OnePlus Buds 3 reviżjoni

L-OnePlus Buds 3 huma l-aħħar earbuds verament bla fili tal-kumpanija. Il-kumpanija nediet l-ewwel earbuds TWS tagħha f'nofs l-2020 bil-OnePlus Buds oriġinali. Qatt ma rajna OnePlus...

Kompli Qari OnePlus Buds 3 reviżjoni

Reviżjoni tal-headphones Sony MDR-MV1

The MDR-MV1 are Sony's latest studio mixing and monitoring headphones. They could be considered the spiritual successors of the legendary MDR-7506, which have been around for over 32 years and…

Kompli Qari Reviżjoni tal-headphones Sony MDR-MV1