  • Persimmon cream: 200 g
  • Zokkor trab: għat-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: 1 siegħa
  • Tisjir: minuti 40
  • Totali: 1 siegħa, 40 minuta
  • Kaloriji: 384Kcal / porzjon
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Philip Owell

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