Il-logħba Howl issa hija disponibbli għall-Android, avventura strateġika interattiva li tiddefinixxi mill-ġdid il-konfini tal-logħba narrattiva u tattika. Żviluppata minn Astragon Entertainment flimkien ma' Mi'pu'mi, din il-logħba bbażata fuq id-dawran hija ppreżentata bħala ġawhra fi ħdan il-ġeneru tal-fantasija skura, li tistieden lill-plejers jesploraw qasam fejn it-tmiem kuntenti tar-rakkonti tradizzjonali huma għan pjuttost diffiċli. biex tikseb.

Howl immedjatament jispikka għall-preżentazzjoni viżwali unika tiegħu, karatteristika li tiddistingwih minn logħob ieħor fis-suq. Bl-użu ta’ stil imsejjaħ “linka ħajja,” l-arti tal-logħba tevoka s-sensazzjoni li tara l-illustrazzjonijiet tal-fairy tale jieħdu l-ħajja quddiem għajnejna. Din l-estetika, li timita tekniki tat-tpinġija bl-idejn, mhux biss tarrikkixxi l-esperjenza viżiva iżda wkoll tgħaddasna f’dinja fejn il-linja bejn ir-realtà u l-fantasija tgħib.

qbid logħba howl

F'Howl għandna r-rwol ta' erojina unika fil-ġeneru: profeta trux li d-diżabilità tagħha ssir l-akbar saħħa tagħha. Mgħammar bil- abbiltà li jantiċipa movimenti tal-għadu, this protagonist invites players to think strategically, anticipating enemy movements to overcome cunning and dangerous adversaries. Designed to be highly tactical, battles challenge the player to use wits over brute force, offering a different and deeply addictive approach compared to traditional turn-based clashes.

The heroine’s journey is not only a journey of survival but also of discovery and redemption. As we move through the 60 levels distributed in four chapters, not only seek to save their people from the fearsome plague of wolves whose howl turns listeners into beasts, but also to find their lost brother. This journey is enriched by the acquisition of special abilities such as the Catapult, Smoke Bomb, and Piercing Shot, each of which opens new tactical avenues to explore.

screenshot of howl game for android

The plague of wolves, an evil that has devastated the kingdom, transforming its inhabitants into beasts, serves as the backdrop for this epic adventure. As players navigate this dark yet magical world, they not only battle formidable enemies but also weave their own prophecy, creating a unique narrative with every decision made on the battlefield.

Available for Android on Google Play, Howl offers a completely free demo version for those who wish to try their hand at this challenging and richly illustrated environment. The full version of the game, accessible through an in-app purchase, promises hours of strategic gameplay for a modest price.

If you like strategy games and dark fairy tales, Howl represents an invitation to lose yourself in a world where art, narrative and tactics merge in a masterful way. With its innovative use of “living ink” and a focus on strategic anticipation, this title is not just a game, but an experience that challenges players to think, plan and dream in a universe where every move can change destiny. of a kingdom

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Philip Owell

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